Now I know what the combine are


May 8, 2004
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And no, I'm not going to spoil it for you.

Some guy imagined (I'm not going to hang him out because he didn't mean anything by it) that I knew what they were, etc, and told me.

Now I'm a bit.... "Umm... Okay". Even if you think someone does know, maybe you should aproach them without spoiling stuff first and assuming they already knew, eh? I had no warning of this spoiler but it's okay. I just wouldn't want it to happen to others.

*blinks* ...

Well now we all know that they're not human, because otherwise nobody would be making posts about knowing what they are. :dozey:
so to clarify: he thought you knew, but you didnt, and he told you?
he should have made sure, esp. if he knew you really liked hl2..
I guess it's like finding out all the clone troopers in Attack of the Clones are in fact clones. Man when someone told me that i was totally pissed off.
Or when somebody complained when I told them the ship sinks in the Titanic.

"Damn I was looking forward to that film!"

Mr-Fusion said:
I guess it's like finding out all the clone troopers in Attack of the Clones are in fact clones. Man when someone told me that i was totally pissed off.

"clone troopers in Attack of the Clones are in fact clones"
you mean them being called CLONE troopers didn't give it away?
Icarus said:
"clone troopers in Attack of the Clones are in fact clones"
you mean them being called CLONE troopers didn't give it away?
I wasn't being serious in case you couldn't tell
ah...sorry mate :)
no offense, but I just thought you were a new kind of dumb...
But I guess I was being a little dumb to my sarcasm-o-meter
bliink said:
so to clarify: he thought you knew, but you didnt, and he told you?
he should have made sure, esp. if he knew you really liked hl2..

That's my point with the post.
The combine are robotic suits of armor, hollow on the inside and filled with candy. When you kill them with a blunt weapon (Stunstick, crowbar, whatever) they pop open and the candy spills out.

Atleast, that's what Jesus told me. He lives in my thumb.
lives in my thumb...heh.

Knowing what the combine are wouldn't bother me too much but then again i'd rather find out through playing the game rather than being told. Wish the leak hadn't got out...;(
Rupertvdb said:
lives in my thumb...heh.

Knowing what the combine are wouldn't bother me too much but then again i'd rather find out through playing the game rather than being told. Wish the leak hadn't got out...;(

As far as I know, pretty much everything here is poorly informed speculation - that's about all that's possible for now. Unless one of us got lucky, I doubt anyone here spoiled too much. But who knows, my thumb might be right about the candy thing. He knows a lot about this stuff.
I have no concrete evidence or 100% confirmation. But from the one thing I saw - and if I'm going solely off of that one thing - then I guess I know sort of what the Combine are.

Actually, it's two things. But the second bit is more suggestive than anything.

Of course, everything else about them is a mystery to me. I don't think I've spoiled too much for myself.
so does the leak reveal exactly what they are and why they're here? if it does im very gratefull that noone has spoiled it for me yet.
But if they are alien, then why are they fighting the other aliens? And by the way, any sign of Race-X in HL2?
umm... Aliens are already been said to be fighting other aliens, you've already seen the alien slaves help Eli in the lab... =/ Noone said the Combine were evil btw, if you don't know already, then you won't get any wiser on these boards, trust me on that.

For all of the de-railers, this thread is about *not* spoiling. It isn't a spoil-thread, nor is it guess-and-discuss the combine.
This thread is in dangerous territory. It should be either moved to the Rumour and Speculation forum or closed, just in case some stolen build info gets slipped into the mix.
ive tried the stolen build, theres no info in it that we dont already know.
guinny said:
ive tried the stolen build, theres no info in it that we dont already know.

That's really great of you..
guinny said:
ive tried the stolen build, theres no info in it that we dont already know.
exept in the wav's
Six Three said:
That's really great of you..

more like im not a baby about it. omg its stolen you are satan if you try it!!!!! :O get over it, it got leaked, its free on the net, everyone should have tried it, because they would anticipate this game even more.
We know that the combine police are atleast human... well, they speak english and look like humans.
How do you know they look like humans? You've never seen one with a mask of. Neither have I but still.

And hey Guinny... It's not "Free on the net". You're not fair against VALVe if you download their hardworked -- unfinished -- game which they never intended you to recieve. Even if you DON'T judge it by the beta-alpha-leak it's still unfair against VALVe. So hey, go put another stick up yours, because it's "NOT OKAY" just because it's on the net.

That said,
this thread was never meant to discuss the origin of the combines, or what they are or may be.

indeed.. when you speak of combine you should know that the combine include the Strider, alien gunship and Alien Drophip aswell and they arent human. They are Biomech creatures, and the combine is the name for the force that includes the human combine soldiers and metrocops + the Striders, Alien gunship and Dropship and all the tech like the citadell, the gate's scanners etc.
Stop talking about the stolen build. Even hinting about it should be a ban.
Sandler said:
Stop talking about the stolen build. Even hinting about it should be a ban.
Or a post count reset to zero :LOL: Muahahahaha!...

I also know a secret. I know which member of this forum is full of it. But I am not going to tell anyone.

The identity of the combine is key to the plot. We don't know the plot. Unless your friend beta-tested at vALVE, he does not know what the combine are.

One thing is to wager a guess, and another is to start a confidently named thread without new information, arguments or anything really useful.

Stan R.
look i know what the combine are..
I don't want to spoil it fore everyone but you have to hear the truth...
There, There Michael Jackson Clones!
There i said it!
Your really play as Gordon's Son, and there all trying to rape you, and the aliens are his pets also trying to kill you. Thats the real truth! Why do you think they wear masks? There faces are falling apart fromt he surgery!

I know its horrible, but i had to tell u the real truth..
(Wait the Real Truth makes no sense....)
yeah, its like im madchyld and your prevail.. and were off to fight the battle axe wars..
Crusader said:
*blinks* ...

Well now we all know that they're not human, because otherwise nobody would be making posts about knowing what they are. :dozey:

Blah, I figured they weren't already. That's no news, but I don't want to know who they are until I play the game :D
I know the secret of life.

But I'm not telling.

(And it's not 42.)
So the point of this thread is to not make guess's at what they are and to not reviel spoilers? Then why the hell make it? You made it, and said something "mysterious" and now people want to know the answer. GJ!! :cheers:
... I'll take it one last time;


I myself found out through a PM from a guy who only meant good but did a lot of bad with only two sentences. So watch yourselves, that's what I'm saying.

Now stop being retarded and move on.
stanr said:

I also know a secret. I know which member of this forum is full of it. But I am not going to tell anyone.

The identity of the combine is key to the plot. We don't know the plot. Unless your friend beta-tested at vALVE, he does not know what the combine are.

One thing is to wager a guess, and another is to start a confidently named thread without new information, arguments or anything really useful.

Stan R.

I never intended to actually reveal what the combine are. Nor was it a friend who told me what they were. I'm guessing the guy who told me have been to the "lower" sites and dug up some information from there. They already know at least 10% of the game.

(Read post above)
My main theory is that the Combine are biomechanoid.

That comes from the confirmed biomechs that are Striders and Gunships and the in the book "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" a madman speaks about his nurse being a Combine = biomech.
Sprafa said:
My main theory is that the Combine are biomechanoid.

That comes from the confirmed biomechs that are Striders and Gunships and the in the book "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" a madman speaks about his nurse being a Combine = biomech.
your theories are crap, and no thats not "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest",thats half-life H-A-L-F L-I-F-E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!