NYC subway map

Contest version is out

I have sent my map to valve and you can down load it here, im gona give it a day or two, before i release the final version, which may be as is.
Ill will all so set up a web site for it. If you find anything dierly wrong with it let me know.

I WANT TO THANK EVERY ONE who tooke the time to test my level, with out your imput it would not be the same. MANY MANY THANKS.
i played it for a decent amount of time and here are two problems i noticed:
One) There are too few spawn points, people spawn right where they just died, thus dying again.
Zwei) The 357 and Crossbow are in the same spot, and there is a spawn point here making this person VERY LUCKY and unbalancing the game.
woops, well i gues there will be an update

Deleter said:
i played it for a decent amount of time and here are two problems i noticed:
One) There are too few spawn points, people spawn right where they just died, thus dying again.
Zwei) The 357 and Crossbow are in the same spot, and there is a spawn point here making this person VERY LUCKY and unbalancing the game.

Thanks man, should have had you test the leve before i sent it to valve, I new i should have not reduced the spawn points, but i thought it would be cool to start at the entrance to the station. I should have listened to my gut. LoL i never thought much of the bow, but ill look for a new spot for it, like the middle of the tracks. lol

Again thanks
Website Launched


Hey just got a small website going for it, and lots more new pictures. Plus a new version with more spawn points and much more train detail. I fixed the spawning issue and moved the cross bow to the track.
ok, i'll test it in a minute or so and get back to you.
If I were you I'd export the hammer model of the train, take it into XSI, make it into a real model and fix all of the "details", if you so will. The ... what's the name ... supports that you use inside the train when riding looks like shit and the seats could definently use some polishing even though they're not too shabby.

Other then that, *NICE*.
sometimes, when you try and walk into the train even when it is not moving, it kills you. Also the physics objects are all in one room that somewhat confuses people as to its reason anyway. The ominous red glow in the subway tunnel is great. The placement of the crossbow: good. Number and placement of spawn points: good. The train sounds are a tad bit off, but i can guess at the amount of time you must of spent on them already. The one entrance where the shotgun is has too many ammo boxes, you can't pick them all up at one time. When you look out of the entrance gate, you can see the top of the buildings. Are the buildings in new york really that short? Lighting is good. Thats all I can think of at the moment. Now back to playing...
Hey thanks for the comments. Dead you said the bars looked crap? how do they look, they look fine on mine, id love to move the train in to a 3d editor, but, it would not work as it needs to be a brush for the train entatty. It took 25 hours to make as is lol. Please check to see screan shots of how the bars look on my pc. Let me know.

Deletar, there is a colision block behind the subway that turns on when it moves so that the train can kill you if it hits you other wise it would just keep pushing you, the block turns on regardless of witch direction it moves i can have that changed in later times, as for the out side most of new york has small buidlings except for manhatan, but the out door areas where added as a last minute thing so i realy didnt pay much attention to them i may add a nice out door area later. The train sound working is a miricle, its to quite, but im so happy it works, most of the sounds dont, and so you have to use the plug and pray methology of just compiling runing on server checking if sound play then changing sound until you find one that works, witch is rare.

Most of the physics objecs start in the construction area. in ny subways there are a lot of seccions that are being redone, and you could see some junk their, so that was the reason why i place them, but since their phys objects they can go any where after wards, so it wont matter. However they will end up their if the train runs them of the board then they will be teleported right back to the storage area.

Good point about the ammo, thats the first place i put the amo, and i got a littile to slap happy.

Thanks fot the comments. Keep em coming ill leve this version as done, but i may start working on a huge version 2 that will be drasticly diffrent possibly more along the lines of what i wanted to do.

What do you guys this of a CS version of this level?
When the train was NOT moving, i tried to walk in one of the doors on the side, and it killed me. I noticed it do this to someone else too. That is what I was saying.
Where the doors about to close? I had to set them to kill since if the trains doors get blocked and it starts too move, weird weird things can happen, like the doors will fly by them selves. Not cool. LOL

If they where not closing, how often do you think it happens, is it a big problem or a weird flook, is it in any particular door?
