Octomom wanted in porn

Jul 25, 2008
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There is a serious effort underway to block OctoMom from taking a million dollar offer to do porn -- except the opposition is coming from a rival XXX company!

Fearing that Nadya Suleman "will become the subject of endless ridicule and scorn," the president of Pink Visual has offered Octo a "full year's worth of diapers" if she keeps her baby maker where it belongs ... fully covered and far away from any type of recording device.

In a letter sent to Octo, morally righteous Pink Visual warns, "There's a great deal of stigma attached to being a porn star" and that Octo needs to think "in the best interest of your children." For once.

So what's it gonna be? Do porn ... and get a million bucks, health insurance and benefits -- or keep it covered ... so you can keep your kids clean?

Wait, is she actually debating this? If so, lol, sad...
Beats prostitution. Prostitution's illegal!
But didn't this dumb bitch already get like 1 mill from Oprah?
If Oprah did, then she's a moron. How can anyone support what she's doing? I feel so bad for the kids. Does anyone have an update about Kaiser keeping the 8 babies though?
On another site i read that she'd gotten about 500 death threats.

Also i wonder what her beef curtains look like lols.
Before anyone complains...how many of you would star in a porn for a million dollars?
I would, but I would get a triple check on my costars to make sure they're clean though lol
people should be punished for depleting the world of resources, not supported. How about tax breaks to people for having less kids?? Or no kids at all!
She's a dumb bitch who just popped out a litter of 8, she needs to get her shit straight.
F*cking sad if she's going to start doing pornos when she's got 8 unlucky kids to properly raise.

Immature parents, I want to rip them in half.

8 + 6 = 14 she has 14 ****ing kids!

its worse than people imagine. thats 14 kids that are going to regret living for the rest of their lives
Shit couldn't be any worse than half of ****in Africa. People pay so much attention to this chick and "worry" over her children while thousands starve to death in some 3rd world country. Seriously if she needs the money that bad, then why hate? I'd pay to get some of that stinky on my hang down. Consider it charity you guys.
Wellll... this super Villian, named Dr. Octopus, he fuses these eight robotic tentacles permanently to his spine. Somehow he goes insane and turns evil. He uses these 8 robotic arms to fight Spiderman and terrorize civilians.

Octomom is similar in that she permanently fused 8 infants to her spine, but this has given her no powers at all.
Doesn't Octomom also rely on handouts?? Shes like the queen of all moochers. she just sucks the $$ out of you
There's an old joke in the old country...

How do you re-bore a Balkan?

Take her to the west, shove a leg of lamb up her hole and pull out the bone

My apologies to my slavic brothers and sisters. This is what this chick should get.
There's an old joke in the old country...

How do you re-bore a Balkan?

Take her to the west, shove a leg of lamb up her hole and pull out the bone

My apologies to my slavic brothers and sisters. This is what this chick should get.

You are old school, because I have no idea what this means.
Wellll... this super Villian, named Dr. Octopus, he fuses these eight robotic tentacles permanently to his spine. Somehow he goes insane and turns evil. He uses these 8 robotic arms to fight Spiderman and terrorize civilians.

Octomom is similar in that she permanently fused 8 infants to her spine, but this has given her no powers at all.

4 robotic arms, actually.
She is quite pretty I'll admit, but the question begs: Why choose a mother of 14 to do porn?

Throwing a banana down a hallway, much?
That I want to know.

I don't quite get that expression.

think of it this way:

like this


except the bolt is really small:

You are old school, because I have no idea what this means.
Re-boring a gun barrel or any other kind of cylindrical passage is when it's developed regularities or worn away too large and you need to make it the proper proportions again. The (disgusting) joke suggests that a Balkan woman's vagina has been enormously distended, and should be 're-bored' as suggested.

am i the only person in here that would reallly reallllllly not want to see this woman in a porn? i dont see the appeal, whoop de do she took fertility pills and was able to grow more then anyone at once in her womb. good for her.....
am i the only person in here that would reallly reallllllly not want to see this woman in a porn? i dont see the appeal, whoop de do she took fertility pills and was able to grow more then anyone at once in her womb. good for her.....

I'm definately interested ...I hear you can see her hole from orbit

It would take a hell of a lot of penii to fill that hole...
What would happen if she does decide to do the porn, but accidently gets pregnant and has like triplets
Bizarre. I thought this woman had a husband or partner, but he just worked overseas?
I heard that another porn company offered her free diapers if she doesn't take the porn offer. Not sure about this though, I heard it from my mom and I'm trying to find the source.
You are old school, because I have no idea what this means.

/me takes a bow

Thank you!

Re-boring a gun barrel or any other kind of cylindrical passage is when it's developed regularities or worn away too large and you need to make it the proper proportions again. The (disgusting) joke suggests that a Balkan woman's vagina has been enormously distended, and should be 're-bored' as suggested.


Didn't she abuse hormone use, which is why she pooped out 8 children in 10 consecutive minutes?