Now running vB RC3


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Not much difference but as usual please let me know of any bugs.
I don't know if it's a new bug brought about by the update in vBulletin or just a snag when loading the 'accelerator-media' advertisement, but I'm experiencing random, and rare, freezes when loading pages. For example, when I go into, let's say, the General Off-Topic Forum then link myself to go back to the main forum, the page stops loading and only displays the top 1/10 of the screen.


Or maybe it's just Firefox. :\
Or maybe it's just I. :\
It was doing it with me too, until I added a certain url to a certain program
Murray_H said:
It was doing it with me too, until I added a certain url to a certain program
Yeah, yeah. Problem solved. :p

Duh me.
/me rocks?


And i'm getting issues with pages not loading. Every so often the only thing i'll see is the head of the page, and none of the thread contents.
sinkoman said:
/me rocks?


And i'm getting issues with pages not loading. Every so often the only thing i'll see is the head of the page, and none of the thread contents.

Same hither. Happens mucho.
Hmph. Scratch that.

Problem remains unsolved. :\
yeah i've been getting uber long load times lately. tis gay.
Is the Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread box also broken?
Arrghh, I'm having these problems too.
Munro does too many things at once, I'm not sure if this is the ads or vB 3.5.

I'm finding it unlikely to be the ads because these have been running on my site for 2 months and never had any problems.

Munro's changing the ad code later to use IFRAME instead of JavaScript. That should improve performance.
Chris_D said:
Munro does too many things at once, I'm not sure if this is the ads or vB 3.5.

I'm finding it unlikely to be the ads because these have been running on my site for 2 months and never had any problems.

Munro's changing the ad code later to use IFRAME instead of JavaScript. That should improve performance.

Make him change it to use CSS.

I got a googleadd working using CSS once. Took a tad bit of thinking but it made my website 100% Xhtml STRICT and CSS compliant!
We're running ads within a iframe now, it appears to have improved performance.
I keep getting those 404 (?) error for the ads.
Does ' Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: ( members and guests)' box work? Or am i the only one reading every thread today? Am i all alone?