NTL Upgrades startin from TODAY

You guys don't know how lucky you are.

America has some really shitty internet.

I am dying for the day when my internet connection is as fast as my CPU will allow. It will never happen in my lifetime
I'm still waiting for my 1mb > 2mb upgrade from BT.
VirusType2 said:
You guys don't know how lucky you are.

America has some really shitty internet.

I am dying for the day when my internet connection is as fast as my CPU will allow. It will never happen in my lifetime

Hah! You don't know pain.
Shitty internet? I have a 5MBit connection with no transfer cap. I don't thing that's shitty at all. Certainly not the best, but not the worst either :bounce:
DarkSin said:
Shitty internet? I have a 5MBit connection with no transfer cap. I don't thing that's shitty at all. Certainly not the best, but not the worst either :bounce:

Im paying 55$ per month for Cable internet and I get between 12-56kbps download speeds. When I play streaming internet radio I get up to 300kbps, but my connection isn't good enough for streaming video, and thats just sad

I have no restrictions that I know of, on amount of Downloads though.
I had NTL. They sucked IMO. I had cable tv, broadband and the phone. But they put you on a £100 limit each month for the first year. £25 bb, £25 tv and £10 phone. This leaves you with £40 for phonecalls each month. When you go over, they cut the phone (fair enough) tv and bb. (?!?) The tv and bb is pre paid. Living with my gf who had the phone attached to her face most of the time made this a regular occurance.

I had no end of problems with that shit company. Never again. If your thinking of using them don't bother. Go with Zen.

Im waiting till June so I can get my 4mb line from bulldog for £30 per month uncapped. Capped lines are a joke. Its like the 2hr cut off I had on bt dialup.
lePobz said:

No lies :cheers:

Thank god they changed from a 30gb/month cap to a 1gb/day cap... they dont even restrict service in any way if you exceed the cap, they just ring you up if you do it a lot.

2mb here I come :)
Unfortunately there's some confusion over the soft-cap. Either it does include your upload aswell as download or it doesn't. 50/50 right now as nobody seems to know which it is. But meh at 36kb uploads could never really add all that much even if we tried *grumbles*

I'm guessing just before midnight and shortly after is when the service will start to crawl as people begin splitting downloads up over midnight to avoid the cap (since its gonna become a strict one for 2mb/3mb connections eventually just like the lower one will be from the start)
Im paying 55$ per month for Cable internet and I get between 12-56kbps download speeds. When I play streaming internet radio I get up to 300kbps, but my connection isn't good enough for streaming video, and thats just sad I have no restrictions that I know of, on amount of Downloads though.

I suggest you look for a new ISP. I have RoadRunner(Brighthouse) and I average around 600kb/s while downloading. I pay $30 a month now, $45 in a few months though :x
Does anyone know wheather the Terayon boxes can cope with the upgrade?
Jesus christ, 1Mb gets 3 gigs a month? I'm not on that package, but that seems quite crap :/

I love NTL for the rest of it though :p
Murray_H said:
Jesus christ, 1Mb gets 3 gigs a month? I'm not on that package, but that seems quite crap :/

I love NTL for the rest of it though :p
3GB a month would suck, considering in just 9 days or regular use mine is already 2.3gb.. and thats pretty much just regular web stuff, no big files.
The 1/gb a day limit is worse imho, at least with the 30gb/month if you download less than your quota of 1GB/day you can download more later on in the month. Plus lots of stuff goes over a 1GB download.
They said with 2mb and 3mb customers they are not going to be strict about the 1GB daily cap. Only if you exceed the cap three or so times in a period of 14 days will they actually contact you. Even then, it's just a warning if that.
1.3 megabits per second

Communications 1.3 megabits per second
Storage 164.1 kilobytes per second
1MB file download 6.2 seconds
Subjective rating Good

Should be 1.5 Mbps I think.
VirusType2 said:
America has some really shitty internet.

I don't know about you but my 5mb connection begs to differ, I download from either 400-1000kbps on the internet. Your provider must suck or something then, Road Runner at my house with 10 or so pc's on a network together.

Hehe 2.2 megabits per second here at work. :E
I get 1.5 megabits per second on my 1.5mb NTL cable.

How do i upgrade this? i never registered my NTL and the person who did never wrote down the username and password and cant remember them.
Alig - give them a ring, tell them you want to upgrade but you need your account details. They will tell you that all accounts will be automatically updated soon, but just tell them to shut up and give you your details.
Are there any bandwidth monitoring programs? It would be handy to have a little clock that adds up your bandwidth over the day
VirusType2 said:
You guys don't know how lucky you are.

America has some really shitty internet.

I am dying for the day when my internet connection is as fast as my CPU will allow. It will never happen in my lifetime

Its all down to the fact that Europe, unlike the USA, are made up of smaller countries, so the length of cable is shorter, that means it is viable to use better cable at the same price (mostly) :p

Why is it not viable to use saterllite linkup

About how lucky we are, go to the netherlands, they have one of the fastest internet connection, for downloading porn obviously :naughty:
Murray_H said:
Are there any bandwidth monitoring programs? It would be handy to have a little clock that adds up your bandwidth over the day
Check for my thread in the hardware section, I asked the same thing and some guy called Wolf something or other posted a link to a really neat one that I'm using at the moment, I half think he wrote it himself cause it does everything I asked for in the original post heh.
mortiz said:
mine still hasn't been upgraded :/

Mine neither.. :|

Allthough on the last upgrade I got my upgrade a month after my friend did who lives in London so im sure it will happen eventually.
I use a program called DU meter to record my DL/UL, had it for a few days now and both directions i've used 1.07GB, mainly having winamp internet radio on and playing WoW. No downloading.
The Dark Elf said:
3GB a month would suck, considering in just 9 days or regular use mine is already 2.3gb.. and thats pretty much just regular web stuff, no big files.
Which is exactly why i'm not gonna upgrade :x
Just rang customer services and she instantly upgraded mine to 3mb line :D Mint.

2.5megabits per second
300.1 kilobytes per second Storage
3.4seconds for 1mb file.

Tested it out on www.gamershell.com on a Netherlands server (they are the best) downloading a 286mb file would take 12minutes 30 seconds running constant at about 370kb/sec :D
Alig said:
Just rang customer services and she instantly upgraded mine to 3mb line :D Mint.

2.5megabits per second
300.1 kilobytes per second Storage
3.4seconds for 1mb file.

Tested it out on www.gamershell.com on a Netherlands server (they are the best) downloading a 286mb file would take 12minutes 30 seconds running constant at about 370kb/sec :D
I'm more impressed you got through to NTL customer services ;)

Where abouts are you though in the UK? And have you an STB or a CM

Edit2: and which password is it you use (on the webside of things) I've got two..
I was pretty chuffed as well. I was'nt even put into a waiting line on Customer Services, much to my surprise.

I'm using a silver modem box (guess thats a CM? as i guess STB means set top box?). I didn't use a password on the website but i did ask her about it and she said its been taken off because its been overloaded and then she said ..."but i can do it for you right now" so i was like "oh, please :D" and had to restart modem.

Edit/ Oh i'm in Warrington as well, North west england...theres actually a cable and wireless HQ in warrington :p (if C&W do NTL)
Alig said:
I was pretty chuffed as well. I was'nt even put into a waiting line on Customer Services, much to my surprise.

I'm using a silver modem box (guess thats a CM? as i guess STB means set top box?). I didn't use a password on the website but i did ask her about it and she said its been taken off because its been overloaded and then she said ..."but i can do it for you right now" so i was like "oh, please :D" and had to restart modem.

Edit/ Oh i'm in Warrington as well, North west england...theres actually a cable and wireless HQ in warrington :p (if C&W do NTL)
C&W were bought out by NTL (and not a moment too soon, at the time I owed C&W an absolute fortune, and they wanted it in one go, NTL took over and let me pay it over a few months hehehe)

I just tried it but it wont let me upgrade online for the STB so I'll call tomorrow and see what happens :D