Obesity Not Only A Problem In America


Party Escort Bot
Dec 20, 2004
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More than half of EU adults are overweight.

It has contributed to a situation "in which the majority of the member states, more than 50 percent of the adult population, is overweight or obese," Kyprianou said. "The numbers are frightening."

I'm tired of the constant bashes against Americans about being obese. I've known this for a while now, but finally there's a written article on the obesity problem around the world (specifically in Europe).
Hahaha! You guys are funny. Like anything else exists besides United States, Middle East, and Mexico. Next thing ur gonna tell me is that the earth doesn't revolve around America.
those americans are kidnaping our healthy figures
As if Burger King and McDonalds aren't in Europe...

He meant exactly that. But its bologna anyway. We're talking larger issues that are involved in the social structure and attitudes of society in the first world.

Because really, how many people do you know that is both overweight and eats fast food constantly?
fat people are just skinny people with alot of weight when you think about it
No there different! They evolved from fat chimpmunks!
Not many.

Then you haven't been in the south. Or to any Super Walmart (the ones with the grocery stores), ever. I used to do my food shopping at walmart, and I can't tell you how many ridiculously obese people I saw every time loading up on snack foods, fried frozen dinners, fried anything else, cookies, whole milk (not even 2% or 1%, WHOLE... why not just drink cream?)... its disgusting.
Its true, there are loads of obese people here and there are loads of fast food places. Its real problem. Apart from looking bad, theres obviously the health problems these people will get and, won't be able to get surgery for because of their weight.
interesting fact, women who become too obese will not be able to get pregnant. their bodies simply will not allow such tom foolery. I say this rocks pretty hard. I see more obese women with low I.Q.s then ones with high I.Q.s. this means they are easier to get into bed (not physically mind you) and you will not need a hat.
Then you haven't been in the south. Or to any Super Walmart (the ones with the grocery stores), ever. I used to do my food shopping at walmart, and I can't tell you how many ridiculously obese people I saw every time loading up on snack foods, fried frozen dinners, fried anything else, cookies, whole milk (not even 2% or 1%, WHOLE... why not just drink cream?)... its disgusting.

No, I haven't. And I rarely see obese people in fast food restaurants - I really don't. My friend, a perfect example, eats KFC or BK three or four times a week, and he's at an average weight. He sits at his computer all day as well and does not do physical activity. I kind of envy his metabolism. It's sad that people would buy loads of snacks instead of eating a big meal. I guess that kind of stuff doesn't happen around here that often to notice when I'm shopping for food or in a fast food place. In the south it might be more of a problem.

The constant eating is what makes people overweight - it's rarely fast food alone. Wait until you're ****ing hungry. Then eat.
it's fashionable to hate americans. not to mention easy.

obesity isn't your ailment, son.
I knew about Europe.

Here's to contributing to Commonwealth obesity! *continues to eat cheesecake*
I knew about Europe.

Here's to contributing to Commonwealth obesity! *continues to eat cheesecake*

I am so hungry sir. please, I have not eaten in days, may I have just a bit of that cheese cake? *reaches out for the cheese cake*
want to get fat? eat pork!

fried tasty pork!
it's fashionable to hate americans. not to mention easy.

obesity isn't your ailment, son.

Hating Americans for something our President has done is foolish. Most (read: 70%) of Americans didn't want this "war." But that's a different subject.

/cue Stern.
Hating Americans for something our President has done is foolish. Most (read: 70%) of Americans didn't want this "war." But that's a different subject.

/cue Stern.

i agree, but people naturally resent those with power. doing stupid shit just gives them a reason.
Australia is pretty high up on the obesity chart things too.

*Haven't read thread*

Anyone else think the figures in these reports are always exagerated? I can only speak from personal experience but theres no way that 50% of the people I know, or even see in the street, are overweight.

Maybe they take their population samples at weightwatchers.


also, high five for India.
First, huge difference between obesity than overweight.
Second, my dad is the same height as me (5"11) and he's about 170-175 and I am 135-140. But if you looked at him, you wouldn't say he is overweight at all. He's got a gut but thats it and my body % fat is less than 5%.
Third, I don't know what was getting at on the second point.
if you looked at him, you wouldn't say he is overweight at all.
my roommate weighs 230lbs. id say hes overweight. in fact i do. every time i see him.

*sees roommate, "you're a fat ****," roommate finishes his big mac and cries softly*

j/k yanks... I would love to see what the rate of obesity and over-weight is in each individual European country.
According to the latest 2005 statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), released in 2007, there are 1,600,000,000 overweight adults (age 15 and over) in the world. That number is projected to grow by 40% over the next 10 years. The following list reflects the percentage of overweight adults in various countries, ranked by percentage overweight (BMI>=25).

Although the U.S. ranks 9th, it is by far the largest country among the top 20 most overweight countries, and thus, contributing a significantly more "onerous" overweight burden than most countries.

Rank, Country, %Overweight
1. Nauru 94.5
2. Micronesia, Federated States of 91.1
3. Cook Islands 90.9
4. Tonga 90.8
5. Niue 81.7
6. Samoa 80.4
7. Palau 78.4
8. Kuwait 74.2
9. United States 74.1
10. Kiribati 73.6
11. Dominica 71.0
12. Barbados 69.7
13. Argentina 69.4
14. Egypt 69.4
15. Malta 68.7
16. Greece 68.5
17. New Zealand 68.4
18. United Arab Emirates 68.3
19. Mexico 68.1
20. Trinidad and Tobago 67.9

Yar those are big figures.