nVidia internal ATi Bashing

I believe those slides to be fake!

As for which GFX card to get next. The X800 XT looks the tastiest, but I can't afford it :/ The 6800 GT looks the best bang for your buck tho (slightly edging out the x800 pro, imo)........ and just fits my budget \o/

(of course it's best to wait and see some benches when all the cards are released - and how the next gen games all run)
Razak said:
i agree, i was thinking the same exact thing. I dont see ATI making comments about the competion.

Perhaps thats only because ATIs internal documents haven't been leaked :).

I wouldnt be surprise if ATis Marketing dept makes hay over its lower power requirements while trying to sell its card to manyfacturers.

Also why is needing more power innately bad? Okay it produces more heat, but if you can implement a better cooling solution I cant see the downside.
Wilco said:
Also why is needing more power innately bad? Okay it produces more heat, but if you can implement a better cooling solution I cant see the downside.

You have to see how much power it uses under load, scary, glad we prob won't see the 6800UE that just kills PSUs.
Power consumption is something you want to minimize for many reasons.

Adds to the power consumption of the whole PC and how much electricity is used.
Raises the PSU requirement and strain of the system.
Complexity is decreased.
Needing significantly more power than the AGP can deliver is not desired as it is out of spec.
Reduce size, noise of device/cooling solution.
Lowers cost for cooling solution.
Requires less heat dissapation.
Improve proccess control.
Longer lifetime.
Improves flexibility.
Most of the PCs built are from HP and Dell. Any system for the general user that needs to be able to cool itself in just about any office/home environment with the added Power and Heat can add to device failure.

In general, if it is possible to do have similar performance by producing a lower powered device then do it.
Overall It costs the manufacture less to manufacuture a device with lower power consumption, improves the value of the product and opens it up to more sales by opening markets that have power/heat requirements.

This is one reason why HP has made AMD their priority in Desktop systems and Dell has been looking AMD up and down.
All this is going to do is make better hardware for US. Personaly I think both cards are good I have been a Nvidia user for years, I now have 2 9800 pro's {wifes pc}, but its getting to the point thats its harder to make a choice, which is awsome for the consumer. These 2 cards have been the biggest leap I have ever seen, sence the birth of the voodoo cards back in ole Quake 2 days, god bless all the gamers out there to keep Nvidia & ATI pumping out new hardware so fast, my 2 cents. Now all I need is S.T.A.L.K.E.R to be in my HD.