Now this is pwnage :)

I'm actually sorry for the kid, sure he had bad intentions himself but still it's a sad state of affairs when something like this happens, If I could I would give the kid money to buy a new account.

And thats why you'll never cut it on the interwebnets
Don't worry, br0kenrabbit said in the original thread on that he contacted the guy and gave back his account. "I'm an asshole but not a prick."
I'm actually sorry for the kid, sure he had bad intentions himself but still it's a sad state of affairs when something like this happens, If I could I would give the kid money to buy a new account.

As my brother always said: "If you're stupid, you should suffer."
(in Unreal Tournament 2004 announcer voice)

H O L Y S H I T !

Arguably the funniest Half-Life 2 related story I read XD
Ahhh, almost as awesome as the whole bunch getting that Chinese kid caught for phishing. :D
God Please Tell Me Someone Has More Stuff Like This. Now.
honestly that pwned soooo hard. the account stealer got pwnt.
HAHAHAHA. Whats best is that the dude blantantly mentioned the "Valve Employees will not ask for your info online" and still fell for it.
Atleast he learned a lesson here (hopefuly). And it was very noble from brokenrabbit to return the account back to the kid.