Obama wins Nobel Peace Price


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
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This is just plain ridiculous if you ask me. President Obama has received the Nobel Peace Price. Very premature imho. He hasn't even been a year in office. FOX will have a field day over this.
Is this some kind of joke?

The guy hasn't even done anything of great consiquence yet.
Congratulations, you're black and you're the president. Have a prize!
I think its more to do with his policies being a dramatic change from the self-centeredness of the last government, as well as his attempt to actually heal the wounds caused by the Bush administration. With that said though, I'm sure there were far more deserving candidates out there.
Well, if there's any Nobel prize that's nothing but political, it's the peace prize. It's a freakin' joke. And incidentally not handed out by Sweden. We do the real Nobel prizes. And the one in economy.
This is ridiculous. I'm desapointed that the Nobel comitee jumped into the band wagon.
Well, that was unexpected. Still I can see where they're coming from, even if it's way to prematurely. And as AJ Rimmer said, it's the norwegians fault; the peace price really has been going downhill the last couple of years.
Yeah I mean wasn't Bush nominated for the Peace Prize a couple of times?
Those ****ing Norwegians have always jumped on the bandwagon and gone with the current trends. The Peace Prize doesn't mean anything.
I have to ask myself for what. But then I remember that he saved the world from a Sarah Palin.
Yeah, I don't get this at all. Almost a year into things and we (the US) are still fighting two major wars which continue to kill innocent civilians, still funding these military projects abroad far more than social projects at home, still giving aid to oppressive (puppet) regimes around the world that will act according to our corporate interests, still ignoring the horrors of day to day life for people in Africa. Where is the Peace in any of this?

I would argue that he should get it if and only if during his presidency America refuses to react to domestic and global challenges with military might and instead chooses the road of humanitarian aid and compassion for all living things.
Funny detail: the deadline for entering nominees for this year's Nobel Price was January 31st of this year.
So, um, I have some pretty good ideas in my head about changing the world, can you swing one of those things my way?
This is pretty borked.

I fear that this will only give more ammo to critics wishing to discredit Obama's presidency as a popular fad.
should have given it to CPTSTERN. he has done about as much Obama. NOTHING BUT TALK
CPTSTERN c'mon on over to thebitplayers an play some time you little sissy. we will see who is a "faggit"
Nobel officially has no credibility. This is the most absurd thing I have heard this week.

^^ Might as well give Stern his own piece prize...
The similarities to Jimmy Carter (pictured above) keep racking up! Let's hope that he's remembered as a better in-office president than ol' Jim. Here's an interesting article on his reception of the prize.
I don't think he deserves it just yet. Hes actually put us at a very non competitive place with the bailouts and gov't spending way more than they should. I fear he spent a lot of money and tried bribing his way into the prize, because with billions gone missing from the taxpayers, its just likely hes using a lot of that money to do his own thang
I fear he spent a lot of money and tried bribing his way into the prize, because with billions gone missing from the taxpayers, its just likely hes using a lot of that money to do his own thang
At first I assumed this was a joke. Then I saw Warped "I have my own version of physics" posted it. :(
Nobel peace prize officially has no credibility

I don't really care that he won this. I'm not like... holy shit wow, congrats.

Why? Because like a lot of you, I don't feel like he's done what I care about, that is changing this country for the better. He hasn't done a whole lot to be progressive yet, and it is still early in his presidency. He's promised a lot, he has not delivered on a lot yet. Wait until he delivers on it.

It does make conservatives deliciously pissed off though.
I thought this was a joke when I first read about it. He's done nothing to deserve this award. He hasn't done much of anything at all, for that matter.
While I'm not saying he should get a Nobel price, I'm surprised at people saying he hasn't done anything yet. As a non-American, I have the impression he's been pretty busy and coming through with his promises. While it's perhaps to early to tell whether or not the outcome of his work is positive/negative, I can't say I feel negatively about him.

I mean I can't even say "he doesn't deserve it" or "he does deserve it." He hasn't done anything yet!

I think Norway is sucking up, in preparation for America taking over the rest of the world. :LOL: