Not yet begun??

it will probably be released at the same time that they released the preloading of the beta.that was 6 pst or 2 gmt at night
snak3y3z1001 said:
im the source :p. actually im assuming its 3pm pst because thats the same time cybercafe got theres.

Ah ok, makes sense.
if they go exactly 48 hours later.
It'll be 9:26 pm est.
but whatever it is.
I am guessing it'll be x:26
We'll see if i'm right later I guess.
It's a shame that VALVe hasn't told us spesifically when :(
if its 3 pm its probobly 9pm where i live, i think.
Well at first I was outraged at the idea of having to wait until as late as 6 P.M. tonight to play the beta, but fortunately (ironically) I got kicked in the mouth in karate class last night, and it made the orthodontic device I have get bent crooked... so I'm going to have to go to the doctor's office when they open this morning to get it fixed. Then I have a drive for driving class at 10 A.M. (PST) which if I don't show up for, will get me a hefty fine.

Now I'm happy that it won't start until later in the day! I'm sure glad that guy nearly broke my jaw! :LOL:
hmm if it starts at 3pm PST what would that be GMT? (assuming GMT is the time at the bottom of the page).

still havnt figured out the time differences
BIO: Nice sig, so true. People keep saying they have the 6800 running on like a 350 psu, but thats just stupid. Of course it will run but without the recommended power it doesn't run as good as it could. I myself have a x800xtpe on the way, hope i don't get screwed this time.