Now what all you retail, case and manual fanbois?

What form of Hl2 will you be buying?`

  • Am ah lettin' off steam, baby!

    Votes: 71 45.5%
  • Am ah buy it in an offline store. From real people!

    Votes: 48 30.8%
  • Am ah buy em all!

    Votes: 10 6.4%
  • Ah like cheese..

    Votes: 27 17.3%

  • Total voters


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
Are you still buying the retail version of hl2? :afro:
Retail. CS:S has all the appeal of genital warts to me so it still ain't going to sway me although I would rather give my money to Valve than VUG.
Mitch2891 said:
Retail. CS:S has all the appeal of genital warts to me so it still ain't going to sway me although I would rather give my money to Valve than VUG.

That's a bit of a silly argument because CS:S comes with all version of Half-Life 2.
I voted steam. Mainly because I liked the idea of having hl2 immediately after release without having to leave the comfort of my home and since I always felt manual and case were pretty useless (a pdf will work for me).

And now it's a good way to show what you think about this legal hassle..
Feath said:
That's a bit of a silly argument because CS:S comes with all version of Half-Life 2.

Yeah but getting it early (next week isn't it) for buying through steam I presume is designed to generate steam sales (as well as put preassure on VUG) but seen as I don't want CS:S it does not really change my decision to go retail.
Steam for me, probably the 'silver' package.

I'd rather see Gabe and co. get my money than greedy VU.

I live in Los Angeles... Today, as I was driving home from work, I noticed that there is a VU building right next to the 405 freeway. I drive this way to and from work 5 times a week and had never seen it before.

When I saw it today... I was think what greedy bastards they really are... then I get home, check the forum and get the news about the Steam packages.

Seems like poetic justice to me to buy through Steam. CS:S next week doesn't hurt either.
Could go either way, everything but the silver package looks appealing. Comes down to price and release date.
What valve need is something more inspiring than CS:S how about order now and get HL:S next week so you can play through it again in preperation for HL2, that would probably make me go to steam.
... Um. Mitch, with the Gold Edition, you get CS:S next week, DoD:S when it comes out, HL2 when it comes out (obviously), HL1:S when it comes out, Valve's back catalog (I think this means all their previous games?), The complete Prima strategy guide, three posters, a hat, a postcard, stickers, the HL2 soundtrack on CD, and to wrap it up a 1 in 5000 chance to win a visit to valve. I think that's a bit more inspiring than just CS:S, wouldn't you agree?
Every ounce of me wants to buy it through steam, but practicality dictates that I get it retail.

do we really need one of these threads made daily? when the prices of the packages are annunced will you make another thread asking now that we know the prices will we still buy hl2? will we still get package a? what package will we buy? will we buy in the store or through steam? will we buy doom3 instead?
I actually think I'm changng my mind and going to buy it through steam now. However, it actually depends on how much the siler package costs..... /me guess 39.99
I'm tempted to get the Gold Package off steam. Seems more valuable then the CE edition in the stores (Which will probably only be avavible in two places of all of major Stockholm.. Which means it'll be sold out).
I have completely turned around with this news today, it's Gold edition off Steam for me! But Silver if Gold is a really ridiculous price to pay...

If any Valve people are reading, can you tell people outside of the US how the goodies for the Gold edition will get to us...
none of them, i pre-ordered a retail copy online at amazon (over a year ago :hmph:)
I will be buying it in stores - mainly because I asusme the final release to be pretty big on Steam and UK connections aren't great - but also because I want the manual.

I will, however, be buying the collectors edition - not for the 'goodies' but for the fact that the game comes on one DVD instead of 6 CDs.
I'd buy gold if it isn't too expensive but otherwise Silver if it is and if thats too expensive then it'll be Standard Edition retail. I do want my three posters though, i hope they are sold seperatly in other stores.
Does this mean that they are making us pay for DoD:source from buying the larger (more expensive packages), so if someone buys retail version, they'll have to pay for DoD whenever its released?
cancelled my order and buying through steam as i am an avid cs player and cs:s will be available next week where as i will have to wait for it if i buy hl2 retail :|
I have already pre-ordered the retail-version. I would cancel that order and buy it trough steam if my internet connection worked properly but as of this moment I'll have to get retail :|
And it seems like CE isn't available in europe :(
getting the golden pack on steam (just because of the hat). Valve deserves the money and not the greedy monster business named Vivendi Universal Games.
Syx said:
I will be buying it in stores - mainly because I asusme the final release to be pretty big on Steam and UK connections aren't great - but also because I want the manual.

I will, however, be buying the collectors edition - not for the 'goodies' but for the fact that the game comes on one DVD instead of 6 CDs.

Same here, for pretty much the exact same reasons you said, except for the whole UK thing. :)
Originally Posted by Syx
I will be buying it in stores - mainly because I asusme the final release to be pretty big on Steam and UK connections aren't great

preload anyone?
Geez have to confess with this latest news and with the crap with VUG...I may be shifting toward Steam as well.

The two things which would hold me back are:

1) Not a CS fan so I won't care about playing it next week.

2) Pricing of the Silver and Gold packages

So time will tell for me...but my thoughts have shifted towards Steam.
cuz ive got a download limit :)!
I'd made up my mind about buying through Steam a while ago, but CS:S next week (and DOD:S eventually) just sweetens the deal.
Retailer, i dont play online games so no dod doesnt bother me, also ive already got hl, cs:cz, blue shift & op force, so why would i want them again? plus id rather have a hard copy of "the gtreatest game ever" (i hope)
I hate to play devil's advocate here, but I can sympathize with those who are buying HL2 over Steam in order to play it as soon as it is released. But those of you who are buying it over Steam just to screw over Vivendi are just plain stupid. What makes you think that your measly 50 bucks means anything to them seeing as how they will be getting millions from all the other people who are going to buy it retail? Stop thinking you can shut down Vivendi buy withholding your funds. Vivendi is going to get paid regardless of what a couple of you do.
well i was gonna buy retail but its looking more likely im buying steam. I'm pre-loading now *sob* :'( 4gigs!!!!! FOUR GIGS!!!!

Gonna take me ages, i nearly posted for a person in the UK to send me the cache files, but no one would do that for nothing so i didn't bother.

Love VALVe too much to buy retail so i gotta learn how to sleep with pc on lol.

Ne idea how long it'l take to download for a 700k modem? Thanks
After seeing the "Gold" package, I realized that retail boxes are overrated.