Ode to Nice Guys

I second that 'hear hear'. I've never been sure how you spell that...

The obligatory :cheers:
rofl, that describes me perfectly

"restrain themselves to tentative hugs".....yeah :(
Although i'l be the first to admit i have relatively few female friends who i would go out somewhere with without a group (about half as many as male friends) i would like to think that describes me to a degree (Im quite shy so i couldnt say its all me :))

You know...there is another saying about nice guys "finishing last" :naughty:
That's the most truthful thing i've ever read...
The only trouble with us nice guys is that we're too DAMN NICE FOR FEKS SAKE! :flame:
yep it's true, women are manipulative and generally bitchy. but it doesn't mean you have to take it. stand up for yourself. i learned this a few years ago. stop being such a doormat and you won't get treated as one.

like in that example above, it seems that he likes her and is willing to put up with this. but then he's complaining about it afterwards. no point ranting about it, tell her! if you're doing things for her and you're not getting anything in return (friendship or otherwise) then it's time to speak up. i was in a one way relationship similar to this a while ago. all it takes is a firm but fair attitude. it's quite annoying to see blokes complaining that they're getting trodden on and treated like crap, when all it takes is a bit of balls to say something. just because she has a c*nt doesn't mean she's better than you are.

come on lads, time to wake up.
Dedalus said:

Heh, i only read the first paragraph. I didn't notice allthe stuff about taking crap, just the parts about being nice. If a girl was trating me like a doormat i either wouldn't be friends with them in the first place i would just tell them to stop "n' get cookin' or else"
As advanced as women are etc, they still want a powerful, strong man to carry on their genes. Power and strength is clearly not evident in the little poontangs known as 'nice guys' which is why you(we) are discarded so often.
"This is in honor of the guys with open minds, .......
This is in honor of the guys who respect a girl’s every facet.....
This is for the guys who escort their drunk, ....."

these are the same guys who never get laid

not to worry once you're closer to 30 the same girls that wouldnt give you a second look when you were in your early 20's come looking for that "nice sensitive guy"...till then there's always pron ;)
for the guys who know a girl is fishing for compliments but give them out anyway

Ahahahaha, yeah right! I ****ing hate that!

Does this make me look fat?
Yeah, it kinda does!
Yeah...heh, its just like when they say.

"Aww Im too fat, do you think i need to lose weight?"
"Only as much as you need to wear more makeup"