Not to be out done... Marc Laidlaw Interviews With New Rising Media


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
Reaction score

New Rising Media scored an interview with the elusive Marc Laidlaw and guess what? It's full of awesome and there's a lot of Half-Life discussion going on. Here, just read some quotes if you don't believe me...

"We stuck Gordon in a black leather HEV torture suit like something out of a Clive Barker film. Eventually we settled on a fairly straightforward story of one man against an invading force…our twist was that Gordon was no longer alone, no longer the one man saving the world, that everything he did was part of a cooperative effort. He did things for other people—most of the goals in the game are someone else’s. Which is a good way to motivate a cipher. Once we had the world, we still had to make it feel like Half-Life 1; it still needed some kind of connection. And we found that in the Science Team—the survivors of Black Mesa, who knew how this had all begun, knew Gordon, and had (in some inexplicable way) been waiting for him."​

"Ravenholm was originally just a dark, dreary mining town—it was all about the claustrophobic streets, the teetering buildings, the oppressive sky. We planned it to be a haven that had been attacked by the Combine, we thought it would have one obsessive inhabitant who lobbed grenades and molotovs from a church tower, to help you get through town. But at some point, when we started integrating our physics engine with the game and designing environments to take advantage of that, we turned it into what we called Traptown. That’s when it started filling up with saw blades and zombies."​

"...[At Valve] I bob around in a tank full of strange shapes and projects that I occasionally get a glimpse of. There are literally secret projects in some of these rooms now…I think if I wandered into them by accident, I would never be seen again. Another employee recently saw me walking around looking in offices to see if I could find someone I knew, and asked if I had gotten separated from my tour group."​

Sadly, though, Marc did not spill any beans on Half-Life 3 or give details on any of the secret projects. We know that Valve is working on some new controllers that will begin beta testing soon. And there's that Linux beta and virtual reality stuff that Michael Abrash has been talking about. Dota 2's not very secret at this point. Could it be Half-Life 3 and a new Source Engine?

What kind of secret projects do you think they're working on that the public doesn't know about?

Via: Steam Forums


  • marc-laidlaw.jpg
    26.3 KB · Views: 20,552
why the hell are you linking to a forum post that links to the article instead of just linking the article!?