NY city based subway map (with working subway)


Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
If any one can spare some time to give me some feed back on my first map Id appreciated it. Its set in NYC subways, and features a fully fuctional r42 train.

you can play the map by looking for this server
or just by looking for map with NYCsubway in it

server NYC Subway map....
map NYCsubwayALPAv02

Much thanks Kamil
aol im meatbadnoeat
email [email protected]


Again any comments will be appreciated. For additional photos go to http://www.gxweb.net/photo/nycsubway/index.htm

heres some video and images from a deathmatch this should put the scale in perspective


more pictures



hmm..any particular station it was mapped after? just curious.
looks nice :)
very cool, only thing i dont like is that the train doesnt seem to make any noise
I had grand central in mind for the larger station, and myrtle for the smaller one, but to be honest i was very loose about how i made them, i was more concered about getting the feel.

Yeah the sound is a big deal, im trying to make a work around. it works on my machine but not on clients.

Thanks for you coments.
heh looks cool, but you gotta have graffiti riddled walls in one of them....if theres 2

I agree about the grafitti though, u deffo need some of that (but not too much mind...)!
SoNiCbOoM said:
that looks cool

i luv ny how bout making a topside? :)

that was the original thought, but its already pretty big, and when there is only 4 players its kinda hard to find each other. Plus the map contest is beign judged by 3 judges, so im guessing theres not going to be a lot people playing when its judged, i dont want them being bored becouse they cant find each other. What i will do is, is allow the player to see the out side but not be able to exit.
meatbadnoeat said:
that was the original thought, but its already pretty big, and when there is only 4 players its kinda hard to find each other. Plus the map contest is beign judged by 3 judges, so im guessing theres not going to be a lot people playing when its judged, i dont want them being bored becouse they cant find each other. What i will do is, is allow the player to see the out side but not be able to exit.

three judges...yeah, but most likely as many players thats need to play the level the way it was designed to play.

....did that make sense.

cool level by the way!!
Hope soo

Thanks, I hope so, becouse of the subway dynamic it needs a at least 4 people, other wise it realy feeels like your waiting for a real subway lol. I wish i could speed it up, but the faster it goes the bumpier ride. If a patch smoothes out trains/elevators, ill speed the train up a littile.
oasismark said:
is the train on a loop back to the station then?

No actualy there are two stations, and the only way to get between then is the train, this gets realy fun when you have 6 and up players, causing some intense train to platform fights.
for less then 4 players, it can be a littile bit of a bore waiting for the train.
Hey, just played your map, very nice i must say, do like the idea of the gameplay even though im from england and couldnt comment on how a NYC subway station looks :)

only two things i saw while i played it, nothing major :)

1) some scenery when u look out the gates that stop you going out onto the street :)

2) thers a bit of wall thats missing at said spot (PM me if you need a screenshot :) )
anyways, keep up the good work, i'll be trying to get my housemates to play it on lan later... so yea, cheers.
Why don't you try parenting the train sound from highway 17 or route kanal to the front of the train?
i'd like it more if the train were made out of a shinier type of metal.
i played it, thought it was good, but yeah waiting for the train can disrupt the flow of the level....make some interesting pathways to connect each of the main sections but also make it so using the train still makes sense...like maybe make it move a tad bit faster. other then that i think it has great potential.
The map is extremly well done.. props man, I loved testing it like all day yesterday.. one of my favorite maps.
thanks a lot for evey ones help. I just uploaded the prefnal verion, this morning im gona finish it and mail it out. Same server. Its got some crucial game play changes hope you like.
DM_Subway contest version map released

I have sent my map to valve and you can down load it here, http://www.gxweb.net/subway/dm_subway.zip im gona give it a day or two, before i release the final version, which may be as is.
Ill will all so set up a web site for it. If you find anything dierly wrong with it let me know.

I WANT TO THANK EVERY ONE who tooke the time to test my level, with out your imput it would not be the same. MANY MANY THANKS.
cool map! When u release it, make a post on the steam forums so lots of people see it and get it on their servers.
Website Launched h2.gxweb.net


Hey just got a small website going for it, and lots more new pictures. Plus a new version with more spawn points and much more train detail. I will added to those forms as well.
