Obviously some fu*ked up people


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
I just got this dodgy e-mail, hope its a good read. I was just baffled by it. First, I'm from the UK, Not a client with them, and WTF, I won a lottery?

reveal no interest and we would in response refer your lottery code and
acknowledgement card back to the
USA government/immigration service center.
lol this reminds me of the "If there is a falshing image above you are a WINNER" banners <_< ..
of course, there is naturally always a flashing image ..
man dont have quick view on in outlook, you can get infected that way...I just delete as soon as I see the address
just don't use outlook, half-life 2 source was leaked tru some outlook security hole or something ..

try firefox or .. oops I mean Mozilla Thunderbird.
hasan said:
just don't use outlook, half-life 2 source was leaked tru some outlook security hole or something ..

try firefox or .. oops I mean Mozilla Thunderbird.

try baiting them back.. usually leads back to poor Africans which is kind sad
Just delete it, if you haven't entered any competition to win anything and you got a funny phone call or email saying you have, just delete it as it is better safe then sorry.
rofl, they want you to pay them $500 to steal your passport info?
hasan said:
just don't use outlook, half-life 2 source was leaked tru some outlook security hole or something ..

try firefox or .. oops I mean Mozilla Thunderbird.
Yeah, Thunderbird is really good... you can teach it what you consider spam and it'll automatically delete it for you.
It is my pleasure to congratulate you on your success in the America
was applied and process by our agency.

...applied and process by our agency? Yeah, if you make an attempt to steal massive ammounts of CC's... LEARN YOUR F*CKING GRAMMAR. Low-lifes like that piss me off... n()()bs :rolleyes:.
It's a scam and probably from some poor guy in Africa.