NPC Enter Vehicle (like Alyx in EP2)


Jul 18, 2007
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Like the title says - I'm trying to find a way to get specific NPC's to enter a vehicle when the PLayer gets into it, like Alyx does for most of Ep2. I traced to command chain from Alyx's EnterVehicle backwards, but I couldn't get anywhere with that because it seems only to be fired by the map/triggers. I then traced from Gordon's (the Player's) EnterVehicle, and found that it fires a Notification when you enter. So I kept searching, but I have found nothing more. The Notification is "thrown", but I can't find the "catch" :/

I thought about just changing Alyx's model, but I am hoping for 3/4 companions which all do what she does when Gordon enters a vehicle: Run towards it, get in/alert if they have been left behind. 3/4 People who look different, but don't act it, and have the same sounds just isn't what I'm looking for.

If I can manage this, then it should be a simple matter to get them to the same except backwards.

If you could possibly help me out, I would be much obliged,

*Edit8 Suppose I could just copy Alyx 3/4 times... but I'd like to see if there's another way.
Planning to make a Grand Theft Auto mod of something? DRIVE BY's are a blast.
Well actually citizens and vortigaunts are coded to be able to get in, they just lack the animations.

You could compile a model with alyx's animations and voila, it should be able to get onboard
ooo, goodo :) Thanks. How about triggering their entry when the player gets in?
Nevermind - I found through extensive code reading that using the EnterVhicle input sets them into the passenger behaviour, which means they will follow Gordon, get in the car when he does, and all the other stuff. But as said, they do lack the animations:/ This shall be rectified.

Thanks IronCube :)