Notable Film Deaths


Dec 27, 2006
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I stumbled across this pretty cool website which gives a chronological list of some of the greatest death scenes in motion pictures:

Good to see some of my faves making the cut: Rutger Hauer in "Blade Runner" and Robert Shaw in "Jaws".

Warning: contains gore and occasional nudity.
Cool page, but the pop ups anger the soul.

And there's no Indy and the Last Crusade.

"He had chosen.......poorly"
Simba's Dad. :(
that list sucks as it's not geared towards over the top deaths, just deaths in general list is better: ;)

crazy death list:

Wild At Heart, William Dafoe gets shot in face with shotgun, his face like a mask ends up as bloody pile on the ground

Pulp Fiction: the infamous Vincent shooting passenger in the face scene

Tarzan (old movies cant remember which one) ..savage tribesmen capture white men, tie captives legs each to a bent tree ..cut rope of both trees simulatneously resulting in: wishbone effect with legs + being thrown hundreds of feet in the air = win win

the Big Red One: american gi's hidden in small foxholes get run over by tanks ..they were kneeling in hole = pancake soldiers

Starship Troopers + creative dismemberments = nuff said

others I cant remember
Wild At Heart, William Dafoe gets shot in face with shotgun, his face like a mask ends up as bloody pile on the ground

That scene was a victory on so many levels it nearly killed me.
They didn't get run over in Big Red One.

sure they did

The sight of enormous German tanks rolling over the tiny holes in which soldiers hide?their heads barely below ground level, and thus nearly touching the vehicles' treads?epitomizes the terrifying surrealism of the smoky, disorienting battlefield.

oh almost forgot: the scene in Catch-22 where one of the main characters gets accidentilly sliced in half by his crazed friend
yes they did, some of them died hear them scream ..when a tank runs you over the likelihood of survival is next to none
I always saw the soldiers as screaming in terror as the massive behemoths rolled over the position. The noise of the engines, the smell of oil and mud (blood, maybe?) and the fact that the mere infantry soldier is but less than a metre from the armoured enemy. Far as I could see, the soldiers were mostly under the undercarriage of the tank, and the ones that you see underneath the treads seem to be fairly underground. I've not seen it in a while.

Great scene, anyway, if a little odd how they dug the holes to actually stand in so fast.
they had to duck into the holes ..any weight on them would surely kill them
They were screaming because they actually had a chance to scream for once since the sound of the tank would drown out their screams.

And well there's a tank literally an inch above you.
they had to duck into the holes ..any weight on them would surely kill them

Like I've said, far as I could tell the tanks rolled right above them, over the incline of the hole and the only parts that would of touched them would of been the part of the tread that would of sagged from the wheels as it roleld over, and that would of just been a heavy weight, not a force.

Hell, I know I'd be screaming if a tank was rolling over where I was hiding.
ok I havent been able to find any definative answers ..although this quote by director Fuller seems to support your claims:

# The screams from the foxholes as the tanks roll over them seem strangely out of place, but actually happened. Samuel Fuller said, "When we were in those holes, and the tanks were rolling over us, it was our only chance to scream all the terror out and not be heard. We got it all out in those holes..."éphane-Audran/dp/fun-facts/0790741814

dont say Stern doesnt own up to the possibilty that he may be wrong (which is an extremely rare occrance, go buy lottery tickets ;) )
/sets off fireworks, opens champagne
Braveheart had a pretty epic death.
Falling down had the best one imo.
Twelve Monkeys was good
Dr.Strangelove, that guy riding the bomb.
Jesus Christ Superstar
Only one worth posting

I imagine this thread will have a lot of, "OMG SPOILERS I HATE YUO" posts. But oh well. Most of the movies on my list none of you will ever watch anyway.

Ah Jong in The Killer
Leon in The Professional
Burai's death in Casshern
Joker in Return of the Joker, because that's not funny, that's not...*falls*
Andrew, Bicentennial Man
Christy, Care Bears 2
Monica Swinton in A.I.
Jerome in Gattaca? Wasn't an epic death but it was pretty sad.
Tyrell from Bladerunner ...head slowly crushed/eyes gouged into sockets
Pulp Fiction: the infamous Vincent shooting passenger in the face scene
Dat's on there, mon.

Anyway, I immediately swept through to 88. Hans Gruber was there so I was happy.

But reading through the whole thing is kinda depressing to be truthful. Prime, Arnie... GOOOOOOOOOSE! :(
The blood test scene in the Thing. Palmer reveals himself, grabs one of the survivors and bites him on the head and flings him around like a ragdoll, he's slammed into a hanging light, then the poor sob is thrown into a wall, and then burned to death with a flamethrower.
So overdone though. I laughed when Mel bit the dust. FREEDOM!! I couldn't help but giggle.

After thinking about it a few times, I decided that it was hilariously bad. Like most of that movie.
heh I thought it was melodramatic ..kept on thinking to myself "oh just jump in already.. and TAKE EDWARD FURLONG WITH YOU" ..annoying git ..otherwise it was a fun movie ..personally I like how arnie died in the first one ..much more fitting
I thought Hudson's death in Aliens was pretty cool. Guy goes mental, someone uses more rounds in his weapon than already said and then gets overcome by several aliens in the floorboards. I really liked Hudson, but his death was inevitable anyway.
The movie's actually a month older than you are, my friend. :laugh: Almost exactly a month older...March 21, 1986.

Greatest era of all time, bro.
eww carebears, it's made for toddlers, that says something ..I purposefully try to disuade my 3 yr old son from watching it's just so sickenly sweet almost as bad as Barney
Someone dies in CareBears? Nobody thought of the children back then.