Nublet question


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Sorry for this ridiculously silly question, but do electric guitars come with leads when you buy them new?

Cheers :D
usually. you want to buy come good cables anyway. the 'one' that will come with it will usually be crap and break after a week. the sound quality will be lower too.
it also depends how expensive the guitar is? if your getting it from a music store ask them for a decent lead. if its from the tinterweb it might come with nothing.
in the words of homer - damn you ebay!
what guitar are you looking at?/ or have purchased?
I'm going to be getting a pacifica 112, I've emailed the people selling it (shop in germany, selling it about £50 cheaper than in the UK) about the cable but they haven't got back to me yet.
have you bought it? or are going to?
i highly reccomend the washburn beginners series for a beginner's guitar.
like a washburn X20 or something, just looked it up.... the pacifica seems like a pretty decent match to it though, (its made of the same woods!!) similar spec. but the washburn has 24 frets the pacifica has 21. it shouldnt matter unless your going to be doing some thrash metal soloing....

right when your getting a beginners guitar you NEED a decent amp. marshall, peavey or something. 15 watts should be ok! tell me exactly what your getting!! and how much you know about guitars! buying a 2 grand guitar wont make any difference if u have 50 pound amp... oh yeah and how much are you paying for it?
I'm getting a pacifica, already done about 4 months worth of research into buying a guitar and spoke to a number of people who recommend it (and it has 22 frets).

Not going for an amp at this stage, whacking it into a preamp then putting it through my sound card/stereo. With the budget I'm on at the moment, the only amp I could afford would be pathetically poor, so I'm not too fussed about running it through my pc (I've found some digital effects, there will be latency issues but I'll be experimenting so I know what I want when it comes to amp buying time!)

The pacifica will cost me £129.74 (to be precise :p)
thats a great bargain.
when gettin an amp, your best bet is ot bring it to ur local music store then try out their amps in ur price range :p

you may want to buy a short high quality 5 pound cable with an adaptor anyway if u want to record/play on ur pc.