

Companion Cube
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Anyone other than me here that's a huge fan of the Oddworld series(Abe's Oddysey, Abe's Exodus, Munch's Oddysey, Stranger's Wrath)
I think these are some of the most fun platform games ever made, with a great and subtle humour.:D
Abe's oddysey and abe's exodus are awesome. I haven't played the others.
The only one that I've played is Strangers Wrath and its awesome, probably the best game this year- definitly best game on Xbox since Ninja Gaiden. Pity no one bought it and Oddworld Inhabitants had to shut down its game division:(
StardogChampion said:
I thought the first 2 were great. Haven't played any others.

Same here, had the first 2 on playstation but lost interest after that. :hmph:
Played the first 2, also loved them. Were pretty much exactly what I wanted from a game. Full of atmosphere, beautifull, smart designed, good story and cool character interaction, and very original.

The only one that I've played is Strangers Wrath and its awesome, probably the best game this year- definitly best game on Xbox since Ninja Gaiden. Pity no one bought it and Oddworld Inhabitants had to shut down its game division
:angry: :sniper: :angry: :sniper: :flame: :x I ****ing hate people, it's like it's destined that almost every ****ing game, and gamecompany I like will fail. And the other ones that don't, are forced to adapt to hippies.
Well that's what they get for going to Xbox. If the 3rd game was on any PS system it probably would've sold.
Like many, I've only played the first two Oddworld games.

But what made them so fantastic in my opinion was the simpe and old school structure they had, yet still they were humorous and looked good.

Bloody hard too. :o
Like far too many others I've only played the first two. And they were fantastic. unfortunatly i never got round to any of the others :(
StardogChampion said:
Well that's what they get for going to Xbox. If the 3rd game was on any PS system it probably would've sold.

That's what they get for using EA as publishers. You can blame them for the faliure of Stranger's Wrath - as the game went to stores, EA refused to do any marketing, advertising, or promotion for it. Which is why very few people have heard of it or played it, despite it being one of the best games on Xbox.

The reason EA refused to promote Stranger? The game was much too advanced to be converted onto other consoles.
No multi-format, no potential for massive profit margins - so EA just let the game sink. :bonce: Soulless, profit-driven suits that they are.

The guy behind the Oddworld games then folded his company, and moved off to the film industry. Good luck to him...
I seem to have done the opposite to everyone else then- only played Stranger and missed out on the others. If they are as good as Stranger's Wrath I might have to check them out!

I think the guy that ran oddworld Inhabitants said they may come back to making games, as just before they closed they reported that there was a sequel to Stranger in the works!
Noobulon, luckily he owns ALL the rights to the Oddworld franchise characters, backgrounds, stories etc, so he'll hopefully continue the game in computer-animation form.:)
Ha ha ha, remember in abe's oddysey and abe's exodus, You can fart, That was great, I'd just sit there pressing square for hours just to fart at people, Great stuff!
And the mind phycokenesis thingy, he's all like wew ew wew ew wew ew wew, I love that sound!