Nvidia Drivers.....


Nov 4, 2005
Reaction score
1st off, I want to say hi to everyone.... and sorry if I'm breaking the rule, just give me an e-slap (I can take it) and point me in the right direction. :)

To make a long story short, I have recently aquired an Nvidia 6800 video card, which is posisbly the highest end video card that I have ever had, but currently it blows... I cannot seem to find a driver that works correctly.

I have tried the newest driver: Version: 81.85 : but it does not work very well. I have dropped back the to 77.72 version, which works better - I can play HL2, but I cannot play Deathmatch. It loads, but when you go to load the actual game it flashes 1 frame of the game screen and then exits to the desktop even though DM is still showing.

I have searched on the board so see if anyone else has had this problem, or if it's just me... which is very possilbe. If anyone has any clue as to what is going on with this please let me know. My next step is to wipe my machine and start over.... since the multiple uninstalls/reinstalls has probably really mucked it up - since videos outside of the game are showing poorly.
Did you completly remove all your older video cards drivers (if you had a non-nVidia board before)?
I removed them via the control pannel, but somehow I think they might have not fully uninstalled.

If no one knows of any major issues with the drivers, I'll just redo my machine and start with a fresh slate.... It's been over 6 months since the last time anyways! :LOL: