Off to Scotland...

May 24, 2003
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In the morning i will be driving up to Scotland. This means i won't be here until Friday evening at the earliest.

Once again....

Rar, see you guys later ;)
What's it like where you live? I imagine green rolling hills for some reason. I've always wanted to visit England. It seems like it would be fun.
Well get you Farrow y'jet-setter :)
Scotland's great - I'm half Scot so I go there a fair bit to see my grand-dad and other family. Where aboots're you off to?
Have a good time, wherever.


on but seriously, over here in the UK the last few days have been abismal weather (down here in the south at least) so hopefully it will get sunnier just for you ;)

you should speak to sulkdodds, he used to live in scotland. i think it damaged him forever... there certainly wasnt much to do there apparantly, i think the most interesting thing he ever did was watch a kid shoot a cow with a BB gun or something.

have a nice time :P
Went to Edinburgh few years ago, fantab place. Uncle was posted at the Castle for a few months so I go to go in all the restricted areas, and stand right next to the 1 o clock gun - and was deaf for several hours after.
Farrowlesparrow said:
In the morning i will be driving up to Scotland. This means i won't be here until Friday evening at the earliest.

Once again....

Rar, see you guys later ;)

Where are you off to Farrow? I've only been to Scotland once so I could attend my cousins passing out parade in the army in (Glencoe (SP)?) and it was f'king freezing! Granted it was mid December, but still!
i wanna go to Scotland too..***n around in the highlands in a kilt re-inacting Braveheart :D
I half-live in Scotland, I've got a flat in Edinburgh. Have fun.
If you want a lingustic adventure go drinking with a scottsman.
I'll miss you farrow, even though you ignore me and send me death threats ;(
Well even though i got back on Friday, I haven't really had chance to come on. Anyway, I'm back, as I'm hoping is now glaringly obvious. I had a good time, I went to a place not too far from Edinburgh...well, it was about an hours drive away over beyond the Fourth Road Bridge.

Awww, poor Cyber, you know those death threats are just a way of showing my affection :)

I had quite a fun time actually, met some Scottish people (amazing I know) got a guys email adress(Yes, a guy it would have been nice if there were a girl but it just didn't happen :))....Which reminds me, I still need to send him an email.
Yeah, In fact we caught one and deep fried it in a large "fat" geyser, in the ancient Scottish tradtion....Truely an awesome sight ;)
as long as you avoided the deep fried mars bars you should be ok
Ive been to scootland once or twice, was middle of summer last time I went, nice and warm... some gorgeous empty beaches, blue skies, and rolling hills :D

That said though, the weather was a bit freaky, you could actually see random rainclouds in the blue sky miles off moving around, was pretty cool.

Can't remember where exactly I went but it's on the west side of scotland, near Largs... there was an island I went to off the coast called Bute? or something like that.

Nice place, scootland.
Yeah Bute is one of the islands off the west coast