Obnoxious Dinosaur Discovered


The Freeman
Mar 15, 2007
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This image provided by Michael W. Skrepnick on Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2010 shows an artist's conception of the newly-discovered dinosaur Abydosaurus mcintoshi feeding on conifer trees. Paleontologists say this new species of dinosaur was found in Dinosaur National Monument, Utah hidden in slabs of sandstone so hard they had to use explosives to free some of the fossils.

Fossils of a previously undiscovered species of dinosaur have been found in slabs of Utah sandstone that were so hard that explosives had to be used to free some of the remains, scientists said Tuesday. The bones found at Dinosaur National Monument belonged to a type of sauropod — long-necked plant-eaters that were said to be the largest animal ever to roam land.
The discovery included two complete skulls from other types of sauropods — an extremely rare find, scientists said.
"You can hardly overstate the significance of these fossils," he said.

Of the 120 or so known species of sauropods, complete skulls have been found for just eight. That's mostly because their skulls were made of thin, fragile bones bound by soft tissue that were easily destroyed after death.

I thought the brontosaurus was the biggest dinosaur on earth?
Looks like Brachiosaurus' retarded twin.

Judging from the artist's conception, this dinosaur consisted of a disembodied head emerging from a cloud of mist, and they floated around telling corny jokes to eachother. Highly unusual.
"Abydosaurus mcintoshi "

I kept checking to see if this was a satarical article on the new ipad
I thought having the nostrils on the top of the head was an outdated theory, dating from the days when they thought they lived in swamps.
Holy shit... Bigger than a blue whale?

The longest whale measured by scientists at the NMML was 29.9 metres (98 ft)

Yes, some of them were up to 60 meters!

It was literally like a mountain. I saw this CGI movie on the [strike]Discovery channel[/strike] BBC - Walking With Dinosaurs (thanks Toaster) and it was just immense. It ate trees all day.
What? 120 metres? Are you serious? Where are you getting this from?
Blue Whales have always been, and still remain the largest animals that have ever lived on Earth.

This is what I have always learned anyway.

Is it wrong?

EDIT: Hmm... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amphicoelias

A. fragillimus may have been the longest known vertebrate at 40–60 meters (131–196 ft) in length, and may have had a mass of up to 122 metric tons (135 short tons), rivaling the heaviest animal known, the Blue Whale. However, because the only fossil remains were lost at some point after being studied and described in the 1870s, evidence survives only in drawings and field notes. Amphicoelias is present in stratigraphic zone 6 of the Morrison Formation.[1]
What? 120 metres? Are you serious? Where are you getting this from?
You know, I thought it was 60 and put 60. Then I checked wikipedia (the size comparison image), and for a moment I thought 60 was indicating the middle-point so I edited my post. But now I just came back to change my answer back to how I had it. I realized that it's 60 m from nose to tail.

Sorry about that. I fixed my post.

EDIT: I got it from wiki

the original post:
The bones found at Dinosaur National Monument belonged to a type of sauropod — long-necked plant-eaters that were said to be the largest animal ever to roam land.

From what I saw on TV, they ate trees. They would step up and put weight on them with their megaton bodies to topple them. Wiki suggests they ate ferns, which isn't nearly as exciting.
I dispute that claim! Stupid dinosaur be exaggerated!

If supersaurus was discovered back in like 1985 or whatever... at its length, why is it that blue whales are still, even up to recently, called the largest and longest creatures to have ever lived at any point in time during Earth's long history?

Bitches are destroying me, and DESTROYING THE GLORY OF THE BLUE WHALE!
The world's largest undisputedly individual organism, by volume, is the General Sherman tree, a Giant Sequoia with a volume of 1,487 m3 (52,500 cu ft).[7] This tree stands 83.8 m (275 ft) tall and the trunk alone is estimated to weigh over 2,000 short tons (1,800 t).

The largest single-stem tree ever measured was the now deceased Lindsey creek tree, a Coast Redwood with a minimum trunk volume of over 2,500 m3 (88,000 cu ft) and a mass of over 3,600 short tons (3,300 t). It fell over during a storm in 1905.[8]

By volume and weight, the largest known living animal is the blue whale
A member of the order Cetacea, the Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is believed to be the heaviest animal to have ever lived, with the largest extinct sauropods believed to surpass the blue whale in terms of dimensions,[citation needed] but not in weight. The maximum recorded weight was 190 metric tons (210 short tons) for a specimen measuring 30 m (98 ft), while longer ones, up to 33.3 m (109 ft), have been recorded but not weighed.

The African Bush Elephant (Loxodonta africana), of the order Proboscidea, is the largest living land animal.


A terrestrial dinosaur isn't likely to out-weigh a blue whale which has the advantage of buoyancy.
With that long neck and tail, the creature is like teetering on a balance.


It just would have been actually awesome. I just picture it there outside my house, like a god damn behemoth.
I have a deep hatred of people using the word "brontosaurus". Almost as deep as my hatred of people who can't see the difference between tigers and lions and call a lion a tiger.

I hereby conclude this short insight into my hatred catalog in the category of "animals & plantlife".
I feel like there have been or are currently larger animals hanging out somewhere in the deep oceans. I mean we only found out about Giant Squid because they washed up dead. How many things are gonna wash up dead randomly? I mean even if it doesn't exist, if something so large could manage to survive on land... where gravity's all over you and you have to use all that energy just go get around... just imagine how big something could be in the ocean.

That's just what I think though.

I also think bears are cool.
I feel like there have been or are currently larger animals hanging out somewhere in the deep oceans. I mean we only found out about Giant Squid because they washed up dead. How many things are gonna wash up dead randomly? I mean even if it doesn't exist, if something so large could manage to survive on land... where gravity's all over you and you have to use all that energy just go get around... just imagine how big something could be in the ocean.

That's just what I think though.

I also think bears are cool.

With your imagination, I bet you're not big on swimming in the ocean ;O
With your imagination, I bet you're not big on swimming in the ocean ;O

I'm really not big on jumping in water over my head because I'd prolly drown in a couple minutes or less. Not too concerned about being eaten by giant sea creatures.
Shit man... I'm afraid of swimming in large lakes even. Worried about some alligator gar or some shit attacking me.

Since most of the lakes in Texas are artificial... with tons of trees and stuff beneath the waves... I'm worried about the deep dark underwater forests beneath me. They're creepy to think about for some reason.

Kelp forests creep me out too. If I ever found myself in one I'd panic like a little bitch.
Kelp forests are ****ing awesome man, you don't know what you're missing!
Kelp forests are ****ing awesome man, you don't know what you're missing!

Molestation by sea otters like a creepy Japanese man groping a woman on a crowded bus? NO THANKS!
I wonder if brontosauruses ever went to the seaside to eat kelp out of the ocean :O
Since most of the lakes in Texas are artificial... with tons of trees and stuff beneath the waves... I'm worried about the deep dark underwater forests beneath me. They're creepy to think about for some reason.
Ah, shit, that's terrifying. What if there was a SEA WITCH