Nuclear Dawn Website Launched

2 years and thats all? Well, I can't say I'm one to judge. They look nice though, but ultimately I've seen alot of 'looks nice' and 'looks ace' around, but we'll see how it plays, ultimately.
Im worried that they lost the two poeple that made this mod look so great. Both the guy that came up with the style and the guy that moddeled the main characters long stopped working for this mod. But those are still mainly the images you see for this mod. I hope it's not just built up on those two's work. But yeah, only time will tell and it can't hurt to hope :)
Samon said:
2 years and thats all? Well, I can't say I'm one to judge. They look nice though, but ultimately I've seen alot of 'looks nice' and 'looks ace' around, but we'll see how it plays, ultimately.

Im sure thats not all of their work, why would they show everything now, when they can show it later :D
I know for a fact that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Niiiice Visuals can't wait to see if the gameplay matches them.
"Deathstar plans are not in the main computer"
"Close the blast doors! Close the blast doors!" :p
TK421, do you copy? TK421, why aren't you at your post?
Ennui said:
TK421, do you copy? TK421, why aren't you at your post?

...or I'll make you get in the closet with the gold-suited, camp robot. He has his arms fixed in that position for a reason, you know :O
but seriously nd was talked about long before i ever heard about dystopia. whats it matter, its all the same. same characters, same fps/rts. I think the most origional mods are like return to mana and insects and infestation
polyguns said:
but seriously nd was talked about long before i ever heard about dystopia. whats it matter, its all the same. same characters, same fps/rts. I think the most origional mods are like return to mana and insects and infestation
Return to Mana is based on Secret of Mana. It's less original than you might think.
they've got lots of media that they'll post in the next few months, ...i think.

-Crispy- said:
I know for a fact that's just the tip of the iceberg.

I know for a fact that they're not as far developed as people assume they are ;)

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
I know for a fact that they're not as far developed as people assume they are ;)

-Angry Lawyer
Where are you getting your insider info?
And I thought these things smelt bad...on the outside!
/me climbs inside Tauntaun carcass
"Where are you taking that....thing"
"Prisoner transfer from cellblock [who cares]"
Angry Lawyer said:
I know for a fact that they're not as far developed as people assume they are ;)

-Angry Lawyer

Excuse me, but you know this how? From here-say, from a "friend" that knows somebody?

You are not on this development team and thus have no idea exactly what we're upto.
Woah, kid, before you jump down my throat consider what I said. The public have assumed that the release was just around the corner with your team's countdown. Most people think you're almost done. However, evidently, you've still got a long way to go.

Also, I've spotted a few things in your media, but I won't point them out, because I'm not nearly drunk or angry enough.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Woah, kid, before you jump down my throat consider what I said. The public have assumed that the release was just around the corner with your team's countdown. Most people think you're almost done. However, evidently, you've still got a long way to go.

Also, I've spotted a few things in your media, but I won't point them out, because I'm not nearly drunk or angry enough.

-Angry Lawyer

Fair enough, considering we've announced a Q4 2006 release, no we're not "almost done". RTS games require a fair bit of playtesting to get right, balancing all the numbers and such.
It also needs the whole interface component, streamlining of client/server data to cope with the extra entities such as extra turrets and structures, an easy way of actually having an RTS camera in a 3D environment without buggering up when trying to look through roofs and walls, and all that malarky :)

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Woah, kid, before you jump down my throat consider what I said. The public have assumed that the release was just around the corner with your team's countdown. Most people think you're almost done. However, evidently, you've still got a long way to go.

Also, I've spotted a few things in your media, but I won't point them out, because I'm not nearly drunk or angry enough.

-Angry Lawyer
I think he means the guy's right hand in the pic with the BFG-killer.