Now this is OWNED!


Party Escort Bot
Jul 17, 2003
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It's a long read, but it's great in my opinion :D
It's an email exchange between an email scammer and someone who runs that site. He knows he's being scammed and tries to fool the scammer. Great stuff!


F*cking spammers/scammers deserve it!
woo that was too much to read.. i only made it about halfway
LittleB said:
woo that was too much to read.. i only made it about halfway

You mean halfway through the first page? There are three more :D

But a short version:

There's this guy called Stev Ebe, he's from Nigeria and wel... he scams people by email. His english is poor which becomes very clear later on.
His story this time is that he's getting 25 million dollars from his dead uncle, and now he seeks someone to invest that money with. He writes the email to the guy who calls himself Plunder Myknuts, obviously a false name. He knows Stev is scamming him, and he tries to trick him. Plunder is pretending to run a large IT company, Stev wants to invest his money into his company (Stev doesn't know this company doesn't exist).
But before Plunder wants to do business with Stev, he wants proof that his motivations are true and he really exists before he sends his contact numbers. He says that ID's and passports are worthless because they can be faked. So he asks Stev to hold up a sign with the company logo on it. Of course this way of identifcation is worthless too, but that doesn't matter.
But Plunder writes in the following email that he isn't able to provide the company logo. Stev will need to hold up a sign with the company slogan and let someone take a picture of that. The fun part is that the slogan is:

"We don't just take IT to the top - We take IT up the arse."

And more fun is that Stev thinks this slogan is genuine and doesn't know what it really says.
After a while, Plunder gets and email with this picture:

And Stev still thinks this is genuine. :LOL:
So Plunder still wants to fool Stev and keeps wasting his time by making up excuses why he won't send his conctact numbers yet.
Stev wants Plunder to send him $2000 that is needed for the investment.
By now, there are lot's of emails with excuses why he is not yet sending the money, not very interesting. But he makes the proposition Stev that he will make the deal if Stev sends him $20. He does this.

But after a while, Stev receives email from Plunders personal secretary Miss Nancy Spungen, which is of course, just the same guy that is Plunder. She reports to him that Plunder was killed by his dentist, that he pulled all of his teeth out and let him bleed to death so he could steal the $2000 that Plunder was carrying, which he 'just picked up from the bank' to pay Stev with to make the deal. And Stev actually buys all of this crap :D
From now on, Nancy is the one that Stev is sending emails to, to still get that $2000. Nancy says she will mail the money to him, which is 'covered in blood of the poor Mr Plunder Myknuts'. The guy fakes a bank recept, and he sets a password, which Stev has to give when he will pick up the money from the bank, the password is 'four months' (which is the time that Plunder has been fooling Stev).

Stev checks the number of the receipt on the site of the bank and he finds out it doesn't exist. The guy thinks it's time to expose himself and the last email is the guy exposing himself that he has been wasting Stev's time for four months, that he knows he's a scammer and it also contains a couple of photographs of the guy burning the money Stev has send him :LOL:

It actually cost Stev money, he didn't make any profit plus he wasted four months of time on this scam and he made a fool out of himself with "I take it up the arse" :D
I read it all and I salute the 419 eater! :E

I also fell sorry for the innocent people that get scammed for being nice people.
Nice find... Nice story! That'll teach those damn scammers... or not...
lol, haha, owned is appropriate :) That picture is great
I've recieved this scam in my e-mail before but I just deleted it. I read the whole thing and it was quite funny.
Lol, Tribble factory in Singapore... I can't help but feel a bit sorry for Stev, though, I'd imagine he's quite poor and desperate. Still, he got what he deserved for trying to steal from innocent people. The whole thing is priceless :)
priceless and owned are very overused words these days. But I think they fit perfectly in this senario! :naughty:

Oh yeah, also the words rolling on floor laughing my ass off fits quite well :afro: :D ;) :smoking:


Check out my l33t M$ paint skills in the attachment...
The best part was when plunder sent the news clipping of his death it sounded to far fetched that a dentis killed him and i was like lol Err? he sent a news klipping as proof .... ya that was good :)
That news clipping bit was fantastic, i wanna know how the heck he did that