Odessa vs Griggs

If Oddessa had a situation like Grigori does in the game(Ice Breaker?) Then maybe he would have some more support.
Grigori wouldn't attack Cubbage unless he thought he was a zombie.
Cubbage wouldn't attack Grigori unless he spilt his tea.
So what we must do is get Cubbage to wear a jumper with a headcrab picture on it and put a picture of a headcrab on Cubbages teacups so Grigori will shoot them.
Anyway Lamarr would beat them both. Or a vortigaunt for that matter.
a vortigaunt vs a fast zombie. Now that's an even battle.
eatbugs said:
a vortigaunt vs a fast zombie. Now that's an even battle.

Nah, I did it before. The vortigaunt pwns it. :cheers:
O.k, lets try and think of another battle that would be even.
Too one sided but being a girl i think i know where you're going with that..
Freeman vs Shepard

Freeman killed many a corporal in his day, and has a whole hazard suit as opposed to Shepherd's vest. Shepherd is Shepherd's pie to him.

but Odessa has an RPG and a ban of followers to back him up

If Odessa gets his troops, then Grigori gets his "congregation." :)

As for Mossman vs. Alyx, Alyx would OWN her so bad... she fights tons of Combine by herself, with a Pistol.

An even fight might be Dr. Kliner vs. Dr. Breen.

-Dr. Breen was cowardly towards Mossman, as well as rather immature
-Kliner SEEMS pretty cowardly, but he does open up the door to you and Alyx with a shotgun in hand... plus he has his own ****in headcrab!
-Kliner is much more booksmart than Breen
-Breen is definitly more Charismatic
My choice would be Kliner. I think he would be very mad at Breen and make a pitiful, George McFly-like stand against him. Breen would just back away, trying to avoid confrontation, and trying to talk Kliner out of shooting... not really knowing what to do without his Combine troops, and try and shoot Kliner, but Kliner would fire first, showing his small scientist backbone for the first time.

Another battle I'd like to see would be a Gargantuan vs. Dog
-Dog is probably slightly stronger
-Garg definitly has him in terms of weaponry
-Dog is smarter
-Dog is more agile and smaller
My choice would be Dog. Dog would throw cars and shit at Garg, not doing any damage. He might lure him into a trap and make an overpass crumble on him, get somewhere safe (or stay ahead just enough) and throw enough explosive barrels at him, or jump on his back and pound at his armor until it cracked.

Barney vs. Shepherd
-Barney has a little bit more experience in urban fighting (10+ years)
-Barney has security guard training as well as Civil Protection training
-Shepherd probably had better, more extensive training as a soldier
-Shepherd can climb ropes
-Shepherd can use a wider variety of weapons... fish guns, Barnacles, etc... Barney would just be like "What the hell are these things?"
-Shepherd took on Black Ops and killed many security guards (depending on how you played :) , although they only had pistols)
-Barney took on soldiers
I'm afraid Shepherd has it... I think his military training is really going to save him, as well as his rechargable power vest, ability to adapt to situations, and ability to confront cats. :cat:
Lol, I couldn't agree more with the Freeman/Shepard analysis sumed up by Pai

Wouldn't agree with Kleiner beating Breen. Kleiners like 100.

Another battle i was thinking of was Antlion Guard vs Strider
Strider would win... I did it once and when the strider tried to impale the ant lion gaurd, it just magically flew off into the horizon and the gaurd was safe and sound :|
Eli vs. Kleiner. The war of the scientists.

I'd go for Eli - that leg could go right through Kleiner's skull (nice idea for a garry's mod pic).
Hmm your theories facinate me.

Answer this then. Take for example one of those Big monsters that blast fire at you by stomping the ground in HL1 vs a Strider?

Now we're getting complicated.
The strider would just railgun (or what ever that over sized penis gun is) the Gargantuan into white light.
it's called a gargatuan is it?

Hmmm..now that i know that i really have nothing more to live for...
I kinda even match:

A normal headcrab vs a leech :|
I think the leech probably dies without water.....
....and the headcrab probably drowns in water.....:dozey:

normal headcrab vs. poison headcrab vs. fast headcrab
3 way deathmatch!!! :p
G-man V Mossman
G-man would win because he has a pistol in his briefcase and Mossman only the zappy thing
Perhaps, but i was thinking of something a little more cerebral.

like a Combine helicopter vs a Combine gunship. Oh yerh. Game on.
My bet would be on the chopper- it's tougher than the gunship and has explosive weaponry at its disposal (although, admittedly, it'd find it hard to pelt the 'ship with mines).

Griggs would definitely duff Odessa over, for the record.
eatbugs said:
Perhaps, but i was thinking of something a little more cerebral.

like a Combine helicopter vs a Combine gunship. Oh yerh. Game on.

If the gun ship flew above the helicoter it could lazer it.
Chopper would never win. Gunship has heavier armour, more manuvorability, and a better front weapon.
G-man would win because he has a pistol in his briefcase and Mossman only the zappy thing

I think the G-Man is more powerful than any other single entity, ever... at least when he has his "resources."

Pai-Mei: "Huyong-nooo.... Chew-Heee-Bacha!" (Stupid American with American briefcase!) -laughs-
-smiles a grim smile-
Pai-Mei is teleported into space and dies.

Magneto: Fear me, mortal!
-smiles a grim smile-
Magneto's head is teleported into space and dies.

Darth Vader: The ability to destroy enslave a planet is insignificant next to...
-smiles a grim smile-
Darth Vader's head is teleported into a star and dies

Maybe the Borg Queen has more at her disposal than the G-Man, but we don't know how advanced either technology is in relation to each other...
Borg Queen: You are an intriguing life form... We've never seen anything quite like you before...
G-Man: -smiles a grim smile-
Borg Queen: Oh, I'm afraid Your pathetic teleportation technology has no effect here. We have already matched and nullified the field it created. You'll know all about our technology soon enough.
G-Man: -looks worried-
G-Man is teleported to a Borg assimilation module and assimilated. :borg:
Okay... I made up some images for G-Man's battle with the Borg Queen...

Maybe the Borg Queen has more at her disposal than the G-Man, but we don't know how advanced either technology is in relation to each other...
Borg Queen: You are an intriguing life form... We've never seen anything quite like you before...
G-Man: -smiles a grim smile-
Borg Queen: Oh, I'm afraid Your pathetic teleportation technology has no effect here. We have already matched and nullified the field it created. You'll know all about our technology soon enough.
G-Man: -looks worried-
G-Man is teleported to a Borg assimilation module and assimilated.
The borg arent smart enough to do that, ods are that an errant headcrab will knock out their poorly defended teleportation nullifier.
I will make a Danimal vs Gman when I am bothered too
I will make a Danimal vs Gman when I am bothered too...

Isn't Danimal a yogurt? Although your Avatar is that of a Starcraft ghost...

When I said Pai-Mei vs. G-Man, I didn't mean ME, I meant the Kung Fu High Priest from Kill Bill vol. 2. Pai-Mei is also the subject of many old Kung-Fu movies and is based on a real person in history, Pei Mei.

In real life, he was known as the “Invincible” Grand Master of the Shaolin temple. He is quite possibly the deadliest person in history in hand-to-hand combat, having defeated another Grand Masters by breaking his neck.

Needless to see, the movies involving have exaggerated his abilities, not that they need to.
I didn't say I was yogurt... I wish I had a different name =/
The borg arent smart enough to do that, ods are that an errant headcrab will knock out their poorly defended teleportation nullifier.

I don't know about that... although the Borg certainly wouldn't attack a headcrab unless they thought it either posed a threat or should be assimilated. If the Borg think something is dangerous, it is not getting to the queen.