Note To Self: Don't drink odd liquids

Tr0n said:
Well...Alright you got me there.

You shoulda gave me better lovin... :|
At least I didn't give YOU the son of a bitch.
Bah...I got other bitchs.

I don't need you!
But but but! ...okay, how many threads have we hijacked to do this so far?
Haven't heard from dalmari for about 8 hours...
lmao thats funny.. poor guy is probably stuck on the crapper all this time lol. Anyone know why he did it?
Ok, here is how it went

9pm- Logged off, said NN on IRC, went to bed

10:32- Woke up to extreme gut pains, I knew what was coming

10:32 to around 11pm- Pooping, it was solid though.

Sat down at my computer and read the forums, sat down for about 10-13 mins and went back in

Pooped brown water for about 25 mins, along with much pushing, hurt like hell

Repeated process until about 1am, went to sleep finally, woke up 5 hours later to get ready for school

I dunno if it was really laxative (as in, strong enough to make me poo brown water for about 3-4 hours), I might just have been sick from never wearing a coat at 30F weather.
Omg...I can't believe I just read that. :|
The Dark Elf said:
lmao thats funny.. poor guy is probably stuck on the crapper all this time lol. Anyone know why he did it?

Thought it was pop :| it had fizzes in it, was in a bottle, figured it was ok to drink until I googled it.
...This just in - Freak tidal wave wipes out village as waste pipes leading out to sea go into overdrive...
Link said:
...This just in - Freak tidal wave wipes out village as waste pipes leading out to sea go into overdrive...
Well now, there's a visual image I could have lived without

My friend accidentally ate some of those Ex-Lax chocolates... after I handed them to him. :LOL: It wouldn't have been bad if he hadn't grabbed the whole block of them (significantly more than an adult's dosage) before I could break off a piece (a small child's dosage) for him.
Drink lots of water today dude, I once had diarrhea(sp?) in France round my birthday time... i was 13 and i pooped myself in my sleep :x
oldagerocker said:
Drink lots of water today dude, I once had diarrhea(sp?) in France round my birthday time... i was 13 and i pooped myself in my sleep :x
Holy GOD!

Edit:...I felt that was warranted.
You're all going to burn in the fiery pits of hell forever and ever.

Have a glorious day.
I shouldn't have read this thread while eating milk-mushy gingernut biscuits...
oldagerocker said:
Drink lots of water today dude, I once had diarrhea(sp?) in France round my birthday time... i was 13 and i pooped myself in my sleep :x

Any respect I once had for you is gone :p
"You know when you shit yourself when you're sleeping? Not that I do it... but I did it last night."
For some odd reason, this makes me want to start a journal that records all of my bowel movements.
yeah well when i was <5 i drank methylated spirits. mistaking it for water

beat that
Me and my friends tried to make absinthe when i was like 14 (4yrs ago)
I woke up covered in poop and vomit.
hah this thread is good... I can laugh at all the poopers :p
Drink lots of water? Dude, the lax has already passed, THANKS FOR THE INFO SO LATE!
ship said:
For some odd reason, this makes me want to start a journal that records all of my bowel movements.
Dear journal, at six today I had exploding diahrrea...
No wonder you guys have all these mental problems....drinking 'strange' liquids.
More like 'extremely posoinous/insant death' kind of liquids.
-Viper- said:
Don't they put fungus in Pepsi to give it that 'twang?'
I dunno...but it's like they INTENTIONALLY make it taste like carbonated concrete and mold.
When I was 7 my cousin hit me behind my head at full force with a metal baseball bat when I was trying to be catcher in baseball, was knocked out for a good hour I think, went to the hospital.

beat that
Dalamari said:
When I was 7 my cousin hit me behind my head at full force with a metal baseball bat when I was trying to be catcher in baseball, was knocked out for a good hour I think, went to the hospital.

beat that

Once I hit my head with a pillow and was out for 10 hours. :O
So I was at tee-ball practice when I was 6, and I saw a bee. Being 6, I naturally ran away...straight into a low metal exercise bar on the playground we were on. I flipped over the bar, fell directly on my head, and bit a hole straight through my tongue. It's funny, you'd think after that experience that I wouldn't PAY somebody to put another hole in my tongue and stick a metal bolt in it.



Anyways, pooping sux, nuff said.