Nvidia sent me free stuff

cool stuff you got clairelovestlc

P.S from where did you got your case ? i love it
Evesham.. its a uk company, Very much like dell... but better customer survice and nicer looking systems, u choose what u want, they make it up
ps call me claire
clairelovestlc said:
Evesham.. its a uk company, Very much like dell... but better customer survice and nicer looking systems, u choose what u want, they make it up
ps call me claire
cool claire ! , you know from where can i get it online ?
as far as im aware ull have to buy an entire system.

if u cann them, u may be able to buy the case seperatly. i know its £124 extra if u want it for your system instead of there normal cases.
and as far as im aware its only avalable on the top of the range versions of the axis 64 models.

i can always get u a phone number if u wanna call and find out if u can buy it
Ren.182 said:
that site confuses me !
i just want the case :(

EDIT : nvm , yea you have to buy the whole system for the case. ill get a new computer next month so im searching for some good specs.

My current list :

AMD Athlon 64 4400+
Asus AN-8 SLI
Geforce 7800 GT

still looks for a harddrive , rams and a beautiful case.
im sure if u call evesham they will let u buy the case on its own.. if not ill have a rummage through my pc documentation later 2day, the case is made my a specific company, i dunno if they sell them to the public
clairelovestlc said:
im sure if u call evesham they will let u buy the case on its own.. if not ill have a rummage through my pc documentation later 2day, the case is made my a specific company, i dunno if they sell them to the public
My Phone line dosen't support international calls :(

oh well, ill just search for another case
Is that a fold out chair? If your from aus, GO the Bronco's and lions, if not, nice stuff
If you send a fax as if your a computer store (or company whatever) they will give you the posters and stickers also
They probly even have special forms for it
clairelovestlc said:
exactly, cant complain when its free... now i just have to work out how to fit it myself...

where shall i fit it.. im thinking the little grill at the front if it fits? seems pointless being at the back, where it cant be seen.

Unfortunatly i cant seem to get it off as its glued in place

Dude! That's teh 1337 comp!
yeah it is a fold out chair... its my dads, i redecorated my study last week, and i used it to stand on, its been behind my door since!!!

oh and what does

Dude! That's teh 1337 comp! mean? sorry im not very good with techy lingo
thanks :) I love my super cool looking pc... it looks damn sexy in my study( not in same study as in pic with the pink carpet.. ive moved house) yeah and it should be gal, not dude... i just ignored it lol
Claire: Check your PM's and get back to me! GOGOGO
You tryin to steal the booty on offer there dekstar! :P
sorry i dont have a paypal account, if i sell the stuff ill prob sell it locally, and as a bulk set, its not worth the postage if im selling something for 50p lol
Evo said:
You tryin to steal the booty on offer there dekstar! :P
Nah I just offered £1 for the Nvidia bracelet.

Anyone know how to get one, since it's not worth enough for claire to send it?
You got a great comp Claire, didnt knew girls care about PCs Specs :P
im a special girl, dancer and complete girly girl by day, gamer and pc and car lover by night
This would be a good time for a lecture on gender and the internet, bliink.
clairelovestlc said:
im a special girl, dancer and complete girly girl by day, gamer and pc and car lover by night
pretty cool girl ^^
DigiQ8 said:
never been pwnd before :(
Ye it sucks, Angry Lawer keeps pwning me, little does he know however that........
everybody keeps pwning me today ! :(

someone give me a hug !!
Solaris said:
Ye it sucks, Angry Lawer keeps pwning me, little does he know however that........
I would I could get my arms around you!!!! PWNT.
Beerdude26 said:
Tbh, I had a a gman, but it was too low res, so I got the woman out of teh adverts, but that was taken, so now Ive got this one. AND STOP BEING MEAN!!!
actully im getting used to be pwned !

oh and stop changin your avatar :P
I might get two NVIDIA Geforce 7800GTX SLI's so I can get that green wrist band.