NY state gamers under 30 ..you're screwed?


May 5, 2004
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Politically minded website GamePolitics has reported on a pair of newly proposed New York State specific video game bills aimed at restricting games deemed to contain violent or racist content from minors.

The first bill, A00547, was proposed on January 3, 2007 by Democratic representative Kieth Wright, and, if passed, would prohibit the sale of video games ?containing a rating that reflects content of various degrees of profanity, racist stereotypes or derogatory language, and/or actions toward a specific group of persons.? According to the report, such games would require retailers to check customers' identification as a proof that they are aged 30 or above.

profanity? that could be anything from the word motherfcuker to taking the lord's name in vain ..why 30? there is no other media/product that has 30 as it's cutoff level

The second bill, A02024, was proposed days later on January 11, 2007 by Democratic representative Aurelia Greene, takes a similar yet slightly more broad stance by simply proposing the prohibition of any ?mature or violent? games from being purchased by minors.

In addition, the bill, if passed, would require that such games would be kept in an area of the store that is inaccessible by minors, presumably behind a counter or in a separate part of the store. [just like how it currently is for R rated movies?] Both bills have been passed on to the Assembly?s Committee on Consumer Affairs and Protection for consideration.

the bottom line:

While both bills' wording would seem to target titles rated M (Mature) or AO (Adults Only) by the ESRB, the descriptions are noticeably vague, and could conceivably be extended to include even titles rated as T (Teen), as this rating includes games that feature violence, suggestive themes, or infrequent strong language.

it hits a little too close to home as NY state is just an hour away ..fcuk america, how can you have let it get to this point?

I doubt it'll pass, they have no right to shelter adults from....adult entertainment.

I guess ill just stick cigarettes and porn.
can't it be brought down because it's unconstitutional ?
Or because it's retarded and doesn't make ANY sense? I mean honestly, what the hell, why would an over-thirty year old be able to handle something that a 25 year old wouldn't? Such nonsense. Stupid!
not our fault, its our asshole goverment
can't it be brought down because it's unconstitutional ?

they've been trying to argue that since games are not creative expressions they're not covered by the bill of rights ..so far unsuccessfully ..but all they really have to do is say that violence can be obscene (since you the gamer control the violent act, it doesnt step on other media like print or movies) ..if violence is "obscene" then it can be regulated under the same laws that covers pornography meaning no big box retailer will touch it
I just came on your prized constitution and she LOVED IT.

Well, that's what the NY state says :)
the world would be much better off if the US would be nuked to the ground.

this bill is an insult to my intelligence.
Maybe it's like the whole cigarette thing...if you don't look over 30, you're getting carded, but it's till for sell at 18 years old? Not sure, just hoping that's what it means.
Sheeesh! Why don't they just ban all entertainment while they're at it!:dozey:
Do you think these people all sat and watched Equilibrium one day and thought "Hay dats cool people will love dis!", disregarded everything but videogames, and decided to try and ban games?
Um, obviously no court is going to pass this. I'm sure people everywhere make stupid bills to be passed with no avail. It's unconstitutional, that's that.

a bit of a misleading detail about the bill at that gamasutra article. they reported this:

gamasutra said:
According to the report, such games would require retailers to check customers' identification as a proof that they are aged 30 or above.

when the actual wording of the bill looks like this:

Rep. Wright?s bill also calls for the equivalent of an ?adults only? section for such games. Retailers would be required to check I.D. for buyers who appear to be 30 or under.

so it's still 18 and under not 30 as reported by gamasutra
it's still the same outcome ..teen rated games with any sort of violence could mean that it's only sold to people over 18 ..so if say Tony Hawk pro skater xxii has the word "shit" in it you might have to use photo id to purchase it if you're over 18 ..and even then say goodbye to impulse buys because ANY game with violence/profanity could be locked away behind the counter
they cant do it to anyone over 18...thats just breaking freedom rights.
yes they can ..indirectly ..walmart/target/best buy/EB games wont carry Adult Only games ..under this bill ANY game with violence/profanity could be rated Adults Only
sooner or later someone will push one these laws through ..if not in NY then in utah, Louisiana, California, oklahoma, or worse yet should Hillary clinton/joe lieberman get their way it'll be regulated on a federal level
It will never happen. Here in onondaga county they couldn't even get a bill to pass to raise the smoking age to 19.

The logic was that it was unfair to people in the military, aka, if they're old enough to go get shot they should be old enough to smoke.
It will never happen. Here in onondaga county they couldn't even get a bill to pass to raise the smoking age to 19.

The logic was that it was unfair to people in the military, aka, if they're old enough to go get shot they should be old enough to smoke.
Good reasoning.
sooner or later someone will push one these laws through ..if not in NY then in utah, Louisiana, California, oklahoma, or worse yet should Hillary clinton/joe lieberman get their way it'll be regulated on a federal level

That's why we have the Supreme Court to protect us. Anything involving anti-videogame laws is unconstitutional. Even if it were somehow passed, it would be immediately repealed.
Its not going to happen. It never will. The courts arnt stupid, and blatently unconstitutional propositions such as this will be shut down as soon as they can be. Just because a lot of them pop up doesnt mean one will get pushed through, because eventually people will be sick of this shit and pay them no mind and let them wither away until the attacks stop coming.

The only reason these keep coming up is because of misinformed people supporting the ideas. With each passing day more people are learning to leave the bigotry behind and support people's right to choose over censorship.
First of all - Fucking Democrats

Alright, now that that's out of my system this is retarded. If anything this would only increase piracy, or online sales through downloads or by mail. Either way, NY loses out on taxes, so they'd be fucking themselves no matter what.
As long as it doesn't spread to other states I dont give a f***...except for that age 30...I mean what the crack are they smoking.
can't it be brought down because it's unconstitutional ?
Since when did the US government care about the constitution?

I thought New York was supposed to be one of the more progressive, liberal states?
It's not difficult to propose a law. They usually do it for the sole purpose of being able to say they tried. This simply cannot pass, and everyone involved knows it.

It's really not a big deal. In the incredibly off chance that it passed, it would lose on appeal. This is a non-issue.
It's not difficult to propose a law. They usually do it for the sole purpose of being able to say they tried. This simply cannot pass, and everyone involved knows it.

It's really not a big deal. In the incredibly off chance that it passed, it would lose on appeal. This is a non-issue.

it's more than just that ..it's like during segregation where black rights groups (mainly NAACP) tested the constitutionality of segregation by challenging local bylaws ...although it's a bad example as these legislators dont have our best interests in mind

it's like they're throwing shit at the wall in the hopes some of it will stick