Obsesive Compulsive

Are you an Obsessive Compulsive?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 13 25.5%
  • No.

    Votes: 14 27.5%
  • Some of those things make me think I am. (Maybe)

    Votes: 13 25.5%
  • I do some of those things but I don't think I am.

    Votes: 11 21.6%

  • Total voters


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
I think I'm a little Obsesive Compulsive. I haven't looked it up in any phycology thing and I haven't taken any kind of stupid online test. I've just come to the conclusion after thinking about it. Here's a list of the things I do:
  • Randomly highlight text as I read paragraphs on my computer (only very long things)*
  • Randomly click on units in RTSs and do pretty random other things
  • Try to make things symetrical, eg If I'd clench my toes on one foot I'd do it on the other, to balance it out (I especially did this when I was younger)
  • A thing that if I tried to explain everyone one get the wrong idea and this thread would be cosumed by jokes (this is the thing more than anything else that makes me think I'm obsesive compulsive)*
  • Randomly clench my toes and fists
  • Randomly stretch my wrist
  • Double or triple check things that I know for certain are correct*
  • Randomly stare at a certain point in space (I get an extreme urdge to focus on a certain point for no obvious reason)*
Ones I feel an absolute need to do are marked with an *

Are you obsesive compulsive?

And don't ask me what number 4 is.

Edit: Crap, I meant to add a poll to this thread. Could a mod please add a poll asking if you think you're obsesive compulsive.
But one of my compulsions are to ask about number 4 D:

I do some stuff similar to that, mostly physical things such as clenching, things with my eyes, or mouth.

They change all the time though, replaced by new ones.
Done your poll Rimmy. I personally think that alot of those things many people do and they can just be part of your persona. I think you need to be extreme in some of the things you do to be diagnosed with something like obessive compulsive syndrome, like taking 2 hours to brush your teeth.
Do you count ceiling tiles or watch the ground where you are walking? Skip over cracks, all that?
Do you count ceiling tiles or watch the ground where you are walking? Skip over cracks, all that?
I don't count things but I do skip over cracks sometimes (though I never linked this to the others, just thought it was to keep myself amused)
I refuse to play a game until I own every expansion pack. I can't stand playing knowing that there is more content out there.
I do it because I have weak OCD. I don't do it so much anymore, but I used to count everything, walk only on perfectly flat surfaces, "share" everything with the right and left sides of my body. Pretty much everything had ot be symmetrical and in pairs or facing the same direction. All books and magazines are arranged alphabetically or by date, games arranged by date of purchased (I even numbered them so I'd know), clothes hung by color all facing the same direction, hair parted perfectly in the center, and so on.

Now I don't really care about any of that stuff.
my mom once had an OCD student who could only walk on a single suface (ie, if she was on tile she couldnt move to wood or carpet and vice versa) and every time she saw a stain on something she would vomit.

OCD is an odd disorder, but alot of people have it.
Randomly stare at a certain point in space (I get an extreme urdge to focus on a certain point for no obvious reason)*

I do that ALL the time.....
  • Try to make things symetrical, eg If I'd clench my toes on one foot I'd do it on the other, to balance it out (I especially did this when I was younger)
  • Randomly clench my toes and fists
  • Randomly stretch my wrist
  • Double or triple check things that I know for certain are correct*
  • Randomly stare at a certain point in space (I get an extreme urdge to focus on a certain point for no obvious reason)*

These are all obsessive compulsive traits. I have a very very mild form of OCD. I went in for testing when I was like 6, the symetrical thing is a trait younger OCD kids have, but it gets much easier to control with age. I also have weird impulsive things (not my toes or fists) but I only "fixate" on them when I'm extremely bored/am not distracted by something. I also double or triple check things when I know their condition. I don't know how severe your case is, but as I said already my OCD is very minor. Do you ever have the urge to touch an object all over, when you poke it or brush against it (like a camera for example) ?

edit: Warbie, I also have a problem with things getting "infected". This would be my biggest OCD problem. I won't handle any food items/"clean" items (books, magazines, games, anthing I know I will have contact with in the near future) after touching the computer mouse, remote, toilet, certain doorknobs, etc. It's not nearly as bad as what you described of yourself though, I can override any impulse I have by rationalizing my brain with logic.
I am, and went to see a doc about it around two years ago. It wasn't seriously affecting my life, but getting to a stage where I could see a crap load of possible problems on the horizon and thought it best to nip things in the bud.

It basically all stemmed from a misspent youth. After 10+ years of socialising far too excessively (3 universities and an obscene number of student loans spent on recreational drugs) I finally snapped and went a little weird - basically developing a problem with ingesting anything deemed (in my messed up swirling head) as 'not natural'. Obviously a knee jerk reacton to the difficulties this kind of lifestyle brings, this fear stretched from drugs and alcohol to harmless substabces such as painkillers, vitamines and even onto sugar, caffeine, and anything they're found in. As a result chocolate, coke, juice, even milk (after reading it contains a minimal quantity of sugar), became a big no no.

If this wasn't bad enough, I started making even more illogical and silly connections. An example being my girlfriend handling some weed and then touching the remote control for the tv. Obviously this contaminated the remote with weed, and then the coffee table it was put back on. My keys on the coffee table would also become similarly infected, as would my hands when I picked them up and therefore the sandwich I was eating, which meant I had weed in me! - which, for some reason, is now a really really really bad thing. Cue sweating, difficulty in breathing, panic, and basically tripping my nuts off - I could honestly almost see these little skunk crystals that would cover everything.

This was when things were at their worst, about a year ago. Now i'm pretty much fine (other than continuing huge fear of drugs - the one thing that can't be fixed by 'exposure'). What you're describing, while not in the same league of nuttyness, does sound mildly obsessive, but is certainly nothing to worry about. You'd be suprised how many people check they have their keys on them when they leave the house over and over, or are convinced they have left the gas on, or even play games that involve walking down the street and trying not to touch the cracks in the pavement.

(I realise this make me sound like a screaming loony :rolling:, but i'm as normal as most people (nearly :)). Now I just need turn my pc on and off 10 times or my family will die!!!)
If this wasn't bad enough, I started making even more illogical and silly connections. An example being my girlfriend handling some weed and then touching the remote control for the tv. Obviously this contaminated the remote with weed, and then the coffee table it was put back on. My keys on the coffee table would also become similarly infected, as would my hands when I picked them up and therefore the sandwich I was eating, which meant I had weed in me! - which, for some reason, is now a really really really bad thing. Cue sweating, difficulty in breathing, panic, and basically tripping my nuts off - I could honestly almost see these little skunk crystals that would cover everything.
I used to think like that to! Although I've never had weed I used to make connections like that about things like food.
I don't skip songs on CDs. Ever. Also when I rip songs, I get every one.
I count out beats on my fingers when I listen to music, whether the beat of the song, or the syllables of the words of the lyrics.
When I rode aroudn in a car, I used to clanch my butt muscles overy time we went over a line or writing or whatever in the road :O

That's all I can think of right now. I don't do any of the things you mentioned though, rimmy.
edit: Warbie, I also have a problem with things getting "infected". This would be my biggest OCD problem. I won't handle any food items/"clean" items (books, magazines, games, anthing I know I will have contact with in the near future) after touching the computer mouse, remote, toilet, certain doorknobs, etc. It's not nearly as bad as what you described of yourself though, I can override any impulse I have by rationalizing my brain with logic.

My issues stretched over to 'cleanliness' at one point (it was here, when the problem seemed to branch off in different directions on its own, that I went to seek some help), but only briefly. As you probably know, this is usually quickly fixed by just confronting whatever the fear is and doing it.

My mate used to live in a real shit hole - a german exchange student was squatting in the lounge, this crazy smelly chef/gardner called fat Mat lived in the basement, the ceiling had collapsed in the kitchen, and any clothes left there for just a few days went mouldy. A nightmare for anyone with OCD.

Just by sitting in a chair I could feel dirt spreading onto my hands - it was horrible. After discussing this with the doc he told me the next time this happened to lick my hands. I explained that he didn't quite unerstand how filty this place was lol, and that such an action could pose serious health risks, but he had none of it. A few weeks of licking my palms later this problem was all gone, and hasn't come back.
I'm OCD to some extent, but it's not life-ruining or anything. It comes in weird spurts.
lol, I do everything in the first post... in RTS's I click one unit like 50 times to make sure he's selected.. I check things like 300 times to see if they are right. even though I know they are... and all the other stuff I do just not as bad as those 2 :)

Also, I do the same thing que, but I usually push my tongue to the top of my mouth, or flex my arms, or clench my teeth, not my butt though, you are messed. I do it like every lamp post, every tree, every line, ect. I think I just do that when I'm bored, though..
I keep the brightness in all my Source games set to the same level. Today I decided that I had the brightness up too high and I needed to change it. So I opened up every single Source game I own (which is all of them, excluding Bloodlines) + mods and turned the brightness down on all of them. The problem is, out of the 12 games/mods, I only play DoD: S, HL2, HL2: EP1, and Sin: EP1. I haven't played any of the others in a long time, and don't plan on playing them in the near future. And while I was at it, I made sure that I had cl_ragdoll_collide 1 in an autoexec.cfg for all of them.
I wouldn't say I was OCD, I'm a little compulsive at times, but not to an obsessive degree.

I do most of the things stated by the OP. Also, I have a thing with setting things at even numbers. Like when I'm changing the volume on the TV, it's always at intervals of 2. Then on our old telly each number of volume had two intervals within them, like it'd go 1 - higher 1, 2 - higher 2 and so on (hope this is a decent explanation), and I couldn't leave it unless it was on the higher one. I'd even switch it to the next number up and back again a few times to make sure. Also I always keep winamp at 50% and just adjust the volume in my headphones, but that's because it gets the least distortion :)

Oh, and I used to have a thing where I could NOT leave a sentence I'd written unless the capital J's were crossed, even though I thought it looked goofy. Just the way I was taught.
I do some of those things but i don't think i am,

Randomly highlight text as I read paragraphs on my computer (only very long thing
I do that all the time no matter what I am reading.

Randomly stretch my wrist

I do that. If I don't it feels like they are going to fall off. Also my knees. If I am sitting in the back of a car with little leg room to stretch my knees when I get the urge to do so I am so unconvertible it goes to the extent to make me angry.

Randomly clench my toes and fists

I hate when people play with my fingers. It makes my fingers feel weird the rest of the day and just bothers me to no end.
Anyone else get a clicking sound when they rotate or snap their wrist? I'm not sure it's entirely good for me...
Hehe. Anybody remember my thread on this? :-P

But I have acquired a new obsessive compulsive habit <sighs>

The first knuckle joint of my middle and ring finger on my right hand, pop when ever I bend them. I don't know why, but it's got to the point where just by curling them, I pop them at least 400-500 times a day, and its driving me insane.

I tried to bind them in tape for a couple weeks to try to allow them to heal and stop doing what they're doing, but it won't stop.

I'm contemplating chopping off those two fingers to stop it. Seriously.
In a few ways I am, but they're all very minor and really have no impact on my life. So I chose option 4.
In addition to what I said, I think I have something very much like OCD. It's this weird thing where my mind tells me to do something really trivial like, "oh, kill that optional boss in this RPG!" or "go put that thing over there!" and if I don't do it, I feel anxious and/or sometimes depressed. Sometimes it even threatens me, which is odd. It doesn't happen as much anymore, but still, it bugs me.

And no, it never tells me to go KILL anyone or anything, it's all really trivial, stupid things.
Also my knees. If I am sitting in the back of a car with little leg room to stretch my knees when I get the urge to do so I am so unconvertible it goes to the extent to make me angry.
Holy crap, forgot about that, I ALWAYS need to be able to strech my knees out, it's so uncomfortable when I have the urge to stretch them out and I CAN'T, it feels like they are extremely vulnerable at that point and could just fall off or something. And the annoying this is that when I have the urge, I must absolutely not try to stretch them unless I'm SURE I have enough room to do so, because the discomfort is greatly increased when I fail to stretch them. Gah I don't even like thinking about it :(
I've posted on these forums almost 10,000 times. That's obsessive compulsive, isn't it?

I can't leave it for good... I keep coming back, often against my will. It's eating up my life.

I do it because I have weak OCD. I don't do it so much anymore, but I used to count everything, walk only on perfectly flat surfaces, "share" everything with the right and left sides of my body. Pretty much everything had ot be symmetrical and in pairs or facing the same direction. All books and magazines are arranged alphabetically or by date, games arranged by date of purchased (I even numbered them so I'd know), clothes hung by color all facing the same direction, hair parted perfectly in the center, and so on.

Now I don't really care about any of that stuff.

I do all of that. I've been looking at the ground and counting steps in multiples of fours since kindergarten, sometimes modifying the way I walk so I can get four steps per tile. I used to get annoyed when I couldn't "share" odd numbers of stairsteps between right and left sides. I still alphabetize cd's. All my clothes face the same direction. My hair... actually I don't care about my hair.

I do almost everything on Riomhaire's list.

Last summer I started "checking" my apartment door -- walking down the street, thinking it's not locked, then walking back again to check.

I also get annoyed when knobs don't turn the right way. The faucets in my dorm restroom defied the laws of lefty-loosey righty-tightey.

I voted for the "Maybe" choice though, because I'm not sure if I really have OCD.
They've diagnosed me as Obssesive Compulsive.

I know it's complete bullshit, but after a little "episode" of mine, the official word is that i'm "obssessive compulsive".

I do all of that. I've been looking at the ground and counting steps in multiples of fours since kindergarten, sometimes modifying the way I walk so I can get four steps per tile.
I voted for the "Maybe" choice though, because I'm not sure if I really have OCD.
The stepping thing, everyone with OCD does it. Chances are if you do it, you have it. I used to try as hard as I could to maintain a particular color of tile, or step with the lines even if it made me walk funny.

An OCD habit I am still trying to break; I have to cover the bread perfectly when I spread butter of PB+J or whatever. I stopped doing it with bagels, but bread still taunts me.
I'm a perfectionist, does that count? Not too excessively though.
I've been diagnosed. I used to take Zoloft for it, but now I'm off and it's only mild.

At one point though, it went so far as washing the skin off my hands and refusing to touch anything that was metal or plastic. I used to stay awak all night because i would get up every 10 minutes to check that the doors were locked.

I'm mostly over that now though.

I still use my shirt to open restroom doors. I also don't like my computer storing any information about anything I've done. Firefox saves no passwords, cookies, anything. I have no bookmarks, I just remember the sites I like.

Also, I didn't want to open this thread because Obsessive was spelled incorrectly.
I remembered 2 things:
I always used to 'pop' my thumb for minutes at a time (it's something I can do, most people can't do it but everyone seems to think they can when I show them it)

I can't stand open doors. Exposure to other people's houses has helped me a bit in this one but I hate open doors in the room I'm in, especially behind me.

The stepping thing, everyone with OCD does it. Chances are if you do it, you have it. I used to try as hard as I could to maintain a particular color of tile, or step with the lines even if it made me walk funny.
I used to do that all the time too, infact I think there was a period where I would only walk like that. Looking to my right I can see the tiles in my kitchen (my dining room and kitchen are one room, and the PC's in here for some reason) and I used to always, and I mean absolutly always, make sure I stepped on the floral tiles and not the blank ones.

It seems most of my OC traits have gone away (but the 2 computer related ones have only come about recently enought)