Of the other three source engine games...

Which one do you want?

  • Deus Ex: Invisible War

    Votes: 15 46.9%
  • Thief 3

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • Vampire: Bloodlines

    Votes: 7 21.9%
  • Thief 3 dosent use the source engine does it?

    Votes: 8 25.0%

  • Total voters


Which do you want the most? Id have to say Vampire:Bloodlines
Are you sure DE:IW uses the source engine? You're not thinking of Havok, are you?
yeah....sorry im dumb i just meant the other 3 high quailty games
Well, I think thief3 uses the Unreal engine, DE:IW uses the DoomIII engine.
Ehh... mistypes happen to all of us. I'm personally looking forward to DE:IW the most out of the three.
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Ehh... mistypes happen to all of us. I'm personally looking forward to DE:IW the most out of the three.

What? I know that, I was just telllin himn what engines they were in, not trying to be an asshole like everyone else on the forum, he didnt seem to sure what engines they used.
Originally posted by Ender01
What? I know that, I was just telllin himn what engines they were in, not trying to be an asshole like everyone else on the forum, he didnt seem to sure what engines they used.

Actually, I was responding to *his* post, not yours. I was just a bit late. And he seems to be saying that he realised that he mistyped.:E
Deus Ex 2 uses a modified Unreal Engine, capable of advanced lighting and shadows and some bump-mapping.
Thief 3 uses the Unreal Engine as well.
And yes, Vampire uses the Source engine.
"CrazyHarij" is correct. The only other announced game with the Source is Vampires. DE:IW and the awesome looking Theif three both use a modified Unreal Tech engine known as the 'Vanilla' Engine.
Im really cant wait to (erm, excuse the pun) "sink my teeth into" Bloodlines :D
I cant wait to see what Troika does with it.
on a completely unrelated note, (even though its in the same universe) I loved "Vampire The masquerade: Redemption"
gimme back my Christoph!
even troika can touch on where Redemption was heading, all should be good (and even more interesting since now its an fps)
as others already mentioned on Bloodlines uses the Source engine...but of the games you mentioned I'm most looking forward to Thief3
The 2 games from ION are both being made on the Unreal warfare engine so the Source engine has nothing to do with these games.

Vampire The Masqueade - Bloodlines is the only game of the 3 games that its being developt on the Source engine.
Invisible War, I'm worried it's going to get a bit burried under everything else that's coming soon. http://www.deusex.com/ just had a load of updates.

DX:IW uses the Unreal2k3 engine but heavily modified enough to be considered proprietary.
it's such a relief none of you started flaming him big time for a misunderstanding.

maybe we're making progress after all.
yes I must say the forums have been shaping up quite nicely the last couple days.
I'm looking forward to bloodlines myself, i never really liked the first Deus Ex, so i am not to keen on the next one, but...... i havn't played it yet so i aint gonna knock it.
If we are talking game engines then I'd say Stalker: Oblivion Lost has the best engine outside of HL2 or Doom 3 without question.
I don't mean to be rude, but Deus Ex II isn't very high quality. In lots of scenes they're light technology is screwed up, and the guns look like crap. I wish I could elaborate on this subject, but I think that's all I need to say about it. I think Bloodlines will be quite cool.

You can hardly call the engine that Deus Ex 2 uses the Unreal engine, it's totally changed and now has fully dynamic lighting and lot's of bumpmapping too. Thief 3 uses this aswell.

But someone from Valve said in an interview they had negotiations with other developers to use Source which have not been made public yet.

Duke Forever anyone? :)
id say Deus Ex, as the first 1 was quality :D
Out of those three, definately Thief 3.

Never was a fan of Deus Ex.

If I could pick other games I'm looking forward to though..

Black & White 2
Far Cry
Wartime Command
Codename: Panzer