Notice the difference


Oct 5, 2006
Reaction score
One thing I noticed white I was plying the half life for a 4th time.

Here is the train station on plaza in the first chepter:


And here it is later in game:


As you can see the clock appeared.

Now the question is, why? Why would anybody put a clock there in a middle of "war"? Is it just the thing that valve forgot to put in the first level?


BTW. Go easy on me, this is my first post.:E
Not every resistance member has a watch on.

Infact, none of them do. Have you ever gone days without knowing the time? It's quite daunting.
I think the Combine had more to worry about instead of a non-functioning clock on a building.
Could be a petty sign of rebellion, tbh, I don't think it matters.

Perhaps the Resistance were in search of hands, there's many answers to that open-ended question.

Either that or the clock is a war veteran.
The building to the right got an antenna between the two as well.

I've noticed how the clocks have burnt-in marks on the number board, and guessed that was when all clocks in the world stopped.
It's a different train station, they're all built on a similar plan. :D
The obvious answer is the G-man put it there.

You know how he's always talking about time. "Time to choose," "in the meantime," "short time span," etc. When he dropped Gordon off at the trainstation he realized there was no clock, and that simply wouldn't do, so while you were out saving City 17 he was at the interdimensional department store picking up a clock.
By the way, has anyone moaned at Valve yet about this?
I can't say why those things are changed, my only guess would be once they were editing the trainstation original to remove the doors on the front, that they wanted to 'smash' it up a bit and make it miss some things. Although that doesn't explain the additions really.

The missing clock hands I think would have been removed by the combine in an effort to make the lives of the rebels harder. Humans without knowledge of time makes things harder to organise and as Danimal said, is pretty daunting.
Spot the difference. There are _ differences in this picture? can you spot them?

I wonder why valve didn't use the original template to see what they might have missed or to put in, i bet they just used the models and replace some bits, not referring to the before template.

F*ck it, the windows are different. it was the lost week which changed alot. They rebuilt the windows, made the antenna, gman put up a clock, put a monument propaganda and crap like that.
The buildings on the sides of the station are changed too, the one on the left isn't white anymore, and the layout of the windows have changed ever so slightly, not just the top ones.
Its a good question why they didnt use the same model, but I think its because of the the beginning, you are leaving the trainstation, while later on you are approaching it..I know in the beginning, I never looked back at the train station...
Its a good question why they didnt use the same model, but I think its because of the the beginning, you are leaving the trainstation, while later on you are approaching it..I know in the beginning, I never looked back at the train station...

Good point. Valve are known for optimizing things.
It is kind of odd that they couldn't copy what they had already done...
Who said they had already done the first plaza when the second one was made?
I thought I saw some clocks with hands, at that police station thing on Water Hazard; you know, the APC parkings and the big gate you gotta smash.

But the hands don't move.
I thought I saw some clocks with hands, at that police station thing on Water Hazard; you know, the APC parkings and the big gate you gotta smash.

But the hands don't move.

Screen or youre a spawn of me.
Caused by Superboy-Prime intefering with his near-galactic prison making ripples in reality? :O
Screen or youre a spawn of me.

Too much trouble to screen, but I can tell exactly where.

There's two actually. The first is right in the first room you enter, with the ammo box on the shelves, beside the door. It's stuck at just before 1:00, while the second one (same time displayed) is in the room with that tortured to death corpse, above a table with supplies on it.
Well, theres roman numbers, you can read em.
So, maybe now we know the time when seven hour war started. Combine would probably sent an EMP before their attack to make humans unorganized and without power.
Wait, planetary, was the clock giganticor a small house clock. There are two clocks. One is the train clock the other is the small one.


I doubt EMPs work on clocks :<
They will if they are digital.
As as clocks being digital is a standard now.. it potentially will.
Not on those as large as the ones on the train station though.
EMPs destroy anything with a computer circuit. So analog clocks will not be affected, as they are driven by springs and gears...
Wrist watches are done with quartz crystal oscillators and several binary counters, and probably a Signal decoder for the LCD/LED screen. All of that is turned into smithereens with a large EMP. Essentially it destroys all internal circuitry.
Things like the Big Ben will work, old farts use springs.
They would still be battery driven, correct? :p

EDIT: Oh, and if they weren't, the Combine wouldn't let us... um, you know, whatever it's called when you turn clocks up.

No, that's just for alarms.

Maybe I didn't mix up the hand's after all, I mean, that was already well into the day, since we arrived at the station in the morning. It surely wasn't 8:35, way too early!
I think 8:35 fits for an arrival time...figure we got all day running through the canals, starts getting late during the helo battle, and dusk at the scrapyard...
Agreed; 20 before 1 seems reasonable for the big gate, unless of course, you're speedrunning. :)
They do look to be the same building, but I think that was not the desired effect that Valve had hoped for. Game designers often duplicate buildings and change certain parts of that item to make it look unique. Maybe the building was toned down by a change in graphics settings? There are lots of differences here though. Mainly the windows...
Combine were remodeling City 17, try listening to the combine chatter noob