Observations of HL2.net


Wrong forum though, General Off-Topic Chat or Site Discussion would be better perhaps. :D

But still, genius.
Brown Hawk (Brownus Nosus)
The brown hawk spends most of it’s time flying high above the forum sea level and reporting any suspicious behaviour to it’s relative cousin, the mod owl. If the posts made by lower life forms are derogative of the mod owl or the boss hawk (adminus ultimus), the brownus nosus will valiantly defend their honour regardless of whether they know the particular mod owl or not. The brown hawk has no natural enemy except for cynicus maximus (Cynical Flamer) and the Grand Hawk.

Mating habits: None known, nubfish however have been reported to evolve into brown hawks.

Thatw as the best it made me laugh especially the "brownus nosus" part. Thanks for the laugh. I'm off now to report this thread for being in the wrong forum.

Edit:added the tongue to make sure you knew i was joking around
lol, still nice to see somethin different other than "OMG TE SHADOWZ IN HL2 SUX0R!!"

you musta of been reallllllllly bored :p
Yombi said:
lol, still nice to see somethin different other than "OMG TE SHADOWZ IN HL2 SUX0R!!"

you musta of been reallllllllly bored :p

IT class is about basic html.. I have nothing better to do :)

Sorry about the wrong forum.
DvS said:
IT class is about basic html.. I have nothing better to do :)

Yikes. Now THAT is boredom. :| A class for basic html? I learnt all the basics of html in 20 minutes.
I was waiting for a monty python tie-in. ;)

Very funny stuff. :D
KagePrototype said:
I learnt all the basics of html in 20 minutes.
I learnt it all in 19 minutes so neh!

Oh..... wait, no-one cares. :)
SLH said:
I was waiting for a monty python tie-in. ;)

Very funny stuff. :D

Sorry, I knew I remembered something from MP, but I can't remember what.
The life of Brian.
Bigus Dickus.

I can think of a few that'd fall into this catagory. :D
That was brilliant :D

I could probably put a member name to every single one of those categories, but I won't ;)
I've been reading this forum for more than a year, and never before have I seen four staff members post consecutively. Thanks guys :)
Arrrr! Ye forget zee pirates that all hang out in zee 'Newbie Central' forum! ;)

Good show, though... good show... reading thingy...
DvS said:
I've been reading this forum for more than a year, and never before have I seen four staff members post consecutively. Thanks guys :)
Hehe, you should see our staff forum. Littered with spam ;)
-Frosty- said:
That was amazing :)

How long did that take you?

I wrote it in 45 minutes, then added formatting and hosting when I got home in about 10 minutes. :)
A little to much free time, eh? If I worked at it, I am sure I could find the perfect members for each one of those descriptions, yet I can't find one that fits me..
That was great. I always enjoy these types of threads. Nice change from the usual.
lol that was a classic :E
so.. mods, staff.. what category do i fall under? :LOL:
Letters said:
Arrrr! Ye forget zee pirates that all hang out in zee 'Newbie Central' forum! ;)
Arrr, aye matey! :|

Anways, nice read :E
Now go add the pirates! GROAWR!
Hehe, good read :) At least you did something useful in the IT class.
very good :D

there are more of the adminus ultimus around though, you just need to know where to look :)
Under a rock, usually.

Or down by the docks, where they ply their trade.
lol there needs to be a opininious irreliventus,
people who have strong feelings about their irrelevant opinoins that are stupid....