Octomom wanted in porn

I heard that another porn company offered her free diapers if she doesn't take the porn offer. Not sure about this though, I heard it from my mom and I'm trying to find the source.
The first post in this thread?

You ****ing moron

up the ra

Edit: Oh shit, disregard that. I feel so stupid for not fully understanding what I was reading. I just quick glanced it
think of it this way:

like this


except the bolt is really small:




I didn't know that..... human body parts... could stretch very much.
Porn for a million dollars?

Before anyone complains...how many of you would star in a porn for a million dollars?

hi all i would be in a porno movie for a million dollars. i like sex and porn so why not
And so a new age of porn begins.

"Oh baby... you're so wet for me... I can hear the drips from here. And they're echoing!"

"Oh yeah... oh yeah baby, you're so loose... so amazingly loose. You can take my girth without issue!"
That video made me lol, I loved how how the lips moved around everytime. I just wanna smack the crap out of this lady though. I can't believe she's really doing all of this
That video made me lol, I loved how how the lips moved around everytime. I just wanna smack the crap out of this lady though. I can't believe she's really doing all of this

we should tie her tubes so she can't have more kids. if i were to steal $$$ from the gov't i'd get locked up. Its the same damn thing imo. she probably inspires all these freeloaders to do the same
Does anyone else want this to happen?

By the way, she turned down the offer.