Nuclear War begins Sept 12, 2006


May 5, 2004
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Looney Christian cult said:
You need to put this date on your bathroom mirror. You also need to make preparations for the dark days ahead, which will affect every person on earth. However, there is a way of escape. There is a place of safety but like their unbelief in the Sabbath, the world will not believe this message, neither will they repent of their sins of murder, fornication, or theft. You need to start training now in the ways of Yahweh.

Beginning September 12, 2006 nuclear war will start that will kill a third part of man over a forth part of the earth; but that is not the end. The end will come thirteen months later with four-fifths of the population destroyed. Yes, the sin-filled religions are supporting their sinful governments to prepare for a mass slaughter. The Savior said the world would engage in nuclear war that will darken the sun.

fornicating brothers and sisters prepare for the end!!! write this on your mirror:

To Do list, Sept 12, 2006
- go to store, buy milk, crackers, band-aids, anti-radiation sickness pills ( Plecebo brand anti-radiation pills are $2 off)
- pay phone bill
- take dog for walk then shoot him while in the room in fall-out shelter
- board up windows, purchase 2 dozen firearms and shoot everyone that comes within 100 yards of shelter ..ban on killing minorities/homosexuals lifted, shoot on sight

watch the video at the bottom of this page for comedy/crazy man rambling on

funny how in almost every christian armaggeddon scenario the catalyst is always the decline of morality is god really that much of raving loon that he would wipe us all out just cuz humans like sex? He should put a celestial gun to his temple and take care of the problem at the source :naughty:
The Bible Code also predicted this to happen in May lol
Is this the part where I can rape random women and loot stores?
Nah, that's next year.


Theres ALWAYS someone complaining about morality being lax, and that kids are running wild.. throughout the ages.

Bunch of wankers.
September 12th for who?
Because with time zones, some people are already on the next day while other people are still on the day before that.
I got me a motorcycle, a sack of gold, and a cow! I'm READY.

Funny story: my high school civics teacher actually bought all those things in preparation for Y2K.
I always find it funny when crazy people set dates on the end of the world. They are just setting themselves up for a fall. Seriously, why bother? If you're right, you won't have the chance to gloat.
All Religions are stupid and need to be forgotten.

The reason being? Most people nowadays have a IQ higher then a baboon.
All Religions are stupid and need to be forgotten.

The reason being? Most people nowadays have a IQ higher then a baboon.

don't think so, i think the guy behind the above statement is wrong,

all Religions stating a war is coming between 2012-2015....

6 years from now..... so enjoy life.
I plan to enjoy it to it's fullest ..and I plan to live a very long life and see my children have kids of their own

gorgon you actually do believe in this absolutely bat-shit insane nonsense dont ya?
There will be no end of the world EVER! End of discussion!

However if by some weird twist a nuclear war does start I want to be there to take a picture when the Nuke hits!:E
I got me a motorcycle, a sack of gold, and a cow! I'm READY.

Funny story: my high school civics teacher actually bought all those things in preparation for Y2K.

Even funnier thing - I got paid absolutely shedloads to "fix" the Y2K problem.
lol y2k

"oh no, all our computers will go back to 1900 and our kettles will boil toast and our cars will drive vertically!"

Doom-mongering FTMFW
don't think so, i think the guy behind the above statement is wrong,

all Religions stating a war is coming between 2012-2015....

6 years from now..... so enjoy life.

Wow I really didn't think anyone actually believed in this

Well I dont know all of the details, but a mate of mine has read the book on the Bible Code, and apparantly the world to end by nuclear war in May 2006.

Plus the world will not end through Nuclear War because all the world powers are too closely together, these are ones who have access to a lot of nuclear arsenal. We have terrorists who obviously dont have nuclear weapons or at least not enough to start a war. We have Iran and North Korea who apprantly are developing nuclear weapons, but I think they wont even dare start a war. I mean look at history, I think everyone knows the consequences when one country starts a war against the world. In our modern times, I just cannot see any reason for any of the major world powers to start fighting each other, other than say the polar icecaps melt, the entire northern hemisphere turns to ice, and everyone starts fighting for the remaining land in the south of Earth, which I find completely and utterly unlikely.

Doommongers used to be those peculiar men in the streets, with signposts "The end is nigh!" as far back as medival times (or earlier I suspect).

Now it's popular culture.
They are all narror-minded fools. Always looking to the future instead of the present, and then they realize, ive prepared for the end which hasn't come, and I have wasted my life.
Any Christian claiming to know the time of Armageddon is full of bullshit. In the bible, Jesus said "You know not the hour or the day". So **** these christian wackos
Well planning for the future is good, even writing your will, but assuming an apocalyptic event is lazy, short-sighted and it's just an excuse to skive work to be honest.
Since when was there a decline in morality? I'm fairly certain things are much better than they were in the fifties, the nineteenth century, the sixteenth century, the fourth century, the stone age...

kirovman said:
lol y2k

"oh no, all our computers will go back to 1900 and our kettles will boil toast and our cars will drive vertically!"

Doom-mongering FTMFW
rofl, I never got that either. It was like "suddenly all our computers will have wood panelling and run by steam power!"
rofl, I never got that either. It was like "suddenly all our computers will have wood panelling and run by steam power!"

You laugh now, but:

Why are they always from the Southern part of the usa?
What do these people say when the date comes and goes? Oh yeah, well guess we were wrong. Or do they do like Valve and just bump it up another year. "Sorry, we missed the last apocalypse date. The new end of the world date is: when it's ready"
All Religions are stupid and need to be forgotten.

The reason being? Most people nowadays have a IQ higher then a baboon.

How does it feel to have someone with the IQ of a baboon look at you and think you are an idiot.

What baffles me to this day about religion....what makes people think their religion is any more true or in some way superior to other religions?

As far as I'm concerned everybody just gravitates towards religion because it answers 2 questions for them. Why and where? Why are we here? Because "God" made you for his little plan that you are somehow involved in. Where are we going? Heaven if you follow these rules - if you behave like a mortal that "God"'ll probably go to hell for all eternity, enjoy.

Religion preys/lives on the biggest fears of mankind.
What baffles me to this day about religion....what makes people think their religion is any more true or in some way superior to other religions?

As far as I'm concerned everybody just gravitates towards religion because it answers 2 questions for them. Why and where? Why are we here? Because "God" made you for his little plan that you are somehow involved in. Where are we going? Heaven if you follow these rules - if you behave like a mortal that "God"'ll probably go to hell for all eternity, enjoy.

Religion preys/lives on the biggest fears of mankind.
That's what I've been saying for years. Religion is just a scapegoat for people to get away from the fact that they will live, die, and be forgotten. They don't want their life to be meaningless, they don't want to be forgotten...they want something.

That's why I don't think the idea of religion is bad, just the way it's implemented. Some people just need something to justify their life.
and I wouldnt mind if it was a personal experience ...but it's not quite like that in reality ..religion is oppresive, regressive and intrusive. If they quietly kept to themselves (as we atheists/agnostics do) I wouldnt have a problem with it ..however you cant take two steps without feeling it's effects in some way or other's the pushing of their ideology, their morality that is off putting ..and in recent years it's been so invasive in society that it needs to be addressed before the damage is irreversible ..I mean from civil rights to education to morality to society as a whole religion has a firm grip on us all ...whether we want it to be that way or not

...personally I'd prefer they kept it to themselves or failing that at least put every religion is some remote part of the globe and have them fight to the death ...whomever wins is then outright slaughtered (ok I was joking about that part ...but not the Death match)
I'm pretty sure nukes detonate before they hit the ground.

If Introversion brings out DEFCON on the 12th of September, I'm going to LOL.