Objects where are u!?


Dec 8, 2004
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i dunno wat the problem is some objects appear some dont. Can someone tell me what might be wrong and how to fix it? Also what kind of entity do you use exactly for tables etc, prop_static?
It depends if you want it to be a static object, or an object that respond to physical forces from the gameworld. The objects that do not show, check their fade in and fade out values, they are supposed to be fade in -1 fade out 0. If they still don't show, make them prop_physics and check the flag "disable motion"
A lot of people seem to have this problem. You can make any kind of model a prop_static, but not vice versa. If you want a static model to be a physics/dynamic model, you'll have to make the entity a prop_physics_override or prop_dynamic_override.
basicly i wanna have a few tables u can push around, but if something DOES show up it either has some kinda tractor beam that wont let me go or pushes me away from it.