Nuclear Nightmares: Chernobyl 20 years later

It really is sickening how easlily humanity forgets or ignores thing like this. A lot of it has to do with the news media, they'd rather cover a missing person from a rich white family than acknowledge the real problems on our planet.
Wow, harsh. My heart seriously hurt when I saw a couple of those pics, esp. with those of the woman whose brain tumor reappeared.
Some really sad stuff in there...

Nuclear energy/bombs/anything ftl.
I had no idea the extent of damage the fallout was causing to people, I knew it caused cancer, but nothing that horrific

It's sad the way the media forgets issues like this so quickly
I've always found Chernobyl morbidly fascinating...the pictures and the stories are always haunting and harrowing. What actually happened in there is just insane, and the aftermath, the gross mismanagement by all authorities involved, just makes me sick.

It's funny how the roof of sarcophagus is slowly rotting through, threatening to collapse and release highly dangerous radioactive particle clouds into the atmosphere that could threaten the world, and how all the money the Ukrainian government has been given to repair the tomb has disappeared into the endless pockets of corrupt politicians without a trace.

Funny in a horrible, not-funny-at-all kind of way.
I think there's a dispute over whether that blog is genuine...but to be honest, it doesn't really matter much considering it still draws attention to the whole disaster.
That really is horrendous. I had a good idea of what I was going to see, but even so, it never makes it any easier. Those poor people... :(
yea im really intrested in this stuff, im going to have to read up on it more and understand it better.

I feel really really bad for those people
Ren.182 said:
Some really sad stuff in there...

Nuclear energy/bombs/anything ftl.

no,The people that had control in Chernobyl.made major mistakes, and the core design was flawed.Nuclear energy is a good thing,but we must learn to control it better.
Yes, but we can't dispose of the waste...
Ren.182 said:
Yes, but we can't dispose of the waste...

Yep. And we currently just pile it into the center of a mountain and hope that we figure out a way to dispose of it before our deposits fill up.
Ren.182 said:
Yes, but we can't dispose of the waste...
I say we take it into outer space and release it towards the sun.

Nuclear energy = the win. As long as it's in the hands of people who know how to manage it.
Sulkdodds said:
I think there's a dispute over whether that blog is genuine...but to be honest, it doesn't really matter much considering it still draws attention to the whole disaster.
Yeah I've heard that it might be fake. Still interesting nonetheless.

Some really disturbing pics in that article, really makes you see what happened. Reminds me of "The Hills Have Eyes".
It's a stark reminder we have very little knowledge or understanding of radiation and nuclear energy.

However we are going to need to use nuclear energy to stop our depedance on fossil fuels.
I say we take it into outer space and release it towards the sun.

That idea always makes me laugh :D

You wanna put nuclear waste (at the cost of $10,000 per kilo) on a flying bomb and hope it doesn't go wrong and rain nuclear waste down on you? :)
PvtRyan said:
That idea always makes me laugh :D

You wanna put nuclear waste (at the cost of $10,000 per kilo) on a flying bomb and hope it doesn't go wrong and rain nuclear waste down on you? :)
If there's a safe and efficient way of entering outer space, sure.
that motorcycle trip through chernobyl thing is fake. it was interesting, until the author admitted it was fake.

saying nuclear energy sucks is like saying cars suck. people get hit and killed by cars all the time, but we dont give them up do we. and nuclear energy is way more beneficial for us than gay cars.
gh0st said:
that motorcycle trip through chernobyl thing is fake. it was interesting, until the author admitted it was fake.

saying nuclear energy sucks is like saying cars suck. people get hit and killed by cars all the time, but we dont give them up do we. and nuclear energy is way more beneficial for us than gay cars.

wtf? where does she say it's fake?
jverne said:
wtf? where does she say it's fake?
wtf? she doesnt.

Server is averaging 12mbps and 4000+ concurrent users.

July 7, 2004

First let me say that I have nothing to do with this project other than donating the bandwidth to allow the world to see it. When I first saw the site, Angelfire could not handle the amount of traffic the site was receiveing. I knew my server could. Then Angelfire began plastering the site with banner ads shamelessly trying to make money off the site. This is the point at which Elena shut the site down, not because she had anything to hide.

Regardless of what is true, this site has certainly made people think more about Chernobyl and this tragic disaster.

However, this story has been there for years and has been primarily forgotten and neglected.

After "Elena" brought this story to light, everyone that claims to be an expert has come forward identifying it as a hoax or a fraud.

How ironic that although they would label her a hoax and a fraud, she was able to achieve what they could not even dream of achieving. Bringing this issue the world wide attention it deserves.

As the only email contact, I have seen each of the moving emails that were directed to "Elena."
Her words have definitely made the world think about this piece of forgotten history. I have seen every request from news agencies from around the world, each of the big names, begging for interviews.

etc etc. its cool, but it didnt really happen.
you mean those pictures were not hers? not even real? ok...i'm a little confused right now!
They're real, it's just that:
A. She never took a motorcycle into Chernobyl. Most likely got there by bus or some other provided transportation.
B. She wasn't alone.
C. It's possible that several of the photos are staged(for eg. placing the doll and gas mask together for dramatic effect)
for some reason i was listening to Barber's Adagio For Strings when i clicked the link, fitted the pictures well :(
man, thats sad...especially the guy who's bones are shrinking. Why do people even live there? I guess they're not educated about it or just too poor...
Apocalypse89 said:
They're real, it's just that:
A. She never took a motorcycle into Chernobyl. Most likely got there by bus or some other provided transportation.
B. She wasn't alone.
C. It's possible that several of the photos are staged(for eg. placing the doll and gas mask together for dramatic effect)
What bit of difference does any of that make?
I feel really bad that this disaster dont seem to be geting the atention it must get,but I heard that is going to be built a giant sarcophagus to the generator before it current sarcophagus collaps
CptStern said:
warning some disturbing imagery

sad that 20 years later the effects of the disaster are still being felt ..even worse is the fact that the survivors have all been forgotten

Scrolling through those pictures with the theme music to house of a thousand corpses playing (rob zombie) Is a bit....odd....and....dark..

But really, it`s sick how they have been forgotten by the ones who cause this kind of shit. Who in their right mind stays near a nuclear test site anyway?
smoke said:
Scrolling through those pictures with the theme music to house of a thousand corpses playing (rob zombie) Is a bit....odd....and....dark..

But really, it`s sick how they have been forgotten by the ones who cause this kind of shit. Who in their right mind stays near a nuclear test site anyway?
Poor people who live of the food they grow in the radioactive ground :(
Yeah, your right.

Stupid nuclear weapons.
There are lots of disabled and deformed people in the UK.

Obviously its because of the radioactivity.

Or perhaps its because they were born that way through random genetic mutations.

The OP's site seems like a load of bollocks if you'll pardon the expression. I could make a similar website just by visiting Norfolk.
Parrot of doom said:
There are lots of disabled and deformed people in the UK.

Obviously its because of the radioactivity.

Or perhaps its because they were born that way through random genetic mutations.

The OP's site seems like a load of bollocks if you'll pardon the expression. I could make a similar website just by visiting Norfolk.

Wait.. what?

You're saying radiation doesnt cause mutations? or what? i'm a little confused at your statement.
Chernobyl is a warning against incompetence, mismanagement. stupidity, small-mindedness, beurocracy and short-sightedness (and, in ways, communism) rather than nuclear power per se.

Regardless, have you actually investigated the whole incident? Have you checked the statistics on the cancer rise? Listened to the stories of survivors, read the accounts, seen the pictures?

3 metre catfish! I mean, seriously! D:

It's not like there's no precedent cough hiroshima cough.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Wait.. what?

You're saying radiation doesnt cause mutations? or what? i'm a little confused at your statement.

Where is the proof on that website that any of the people featured were suffering as a result of radioactive fallout?
DeusExMachina said:
...Are you kidding me?

What he said...

Are you saying that radiation Does'nt cause such damage?

Or that they are faking it there, for some unknown reason?
Considering the HIGH DEFECT RATE versus the VERY LOW POPULATION I'd say the radiation has a titan's grip on the area and it's people.