Observations on G-Man television music (and G-Man in general) (lengthy)

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czrsink said:
As far as voices when records are played backwards go, I always remember this calssic from my 'rave' years.

"That was one great rave if I saw one" - that's what you get when you play 'The Dominator' backwards. The Dominator was some hardcore techno track from about 91 or 92.. Can't remember who it was by.

I've always wondered what was being said in that discussion between the G-Man and the scientist.

Was that the one that kept repeating "I'm the one and only dominator"? If so, I LOVED that song!
So just to clarify: the G-man music in question here is radio1.mp3 extracted from source sounds.gcf?
corebreach said:
So just to clarify: the G-man music in question here is radio1.mp3 extracted from source sounds.gcf?

I guess so, but I really don't here the echoeing female voice Iced is talking about. It reminds me of freeky circus clown music, gone really bad, could very well fit into the It movie.
PvtRyan said:
I guess so, but I really don't here the echoeing female voice Iced is talking about. It reminds me of freeky circus clown music, gone really bad, could very well fit into the It movie.

You can literally hear it at the immediate start of the track. It kind of blends in with the instrument (I have no idea what it is...I could take a guess but I would make an ass of myself trying). It stops playing around 8 seconds in.

Put on a pair of headphones and listen closely.
the boards of canada are dope. ever listen to clouddead?

first album only of course

As for the G-man, i believe valve just went out of there way to make him so mysterious and odd, sort of twilight zone style, to prepare for this totally off beat, iniverse controlling, time manipulating plot of strangeness that makes the combine and aliens in general look like common day cerial.

I used to be facinated by the concept of him being Gordon from the future, leading him to himself, and perhaps past a mistake he made ect

theories pretty washed out but back in early 2004 i was feelin it sorta
I've heard the BOC remix of Dead Dogs Two...that's about it. But I'll look into them for sure.
Corrupt music file in GCF

I found the music files in the GCF file, under base source shared sounds, but whe I got to open the files I get a corrupt file message, and it wont let me play them, I have no idea what wrong, and wondered if sum 1 could clue me in. THx.
First of all, it's cool to see there is a song in the game similar to BoC's stuff.

I really love BoC's music.. it's strange, yet good in a sense.. It's hard to put the finger on what makes it that way. And what Iced_Cooly said about it reminding people about their childhood, that is absolutely true!

Some of the songs give me all warm deja vu feelings, this weird feeling that I can't describe but it gives me a sense of childish bliss and joy and things I have experienced before somehow. Corsair for instance makes me think of flying with an old steel WW2 plane high up in the sky with nothing but sea below you and cloudless sky above you.. Some other songs have the same type, creating this strong imaginary environment or reminding you about things, creating otherworldy feelings and emotions. It brings me to tears thinking about how wonderful it really gets sometimes.

It's weird.. All these senses of deja vu and reminding me of my childhood, yet other people experience the same thing.

I'd say Boards of Canadas music isn't music, it's.. Boards of Canada. And it's divine.

You'll have to excuse me for going this off-topic, I haven't got Hl2 yet but I'm very interested in the G-man and how things turn out in City-17.

Christ, I'm sitting here in tears and all, it's so wonderful.. There's no way on earth I can describe the feelings and the "memories" the music can bring about, it is like these moments of things, like having a memory of this and that, things that happened in your childhood but also strong events that have never happened but they are so real and wonderful to you you must have experienced them at some point in the existance of the universe. Gah... Ah well, I guess this isn't really what you discuss in a gaming forum, go on with yer talking.. ;)
and in the greatest music video evermade weird al does his whole song backwards
Christ, I'm sitting here in tears and all, it's so wonderful.. There's no way on earth I can describe the feelings and the "memories" the music can bring about, it is like these moments of things, like having a memory of this and that, things that happened in your childhood but also strong events that have never happened but they are so real and wonderful to you you must have experienced them at some point in the existance of the universe. Gah... Ah well, I guess this isn't really what you discuss in a gaming forum, go on with yer talking..

Dude, calm down. I get the same feeling when I listen to Another Day by Dream Theater and follow along with the lyrics.
Moto-x_Pat said:
See, this is why I love Valve and have so much respect for them as a developer. They just do these little things that are so cool. They create these little hidden things with a hope that someone will find them. It has to be rewarding for them when they read about how someone discovered one of their little hidden pieces of story.

Actually I don't think this is "just another easteregg" that VALVe put in there. I believe this is story relevant. Seeing as how the whole theme has changed, from HL1's "Escape the disaster" to a new "What's up with time" theme in HL2.
Boards of Canada also popped into my head when I heard it.

And I take it you're a fan, judging from your name.
IRT Crazy_Harij: I was just about to go onto an essay-long post about childhood deja vu in their music, but then you sorta covered it already. :)
G-Man=Gordon man? Where'd the name come from anyway?

I mean, it would be lame if the G-Man is Gordon from the future, although they look similar enough, and we don't know what Gordon's voice is like...
Well, anyway, what about this very faint female voice? Can we amplify it so we can better understand/decypher it?
froghawk said:
G-Man=Gordon man? Where'd the name come from anyway?

I mean, it would be lame if the G-Man is Gordon from the future, although they look similar enough, and we don't know what Gordon's voice is like...

I think most would like this to not be the case. If it is, I'm sure VALVe will present it in a professional way... (So that it won't seem "lame").
froghawk said:
G-Man=Gordon man? Where'd the name come from anyway?

GMan is the name of... uh... GMan's model in HL1 multiplayer. It's funny how everyone calls him that, while nobody addresses him like that in the game, nor does he tell you his name.
This is by far the best thread to appear in the General discussion forum in a very long time. Extremely interesting stuff, and if Valve really did do those things on purpose, my respect for them has increased yet again (which I thought was pretty impossible already).

Kudos, Iced_Cooley.
omg this freaked me out, listening to sounds backwards is just plain weird. just the other day my mp3s jus suddenly started to play backwards
can someone post a link to the complete track played backwards? maybe someone has but im too stupid to find it, rofl. nice thread people, good ideas in there :)
I played the intro from the E3 2004 video and he said 'my help, wuss'...

Gman is carazee!

If I knew how, I can put the .wav in a .zip file... Damn windows
Rather weird indeed. As I have no sound editing program, I was wondering if someone has/can play the G-Man entrance dialouge backwards and see what it says? The one that plays right when you start the game.
That's what I did... -_-

It is just missing the 'The right man in the wrong place can make all the yaddady yadd yadd'
Well, in Prima Guide, they describe him as an 'eldritch entity' :P
Exploding bump.

Oh and I nearly shit my pants listening to all the backwards tracks on that site ice posted. Not only does backwards music scare me, but every single subliminal message video i've seen tells you to turn up the sound when they come to the backwards music part and then right in the middle of it, they throw some screeming little girls and photos of dead people and zombies in front of you. I've been scared to listen to subliminal message stuff ever since.

But listening to that track is really nice. It's not creepy like some people say it is. It really calms me down. Sounds like its from india. Listen to the guitar type thing in the beggining and you'll see what I meen. Also, when played backwards (i'm just going off the second half which all you say is the first backwards. Haven't really reversed it) It sounds like a lot of flutes.
Moto-x_Pat said:
I was in the prison level (E3 Bugbait vid) and I saw a security camera. So, I walked up to the camera and saw some real time footage of what was going on in the level. So I hit the use key and cycled through some different camera views when all of a sudden, the G-man walks up to this one window, looks up at the camera, straightens his tie, and casually walks away while a fierce battle between combine soldiers and Antlions is going on right behind him.

Anyway, it's just cool how, even after we finish the game, we will be able to find out more clues to the story by playing with sound files and stuff like that.

Valve = teh rox. :cheers:

to add to that G-man sighting, something that really intrigued me was once you get to that window, the side the G-man was looking in is broken and all boarded up. If you break the boards, there is some health and other misc. ammo. Makes you wonder, maybe the G-man left it there for you.
CREMATOR666 said:
Well, in Prima Guide, they describe him as an 'eldritch entity' :P

courtisity of dictionary.com, eldritch means "strange or unearthly;eerie"

perhaps the Prima guide is trying to hint at something...
Interesting that no one has brought up the crow/raven sitting on his shoulder, during the clip.
=Coy0te= said:
Interesting that no one has brought up the crow/raven sitting on his shoulder, during the clip.

I beleive someone has talked about that in a different thread.
Uh, ok, well....
Half music...
Half the game. That ending sucked.

Where's the rest of the game?

Or the "ATI Levels"???

Or do we need to figure out how to play the game backwards.

Wouldn't that be a scream...like nails on a blackboard?
Ok. In the first hl, gman tells a scientist (during the tram sequence) that his employers are going to take over. In the second hl, someone took over using alien technology. Also, the evil scientist in hl2 tells gordon that he is essistially a mercenary, thus insinuating that gman is his agent, booking him jobs. If gman's employers were to take over, why did gman have gorgon fighting the combine?