Nuclear War begins Sept 12, 2006

If only it were September 16th, then I could have at least Black Dahlia first ;(.
What an idiot, he can take his holy book and stick it up his ass.

Yaw way sayz der gunna be nuculeer war!
and I wouldnt mind if it was a personal experience ...but it's not quite like that in reality ..religion is oppresive, regressive and intrusive. If they quietly kept to themselves (as we atheists/agnostics do) I wouldnt have a problem with it ..however you cant take two steps without feeling it's effects in some way or other's the pushing of their ideology, their morality that is off putting ..and in recent years it's been so invasive in society that it needs to be addressed before the damage is irreversible ..I mean from civil rights to education to morality to society as a whole religion has a firm grip on us all ...whether we want it to be that way or not

...personally I'd prefer they kept it to themselves or failing that at least put every religion is some remote part of the globe and have them fight to the death ...whomever wins is then outright slaughtered (ok I was joking about that part ...but not the Death match)

I think you're confusing religion with church.
You don't need a church to be spiritual.

Its churches that tend to cause the problems, and not the religion per se.
It's more the ****ed-up people that tend to be the problem.
You don't need a church to be spiritual.

Its churches that tend to cause the problems, and not the religion per se.

but the religion not the church says that homosexuality is an abomination (the church just follows along). The religion is what says that condoms arent effective's the religion that says a woman doesnt have the right to choose what's best for her body
the guy in the video sounds like this old guy who used to walk up to me at the bus stop and ramble until the bus picked me up for my school.
but the religion not the church says that homosexuality is an abomination (the church just follows along). The religion is what says that condoms arent effective's the religion that says a woman doesnt have the right to choose what's best for her body

You're right on the homosexuality bit.

You won't find condoms in the Bible.

And it's religion that says that a baby shouldn't die for the comfort of the mother.
I thought they detonated when they hit.. :( oh well.

Nah. They detonate hundreds of feet in the air (if not like 1,000) to get maximum effect.

MiccyNarc said:
You're right on the homosexuality bit.

You won't find condoms in the Bible.

And it's religion that says that a baby shouldn't die for the comfort of the mother.

I thought it was against the Catholic religion for a man's semen not to be used for conception so condoms would go against that.

As for the "mother's comfort" - does religion say it's a no-no for a mother to have an abortion if she will not survive the pregnancy? I'm not trying to say this is the reason for most abortions, just actually curious on this one.
I just cannot see any reason for any of the major world powers to start fighting each other, other than say the polar icecaps melt, the entire northern hemisphere turns to ice, and everyone starts fighting for the remaining land in the south of Earth, which I find completely and utterly unlikely.


Haha nice Battlefield 2142 refrence there mate.
Weapons tech has evolved too much. People die too easily. We should turn back to the WW2 style type warfare.
but the religion not the church says that homosexuality is an abomination (the church just follows along). The religion is what says that condoms arent effective's the religion that says a woman doesnt have the right to choose what's best for her body

This is the heart of the problem. Who writes the teachings for a particular religion? Men. Men who seek power.

Its never the man who works for his home and his family who causes the trouble. Its the men who form churches to seek power and control over others who gather the masses and issue edicts.

I'm pretty certain that Jesus never stood on a hillside and denounced homosexuality, or indeed said anything that put women in their place. That stuff was added by men at a later date - the same men who formed that church.

Taking things literally, I'm quite sure that when I'm stood at the Pearly gates, St Peter isn't going to refuse me entry just because I didn't attend church weekly. I'll be judged on the kind of person I am, and I think I'm a pretty good person as things go.
The Church, byt the words of Jesus, was meant to be a place for people to find their belief - not have it rammed into their heads by the Church.
The same thing happened in most religions, sadly some havn't disgarded the own values of the Dark Ages for the more modern values.

Enough about Church vs Religion.

The Nuclear War will not happen between two superpowers till after a long war, IMO.
Damnit, every time I plan to go to Dublin something happens, first it was work, then a viva, now nuclear war the day before I go?

It's just not fair...
Weapons tech has evolved too much. People die too easily. We should turn back to the WW2 style type warfare.

You do remember what happened at the end of WW2, right? The effects are still being felt to this day...

Goddamnit. Now I never get to play Dead Rising.
CptStern, Yahweh is the Jewish version of God, isn't it?
Come on fellow humans! We have free will, we can stop this nuclear terror!
I thought it was against the Catholic religion for a man's semen not to be used for conception so condoms would go against that.
The catholics have a gazillion BS laws that put the old testament to shame. No one follows them.