Now that E3 is hours away...

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I think its time Valve came clean about the HL2 multiplayer. We've just about milked all the information were going to get about the SP game through our emails to Valve, 2 E3 showings, and numerous print and online previews. What I say is: Enough Already - I now have a good idea about what HL2 SP is going to be like and im hyped up to the max, highly anticipating the summer.

HL2 is said to be in Alpha stage and almost at Beta. The game is playable the whole way through and all that remains is the final layer of Valve polish, tweaks, playtesting and bug crunching. With only a few more months before the game's release I think its time for Valve to speak about the MP side to HL2. I sure hope they have something planned...

The way I see it, thing could go a number of ways: we could have HL2 ship with basic MP just as HL1 did. We could have HL2 ship with CS2 or TF2 as multiplayer, or we could have HL2 ship with something none of us have ever seen before. Its time for Valve to come clean about MP, hell, it was supposed to be almost finished last year, so surely now its time to spill the beans - and SURELY E3 is the one and only place to do it...

What do you think - any information on MP would certainly build the hype up more than yet another set of non-interactice Gameplay videos.
I think it will be like HL1 in that there is the 'standard' MP included with the game. Then things like TF2 will be released around the same timeframe that TFC was released for HL1.
I think that they will say something new about the MP, but nothing concrete, just stuff that we could speculate from.
I personally haven't given any thought to the mp aspect at all. I'm too focused on the single player to care at this stage.

It would be nice to get some info though. Another day to go...!
It didnt occur to me that they would release HL2 with something other than tfc,cs or deathmatch... if its Ricochet!!!! ;(
Then i'd cry untill my country was underwater :(
sorry, i meant classic versions of TFC and CS1 on HL2 engine....not the full blown standalone sequels...
like in the leaked code

so - isnt anyone else worried we havent heard anything at all on the MP side of the game?
bigun said:
so - isnt anyone else worried we havent heard anything at all on the MP side of the game?

I dont think we should be worried about it, it's the opposite in fact. At every questions about MP in interviews, he would say "no comment" or not respond at all. He explicitly said he wouldnt give infos on MP until a while.

I doubt, They would act like that and keep all secret if it was just a plain DM mode.
Of couse it could be, and I wouldnt be disapointed because even normal DM with Source engine sounds like unparalleled fun.
I just expect that, but i hope for surprises :)
lol so harsh about ricochet man, they released the source free from that as a demonstration project of a teamplay multiplayer mod that people could develop and learn with as a fun project in the bowels of VERC, so many team mods after that used ricochets team system as base!

Its been a while since a game has released with normal DM only, with the exception of painkiller, In a perfect world for me it would be all the basic classic DM TDM stuff but also a purpose made teamplay game, like RTCW's MP, class based objective rumbling!
I just want valve to do what they think is best
well its 4:12pm GMT at the moment, id say u could expect decent info around 2pm PST, so err ... 10 pm GMT tommorow night (maybe) :)
i dont want to know about MP cause itll be more of a suprise if you dont know what it is and you play it itll be even better, but if they say information at E3 itll be too tempting to read about it.
I actually enjoyed ricochet

whats ricochet?
I diddn't.
that really wierd game where you shoot discs at people
i don't at all want to know about the multiplayer of hl2, i probably won't touch it until i finish sp, which will be cool b/c after i had finished sp i would be able to dive into the unknown mp, i'll probably look at the scores of the reviews of hl2 and not read any info just so i won't know about the mp
How do we know HL2 will be at the start of the expo? For all I know, the HL2 info might not come til the 14th...
HL1 Dm was actually my favorite vanilla DM game ever. The guass gun completely solved the problem of campers, and the weapons were so cool when put all together. Remember, setting up like 10 tripmines right around a place where you know players spawn? They spawn into a mass of TW mines, start running before they realize what's going on, and BOOM!
hl1 dm was pretty wierd when i first tried it out, i made the mistake of trying it before i finished the single player game, i got insanely freaked out when this little bug like things that were released from a player (snarks) started attacking me
Crusader said:
How do we know HL2 will be at the start of the expo? For all I know, the HL2 info might not come til the 14th...

As soon as the Expo open their doors everyone will rush at the HL2 booths to see what Valve as to offer :upstare: ... By the end of the day I'm pretty sure we'll have all the news about the game... and during the weekend Gamespy will probably upload a big-ass movie to fileplanet like they did last year.
Gamespy will probably upload a big-ass movie to fileplanet like they did last year.
and that'll probably rekindle my memories of how long i had to wait in line for that movie like i did last year, but hopefully it'll be as worth it as it was last year
Tyl3n0L said:
As soon as the Expo open the doors everyone will rush at the HL2 booth to see what Valve as to offer... At the end of the day I'm pretty sure we'll have all the news about the game... and during the weekend Gamespy will probably upload a big-ass movie to fileplanet like they did last year.

Or save time and re-post last years.
EVIL said:
whats ricochet?

Ricochet was a mod valve released with TFC 1.5 update (half life 1.something.something.something.somenumber) It was like Tron disc throwing except with nice bouncy things.
I cant wait until E3, i hope they release some infos on MP.. SP is only good for 30-40 hrs of play..

Im a MP whore. :)
9:30 a.m. PDT: Breakfast with GameSpy - GameSpy's Editors give you a preview of the day's E3 events and tell you what they're setting out to see for the day.

10:06 a.m. PDT: Rob Pardo of Blizzard Software on World of Warcraft

10:21 a.m. PDT: Raph Koster of Sony Online Entertainment on Star Wars Galaxies

10:51 a.m. PDT: The team behind the Galactic Conquest mod for Battlefield 1942

11:06 a.m. PDT: Infinity Ward on Call of Duty

11:33 a.m. PDT: Ken Levine of Irrational Games on Freedom Force 2

Noon PDT: Todd Hollenshead of Id Software on Doom 3 and more

12:33 p.m. PDT: Pandemic Studios on Star Wars: Battlefront

1:00 p.m. - 2:05 p.m. PDT: BREAK

2:06 p.m. PDT: John Whitmore of 2015 Studios on Men of Valor: Vietnam

2:33 PDT: Joshua Van Veld from High Voltage Software on Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude

3:06 p.m. PDT: Spark Unlimited on Call of Duty: Finest Hour

3:33 p.m. PDT: Jeff Briggs of Firaxis on Sid Meier's Pirates! and more.


9:30 a.m. PDT: Breakfast with GameSpy - GameSpy's Editors give you a preview of the day's E3 events and tell you what they're setting out to see at the show.

10:06 a.m. PDT: Brian Fargo of InXile Entertainment on The Bard's Tale

10:33 a.m. PDT: Perrin Kaplan from Nintendo of America

11:06 a.m. PDT: David Perry of Shiny Entertainment on Enter the Matrix and more.

11:33 a.m. PDT: Sony Online Entertainment on EverQuest II and more!

11:51 a.m. PDT: Ben Bell of Sony Online Entertainment on EverQuest Champions: Return to Arms

Noon PDT: Pete Parsons of Bungie on Halo 2

12:33 p.m. PDT: Richard "Lord British" Garriott on Tabula Rasa and more.

1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. PDT: BREAK

2:06 p.m. PDT: Demis Hassabis of Elixir Studios on Evil Genius

2:21 p.m. PDT: Rob Gee of Raven Software on X-Men: Legends

2:33 p.m. PDT: Ted Price of Insomniac Games on Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal

2:51 p.m. PDT: Feargus Urquhart of Obsidian Entertainment on Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2

3:06 p.m. PDT: Jason Hall of Warner Bros. Games on The Matrix Online and more

3:33 p.m. PDT: Will Wright of Maxis on The Urbz, The Sims, Sim City and more.

4:06 p.m. PDT: Peter Molyneux of Lionhead Studios on The Movies and more.


9:30 a.m. PDT: Breakfast with GameSpy - GameSpy's Editors give you a preview of the day's E3 events and tell you what they're setting out to see for the day.

10:06 a.m. PDT: Chris Mahnken of Irrational Games on Tribes: Vengeance

10:30 a.m. PDT: Alex Ward of EA Games on Burnout 3

11:00 a.m. PDT: Ian Davis of Mad Doc Software on Empire Earth 2

11:30 a.m. PDT: Tim Sweeney of Epic Games on the Unreal 3 engine.

Noon PDT: Mark Skaggs of EA Games on Battle for Middle-earth

12:33 a.m. PDT: Ray & Greg of BioWare on Jade Empire and more

1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. PDT: BREAK

2:06 p.m. PDT: Doug Lombardi of Valve Software on Half-Life 2

2:33 p.m. PDT: Chris Taylor of Gas Powered Games on Dungeon Siege 2

3:06 p.m. PDT: Warren Spector of ION Storm on Thief, Deus Ex and more.

3:30 p.m. PDT: David Hufford of Microsoft on Xbox and Xbox 2.

its 2:06 weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
I seriously doubt CS² will come with HL², but Im pretty sure it will come probably with another name?

Oh yeah, good luck getting Valve to say anything about MP, they havent said anything about it - exept there being TF2 - since, uh well ever :D
Uh, well it can't be CS2 apparently, otherwise ATI couldn't offer CS2 bundled with the x800 at the same price that the HL2 bundle is offered:
And Gabe has explicitly said the TF2 will be sold seperately from HL2.
It seems pretty likley that Valve would try to incorporate the vehicle and physics features into MP. Maybe it's just DM with manipulators and buggies, but that would be kind of a lame thing to keept secret for so long. I'm guessing they've come up with some innovative MP gameplay and they don't want others stealing their ideas too far before release.
dscowboy said:
I'm guessing they've come up with some innovative MP gameplay and they don't want others stealing their ideas too far before release.
That would be most plausable, it wouldnt make sence otherwise keeping mp in clowds for so long, plus they didnt revealed it last year because they knew they wouldnt have made the 30 sept date.

It must be something pretty sweet.

or it could be
"We will give you an insight in HL² MP this time, Half Life² .. BUT with VEHICLES *puts up the, I am mr briliant face*" :P
HL2 out of the box MP will almost certainly be Half-life plot themed, just like HL1 MP was. It will involve running around as Gordon, Alyx, G-Man, etc. in some sort of game type. Both TF2 and CS2 cannot be HL2 themed: they have their own themes. Therefore, they cannot be HL2's MP option, or at least, not the only one (there still has to be some sort of basic HL2 themed MP)
They could also suprise us, and at this E3 it would be the ultimate suprise. If TF2 isn't mentioned or they dont announce TF2 being the multiplayer, then surely it will be sold alone since HL2 will be coming this summer. Valve has something up their sleeves though for tomorrow and they could easily bundle TF2 with HL2 some way to make a huge profit, they are veryyyy smart.

Speculation... The stolen HL2 leaked build or whatever, it had TF2. stuff all in it, tons of it!

Those shirts in the valve office of TF2 and tons of others of HL2 characters.

Something is surely up for tomorrow, if TF2 isnt mentioned then ill agree it's being sold alone. If valve truely cared which i know they do, they will include it just like the first HL. We can only pray.
TF2 has already been stated that it will be a seperate product so TF2 (as Half Life² Multiplayer) is out of the question, finito!
Valve is secretative, you have no idea that they could possibly include it with HL2. According to that leaked beta TF2. files were in it and if valve wont talk about the multiplayer that means something is up....if it was standard they would just say a few things, give me a break. TF2 is very likely.
Noon PDT: Todd Hollenshead of Id Software on Doom 3 and more

Thats interesting. What else would he have to talk about. Perhaps some Q4 info will finally be revealed, or some of the other secret projects being cooked up on the D3 engine. This should be good.

My speculation on HL2 MP:

Seeing as how VALVe will release TF2, CS2, and DoD2 as stand-alone products to be bought and payed for, I think it's logical to assume that the native HL2 MP will be quite different than these 3 games. VALVe knows just about everyone will be buying the SP + MP version of HL2, for the possible mods if nothing else. They wouldn't want all the CS2 or TF2 or DoD2 fans to be content with the native HL2, it would be bad for business. I think VALVe will come up with something completely different, something related to HL2(involving familiar characters and/or themes). I'm sure there will be MP modes that revolve around physics and vehicles, other than that I couldn't even begin to guess.
What the hell is it with people saying TF2 will be HL2 multiplayer!?!?!?

Has anyone read the valve info thread, because THEY SAID IT WASN'T GOING TO BE!!