Nvidia PCI-X in the works

  • Thread starter Thread starter Aumn
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PCI-X is the next thing.. i think all the card makers are switching over soon...

PCI-X is faster, can handle old pci-32 bit..
PCI-X is good :afro: :afro:
old news...

not much to say besides the fact that its a new format im not excited
PCI-Xpress, 64-bit, SATA, Radeon 9x00... I could go on. YeY Hooray for teh reveloution!!!

Yeah wrong board m8 :-)
Originally posted by MacGraham
Apple are already there!!

Yeah but Id like to see you play HL2 or Doom3 on that ;o) all respects to Apple but Im a game so I have no intrest in them :borg:
Apple hah, most people use computers for gaming now adays and apple is for business. I doubt we will see any good PCI-X mobo anytime soon (this year and Q1 2004).
not to turn this thread into a apple vs pc thread, but yea...

having an apple is like buying a $30,000 car with no wheels. you've got all kinds of bells and whistles and features and it looks really cool...but uh oh! you can't do anything with it other than look at it!

if all companies were like blizzard and releasing games for PC and mac, i'd start thinking about considering a mac...but until macs actually have a use for gamers, they'll be a niche consumer/business computer only. you won't see any kids begging their parents to get a mac.

plus, bungie used to be one of the mac's best game developers...now their games are made for xbox and pc...apple gets raped by microsoft in a round-about sort of way
Apples aren't for gaming, at all.

Apples do however, dominate PC's in the following areas :


Sound Design

Making Movies/Editing Movies

PCs have these advantages (In my opinion, which is just, an opinion)


Much more common, therefore more compatible

<<Hmm, thats about what I got right now, its early, and i'm tired>>
Nice to see it running on a Dual 2Ghz G5 Apple though. Performance wise it would be awesome. I agree PC are great for Games, Apple is better for everything else by miles.

OSX is bulletproof
Originally posted by TrueWeltall
I doubt we will see any good PCI-X mobo anytime soon (this year and Q1 2004).

The Apple Dual 2Ghz G5 has PCI-X & Dual 1 GB bandwidth. Also ATI releases its new cards to Apple first, occasionally.
Originally posted by Aumn
Apples aren't for gaming, at all.

Apples do however, dominate PC's in the following areas :


Sound Design

Making Movies/Editing Movies

PCs have these advantages (In my opinion, which is just, an opinion)


Much more common, therefore more compatible

<<Hmm, thats about what I got right now, its early, and i'm tired>>

Last I heard, major studios were moving to Windows and/or Linux for their video editting.
Originally posted by Aumn

PCs have these advantages (In my opinion, which is just, an opinion)


Much more common, therefore more compatible

<<Hmm, thats about what I got right now, its early, and i'm tired>>

and thats about it. PC's rock with games but Windows really does suck for everything else. I love the fact that my PC can easily be upgraded with cheap parts, but not as much as I love the fact that my Mac just works.....always
Originally posted by Mountain Man
What's wrong with AGP?

Communication over AGP is very slow. With pci express a graphics card could e.g. use the sytem memory.
Originally posted by Ahnteis
Last I heard, major studios were moving to Windows and/or Linux for their video editting.

OSX is based on Unix, there is no point in moving to Linux. It is a common myth the creative industry is moving from Mac to PC.

I didn't mean all this to turn into a Mac/PC debate. I was just mentioning that Apple was using PCI-X.

I apologise but I'm a little touchy when people start.
And again, it's PCI-Express and not PCI-X, which is a different bus.

PCI-X is a bus system reserved for server stuff, that is backwards compatible to PCI 2.2. PCI-Express is the consumer stuff, a serial bus that is only backwards compatible on software layer. It uses different plugs and ain't backwards compatible on hardware side.
well at the very least, Nvidia and Ati are starting this competition on a clean slate.. or are they? either company showing more progress than the other?

anyway, personally i don't be touching these cards until at least 3-4 months after their release..

im not big on being a guiea pig for pple out there.. i do however appreciate the pple that do go out and purchase these new tech hardwares.. without them, we would only have pre-release benchmarks and reviews from gaming sites to rely on..

i like word of mouth.. its the best kind of marketing for any company! :)
Originally posted by TrueWeltall
Apple hah, most people use computers for gaming now adays and apple is for business. I doubt we will see any good PCI-X mobo anytime soon (this year and Q1 2004).

Actually most computers are probably used for business. Think quickly about an office , think of how many computers are there. You arent supposed to play games at work: case closed.
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
You arent supposed to play games at work: case closed.

Oh i wonder how many people break that so called rule.
We had Macs at my school, and that’s why I will forever hate them. I swear I don’t think I worked on one thing on them without a catastrophic crash. I lost so many hours of work on those things.... So slow to. Granted most of the problems were based on the schools shitty network stuff, but I mean come-on. Plus I don’t like Macs because they are proprietary and I cant just go buy any new part for it I like. That is in addition to the whole no games thing.
Originally posted by SirMcNugget
We had Macs at my school, and that’s why I will forever hate them. I swear I don’t think I worked on one thing on them without a catastrophic crash. I lost so many hours of work on those things.... So slow to. Granted most of the problems were based on the schools shitty network stuff, but I mean come-on. Plus I don’t like Macs because they are proprietary and I cant just go buy any new part for it I like. That is in addition to the whole no games thing.

That must of been in the days before OS X. Our studio has about 10 Macs. The OS X Server handling huge files was switched on in Jan 2002 and has worked continuously to this day without a restart (oh sorry we shut it down for the xmas period :) ). The other Macs running OS X get put to sleep at night and are only ever restarted if a new install needs to.

On the other hand our PC NT Server which handles email distribution etc needs rebooting every day, sometimes many times a day. I love both Macs and PC's as I've already said, but don't let past experience or blind asumption put you off them.

Also the fact Mac's are proprietary is one of the great things about them, you use the thing and not don't fiddle with it.

Its like Fords and Ferrari's, they both do the same thing. They can both theoretically do the same speeds. The Ford is cheaper to buy and maintain, you can also buy lots of silly things to stick on it and in it. The ferrari on the other hand is bought to drive, sticking more things on it or in it would be sacralige, its perfect the way it was orginally designed.

Mac are shit for games though! That's why I also own a PC.
Originally posted by MacGraham
On the other hand our PC NT Server which handles email distribution etc needs rebooting every day, sometimes many times a day.

Keyword : NT

NT Server was great for NT and 9x clients, not for much else. 2003 or 2000 is the way to go. No problems here. :D
One last rant (I wish I hadn't said anything now :( ):

The PC market needs Apple. Apple are the innovators in this industry that cannot be denied.

People laughed when they introduced the GUI interface to computing. They laughed when Apple brought us the mouse. They laughed when Apple brought us the CDROM drive. They laughed at postscript compatibility, PDA's, USB, Firewire, DVD-R, Non-beige cases etc etc etc

All you PC users now use these things daily. Apple lead, the rest just follow. Damn Microsoft!!!!!!!!!!!

The world would be a better place without Windows. I trully believe that if everything out there ran on an Apple Mac the world would be 5-10 years ahead of where it is now and everybody would be happier in the world.
Originally posted by nbk-brando
Keyword : NT

NT Server was great for NT and 9x clients, not for much else. 2003 or 2000 is the way to go. No problems here. :D

Sorry it is a Windows 2000 Server. Still shit though. Engineers come out and change stuff in it every month, declare it healthy, only for it to fall over again the next day.
Oh god, not this agian. Well, I think most ppl here agree windows sucks. Those who like their desktops are just sheep buying into marketing BS. Microsoft holds the markets by the balls with their DirectX and MFC making it very difficult to port software to a better operating system. Now OSX isn't much better. Granted it looks better and it is WAY MORE stable than the competition, developer support is moving away.

Take Adobe for example. That company is the reason Apple is still in business. If it wasn't for photoshop and premiere, there is absolutly no reason for anyone to buy a Mac back in the day. Well whoops, look who is stopping developing for the Macintosh?

That must of been in the days before OS X. Our studio has about 10 Macs. The OS X Server handling huge files was switched on in Jan 2002 and has worked continuously to this day without a restart (oh sorry we shut it down for the xmas period ). The other Macs running OS X get put to sleep at night and are only ever restarted if a new install needs to.

It is very true that the creative community is moving away from the Macintosh platform. I work at a Multimedia lab and only the oldest creative minds swear by their macs. Most people scramble to the PC's especially when they are working with something memory/graphic intensive such as AfterEffects, Maya, XSI, 3DS MAX, and even *gasp* photoshop. While our PC lab is full, the mac lab has few students in it. Actually, the only good reason anyone uses the Macs is for FinnalCut Pro in our labs and that is quickly changing as well since we got an Avid Unity system (the system that edited the Lord of the Rings).

Im sorry but the mac is like an old grandma that just won't die.
Originally posted by MacGraham
One last rant (I wish I hadn't said anything now :( ):

The PC market needs Apple. Apple are the innovators in this industry that cannot be denied.

People laughed when they introduced the GUI interface to computing. They laughed when Apple brought us the mouse. They laughed when Apple brought us the CDROM drive. They laughed at postscript compatibility, PDA's, USB, Firewire, DVD-R, Non-beige cases etc etc etc

All you PC users now use these things daily. Apple lead, the rest just follow. Damn Microsoft!!!!!!!!!!!

The world would be a better place without Windows. I trully believe that if everything out there ran on an Apple Mac the world would be 5-10 years ahead of where it is now and everybody would be happier in the world.

Competition speeds up development... not having a total monopoly (there is no monopoly on PC hardware).

If Apple was a giant company controlling around 90% of the PC market they would probably be accused of the same things Microsoft is always accused of.

It is because they are a niche market and they survive on innovation that they have to keep inventing new gadgets, standards, etc.

They realized a long time ago that PCs were cheaper, faster, had more developers, and were more customizable... then they went with the "ferrari of computers" plan and made their computers look stylish (allowing them to charge twice as much for the same performance you could get with a PC... even the better looking ones).

They seem to have gotten tired of the poor performance their computers were putting out in comparison to the PCs... so they developed their 64-bit processor.

For now, they are a little ahead in performance... but that performance costs an arm and a leg.
From what I hear of AMD and Intel's next lines of processors (after the ones coming out at the end of this year or beginning of next year)... Apple with have their work cut out for them if they intend to stay in the lead.
Originally posted by OCybrManO

For now, they are a little ahead in performance... but that performance costs an arm and a leg.
From what I hear of AMD and Intel's next lines of processors (after the ones coming out at the end of this year or beginning of next year)... Apple with have their work cut out for them if they intend to stay in the lead.

This is my very last rant, I'm sounding like a Mac Fanboy. The cheapest G5 is around £1600, for that you get a workstation speed machine. The High end machine is £2500, that will blitz any PC put near it on power and value. As for chip development, IBM have already prepped the G6 which is a derivative of the Power5 (or 6 can't remember exacly). I don't really care whos fastest Mac or PC's, I just like using good computers. For me Apple make the best quality computers and software in the world, whatever that means to some people. Again I'll say it, I love my PC, for games its great.

Oh and new 64bit processors from Intel and AMD are all ok if they have something to run on them. Windows for 64 bit is still a way off yet, mid 2004 i last heard. And when people find that they'll need to upgrade all their software to make use of the new processors they be more than pissed.
Originally posted by MacGraham
Oh and new 64bit processors from Intel and AMD are all ok if they have something to run on them. Windows for 64 bit is still a way off yet, mid 2004 i last heard. And when people find that they'll need to upgrade all their software to make use of the new processors they be more than pissed.

The Athlon64 is based on x86 with a 64bit extention. That means you can run 32bit apps just like you could before with no performance loss just like the G5. The real advantage however is running 64bit apps.
The cheapest G5 is around £1600, for that you get a workstation speed machine. The High end machine is £2500
... $2500 - $4000 is rather expensive. Wouldn't you agree?
Especially when you consider that one can build a nearly (maybe drop down to the second fastest P4 and a 128MB R9800Pro instead of the 256MB version) top of the line PC including a nice 21" monitor (or a smaller LCD if you want to conserve space on your desk) and a good sound system for less than $2000... probably $1800... possibly less if you do a bit of extra searching.

I'm not willing to shell out $4000 any time soon for a fast computer... or $3000... and I am only very rarely willing to drop $2000 for a computer.
Not because I can't afford it... but because they are gouging their customers.

If each of the cases and the fancy parts were hand made... then it might be worth that price... but for something that is completely machine made (except maybe slapping the parts together and even that is probably unskilled labor on an assembly line), and something I will rarely look at (I always keep my cases on the floor to the side of my desk) it is way too expensive.

EDIT: ...and I've also seen Apple catch a lot of flak recently due to the benchmarks they used to prove their machine is "the world's fastest personal computer."
Here's a link to an article that goes into some detail about the tests... for more of them just search Google for Apple G5 benchmarks and click on almost any of the links other than one to Apple's own site.