Nvidia vs. ATI

Nvidia vs. ATI

  • Nvidia

    Votes: 8 15.4%
  • ATI

    Votes: 44 84.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
ATI I voted for.

Nvidia got S3.0 advantages over ATI at the moment..............but wait and see what ATI cards will have at the end of this year :thumbs:
You did a double post of this thread btw.

Anyway, I use ATI and prefere it because the 9800 pro is the best card I have ever had the pleasure of using.

And hey call me what you want but if valve say its beter for halflife2 and directX 9.0 games in general that all the better for me!

ATI also have a history of providing beter value for money as far as I can remember!

So yeah. ATI for me :)
I'm not biased by any means, I'm just voting for what I think is the best as of right now. The FX series sucked major time, and the 9800 owned. I have a 9800 and love it. My last card was a geforce 4 TI, and I also loved it. I dont know much about the 6800 and x800, so I cant really say anything about them.
I know I double posted, the last one i goofed on and I cant figure out how to delete it :( lol

And yea, I am going with ATI also, 9800 pro all the way! \o/
ComradeBadger said:
Use ATi.

Moved to Hardware, Software & Troubleshooting.

But but but... you know no one reads THOSE forums!!! ;( *cries*
I used to always go for Nvidia cards when I bought one, they were better.
But the last time I bought a graphics card was during Nvidias deeper "depression".
So I had no choice but to buy an ATI card.
A 9700 pro, And I like it.
So now I'm nobody's fanboy.
When Nvidia starts making good GPU's again I'll have a harder time choosing than in the past.
Deadline said:
But but but... you know no one reads THOSE forums!!! ;( *cries*
Relax, it still shows up in the Off Topic forum :)

And I voted for ATi. I've never really liked Nvidia, and their cards always seem to be less functional and lower performance than their ATi counterparts.
ATi all the way.

Theres a definite difference in the quality thats being produced.
If there was no nVidia to introduce new technology into the GPU's, ATi would still be releasing DX6 boards with 'slight clock increases to increase fps'

As far as new technology goes, its nVidia that push the boundaries, at the sacrifice of frames-per-second in existing games/benchmarks. You shouldnt vote for the fastest boards. For example, ATi X800 has absolutely no new technology on the GPU, it is merely tweaked to give outstanding performance in exsisting games/benchmarks (and it does). nVidia on the other hand, have included the next generation of technology onto the 6800 GPU, leading the way for the next generation of games and benchmarks.

nVidia all the way. They make some killer motherboard chipsets too. nForce2 baby, yeah!
I voted for ati cause I have a 9600 pro( which I love) at the moment, but when its time to upgrade I will explore all my options with both ati and nvidia.
:O ATi, because so far it is a fact they have the better cards out as of now :frog: @ Nvidia
I voted for NVIDIA just because I have one, but I plan on getting a Radeon before Half-Life² comes out... I want my experience of it to be the best!
FFS! people please read my post before voting!!! ignorant lil sh*theads :angry:

Well with ATI's cheats off looks like they can't match Nvidia at any level, there x800 xt pe doesn't even match Nvidia's GT lol. Sux for all the people that bought one already. ATI had it in the bag then they went and cheated.
Thier cards loose 10-20% in performance when full tri linear is on.

Thats the reason why there was so little perfomance drop from x8 to x16 af :)

Looks like the bomb shells are about to fall :cheers:

Even worse thins is that ATI won't own up to the fact they cheated hehe. Reminds of of Nvidia's FX line. Plus the fact they purposefully decieved us. In all thier tech doucments on thier cards they said they were doing Trilinear all the time but in fact they were doing Bilinear all the time just switching to Trilinear when colored mip maps were used.
I prefer Nvidia.. but I haven’t bought a graphics card in 3 years :eek: my next rig which is being build with HL2 in mind will probably have a 6800 Ultra in it so long as I can afford it. It may be more stable at higher resolutions and full tri but it costs an extra £60-70 more than the 800x and you would probably have to buy a new power supply to keep it happy. But money is made for spending :D
:sleep: ATi really cheated? Dang, it is pretty shocking... they better step up their game or else i'll have a brand new Geforce 6800 Ultra.
ailevation said:
:sleep: ATi really cheated? Dang, it is pretty shocking... they better step up their game or else i'll have a brand new Geforce 6800 Ultra.

The fact that they cheated has tarnished thier image a little but it seems thats the price they were prepared to pay to make sure thier cards pulled off a huge marketing coup' by flooring nvidia's 6800u.
Pobz said:
If there was no nVidia to introduce new technology into the GPU's, ATi would still be releasing DX6 boards with 'slight clock increases to increase fps'

Microsoft develops DirectX, not nVidia, so why would it be up to nVidia to create tech to use it?

Ati was the first to the table with DirectX 9 level cards, so there goes your theory.

You shouldnt vote for the fastest boards. For example, ATi X800 has absolutely no new technology on the GPU, it is merely tweaked to give outstanding performance in exsisting games/benchmarks (and it does). nVidia on the other hand, have included the next generation of technology onto the 6800 GPU, leading the way for the next generation of games and benchmarks.

So what you're saying is, don't buy hardware based on performance (which is the sole purpose of hardware), but buy it the based of how new the technology is?

So if nVidia released a card which was, on paper, this amazing piece of technological advancement, yet compared to Ati's "rehash" yet much faster card, you'd still buy the nVidia? That's dumb. Maybe if the image quality was much better for the nVidia part I'd agree, but in the case of the 6800 vs X800, that's not true.

Granted the 6800 has PS3.0, which is great, but realistically games are just starting to fully utilize PS2.0 and PS3.0 is virtually nowhere. I'd wait till the next generation of cards to really consider PS3.0 as a buying factor. Right now it seems more marketing than anything.

You shouldn't be so biased to one company, if you are you may find yourself buying inferior products at one point or another simply because "the company you love" is putting them out.

entium said:
Well with ATI's cheats off looks like they can't match Nvidia at any level, there x800 xt pe doesn't even match Nvidia's GT lol. Sux for all the people that bought one already. ATI had it in the bag then they went and cheated.
Thier cards loose 10-20% in performance when full tri linear is on.

Thats the reason why there was so little perfomance drop from x8 to x16 af :)

Looks like the bomb shells are about to fall :cheers:

Even worse thins is that ATI won't own up to the fact they cheated hehe. Reminds of of Nvidia's FX line. Plus the fact they purposefully decieved us. In all thier tech doucments on thier cards they said they were doing Trilinear all the time but in fact they were doing Bilinear all the time just switching to Trilinear when colored mip maps were used.

You're being a little hasty there. First, I'd look at this "cheat" two ways:

1. Yes you can call it a cheat because you've set your card to trilinear filtering and in fact it's using bilinear filtering in some instances to increase performance.

2. I don't care what you call it because with little to no image quality impact, the card is making significant performance gains.

What do you care about? I'd prefer the performance. Hey, if image quality went to the shits because of this then I'd totally agree with you, but sinse it doesn't, you might as well look on the bright side. The whole issue seems to be a morality thing more than anything.

Also, they did "own up". Read their press release here.
i voted nvidia. i use a ti4200, and have never had an ati card. my last card was a voodoo3, and thats it. ive only had 2 pc's. hope to buy a new one soon though :)
Ati all the way, got an fx 5900 it sux and i am using my friends 9800xt 128, it really kicks some nVidia ass.
excuse me? please tell me what card has PS3.0 on the GPU and what card still has PS2.0?

Please tell me what ATi's reasoning for this was?

ATi said they refused to offer the latest technology on their cards in favor of just reworking the R300 architecture to run faster.... thats not an opinion, that's fact.

I'm not saying anything about what cards to buy, I have a 9800pro myself because it does its job better than any nvidia card - that's not the point of this argument.

The poll was nVidia vs ATi - and the argument is that nVidia come on top for SACRIFICING the performance crown in favor of introducing new technology in their cards that can be used by developers in creating the next generation of games.

Buy ATi, get the performance for the games that are out at the moment, just don't be so quick to flame nVidia because their cards offer a few frames per second less - the sacrifices they make are well worth it in my opinion.

nVidia are by far the more productive company. ATi just play it safe.
The first video card I've ever bought was the 64MB GeForce2 GTS/Pro and DAMN did I love it. It lasted me a good 4 years and I was an nvidia fan for quite some time. It seems these days there is now actual competition and I voted for ATI.
I voted ATI since the card in my machine is a 9800pro.
If this was a year or so back I would have voted Nvidia (My GF2 TI kickedass back in the day).


ATI has always done adaptive AF since the 9700. Link
The 9600 and X800 take advantage of adaptive blending of mip-map transitions which is still trilinear.
There are many 'trilinear' filters out there.
Bilinear and Brilinear are quite different though.
Nvidia uses Brilinear.
Trilinear VS Brilinear VS bilinear
Pobz said:
excuse me? please tell me what card has PS3.0 on the GPU and what card still has PS2.0?

Please tell me what ATi's reasoning for this was?

ATi said they refused to offer the latest technology on their cards in favor of just reworking the R300 architecture to run faster.... thats not an opinion, that's fact.

I'm not saying anything about what cards to buy, I have a 9800pro myself because it does its job better than any nvidia card - that's not the point of this argument.

The poll was nVidia vs ATi - and the argument is that nVidia come on top for SACRIFICING the performance crown in favor of introducing new technology in their cards that can be used by developers in creating the next generation of games.

Buy ATi, get the performance for the games that are out at the moment, just don't be so quick to flame nVidia because their cards offer a few frames per second less - the sacrifices they make are well worth it in my opinion.

nVidia are by far the more productive company. ATi just play it safe.

Didn't mean to sound like I was flaming, just wanted to set a few things straight.

Yes I agree the 6800 uses PS3.0, I'm just saying, how necessary is it right now? Just because Ati doesn't use it doesn't mean they play it safe, they just have a different standpoint. Their technology still works, so why not get the most out of it? Using something like PS3.0 isn't evolutionary on nVidia's part, it's evolutionary on Microsoft's part for introducing it.
....but without someone introducing it into their GPUs it would be completely useless, as developers would not be able to create software to use it...
Asus said:
The 9600 and X800 take advantage of adaptive blending of mip-map transitions which is still trilinear.
It's only trilinear when the colors are linearly interpolated between mip-map levels. Normally you can verify this behaviour by using colored mip-maps, but in the case of ATI's adaptive blending the filtering algorithm changes when colored mip-maps are switched on. So it's hard to tell what's really happening in a normal gaming scene without colored mip-maps. There's no 100% guarantee that whatever filtering technique is applied is truly trilinear.
Maybe if ATI actually did cheat I'd agree that nvidia is the better company. But since ati didnt and Nvidia always cheats (not to mention their cards are crap), I go with ati. I know ill be getting my x800 xt, and laughing as my friend drags behind me with his 6800u
News just in: I'm getting an X800 XT Platinum within the month.


nVidia still has the crown in my mind for top company, though. Performance crown is a different argument altogether!
I wanted to add more to my post, but I didn't have more time.

In the end I think all the trilinear optimizations are fine. I personally can't tell the difference during gameplay, so I don't care about brilinear, adaptive blending, bilinear on higher texture stages, or whatever else we'll see in the future. I consider two things important, though: 1. the optimizations are documented in the driver release notes and not just silently implemented and 2. there should be some kind of checkbox option in the control panel for people who want full trilinear.

I haven't voted on the poll as I feel there are still too many things unknown about the new generation of cards (performance in HL2, D3 and benefits of ShaderModel 3.0 and 3DC).
Well, ATI considers this to be their trilinear filtering. Not another bilinear or bilinear/trilinear mix filtering. That is why there probably was no release notes on it.