off topic question: how many friends do you have?

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Glirk Dient said:
Maple Grove...right next to osseo actually. Half a mile from osseo senior/junior high.

I'm in Brooklyn Park, about 10-12 mins away from you :afro:
Friggin awsome. Youl have to come to a LAN some time. The local school has one where we can pwn n00bs. Do you by chance go to brooklyn park high school?
Glirk Dient said:
Friggin awsome. Youl have to come to a LAN some time. The local school has one where we can pwn n00bs. Do you by chance go to brooklyn park high school?

No, Spring Lake Park High. The BPark one was too... er, well I needed a more un-ghetto place to go. :laugh:

I should invite you over after all our wood floors are finished (sometime next month) because we have a whole projector home-theater setup and I have 3 gaming computers in my room in the basement. :P
We could drive in our mutual directions and reach each other in about an hour and a half. (that was for ikerous)
TheSomeone said:
We could drive in our mutual directions and reach each other in about an hour and a half. (that was for ikerous)
I think it'd be more like 4 or 5 hours...
Dunno, lots, love'em all, etc, gonna marry one of them, etc
Friends ->

Quality > Quantity

I have a couple close friends, and about a million I really don't give a shit about.
Glirk Dient said:
Hahaha holy crap! Edit this before someone sees the stupidity...oh wait too late!

Oh man...what you just said college students don't do is the only thing they really do. Occasionally they study/do something related to school. Wow...go outside and get used to the real world. Your computer won't get you laid.

actually he is pretty right. they do drink but they are pretty focused on school. the ones that do all that other stuff end up flunking out or never went in the first place.. at least the ones i've met anyway
VirusType2 said:
actually he is pretty right. they do drink but they are pretty focused on school. the ones that do all that other stuff end up flunking out or never went in the first place.. at least the ones i've met anyway
XD I can't believe someone actually agreas with him
No man.. he's completely wrong

"A 1993 questionnaire completed by nearly 18,000 students at 140 colleges in 40 states found that 44 percent of the students - 50 percent of the men and 39 percent of the women - binged."
And that was over ten years ago.. its bound to have gotten worse. And thats just binge drinking

The whole point of college is to get drunk and sleep with random women.
If you're not doing that, then you lose at life :P

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed above may or may not reflect the opinions of the poster.
It's true.

Hmm, lemme see...5 extremely close friends, 8 close friends, probably about 20 normal friends and too many pleasant aqquaintences to count. All in all I think about 1 third girls. And that's not even mentioning internet friends. Talking of which, <3[/brag]
None of you are geeks if you don't match the exact description if you are only one aspect of a geek then you are a geek in only that way and not an actual geek except for computer geeks who are computer geeks and not geeks.
Got a fairly large amount of friends, nice large group in college. Pretty cool to be able to walk around and know most of the people there. A nice balance i feel between guys and girls as friends.

Imo, number of friends is not a sign of Geekiness
Geeks are the new cool.

And you shouldn't define yourself by what happens around you, you should be defined by what kind of person you are.

Also it's the quality of your friends that counts, not quanity.

For example someone who claims to have 50 or 100 friends, most of them are just likely to be acquaintances anyway. To have a good relationship with people, you need to invest time in them, and the more people you know, the less time you have for each one, decreasing your relationship with them.

And there's people you might consider friends, but they'd quite easily stab you in the back and spit on your corpse if they catch you off guard. That's why it's important to be sure of who your friends are, rather than going for "more is better"

I'd rather have lifelong friends, than claiming someone I met at a party once while really drunk, was my friend.
I hav varios friends fron my school but I am not so social really but I go to partys whit them
theSteven said:
None of you are geeks if you don't match the exact description if you are only one aspect of a geek then you are a geek in only that way and not an actual geek except for computer geeks who are computer geeks and not geeks.

A person who is interested in technology, especially computing and new media. Considered derogatory by some.

Does that not make us all geeks?
I have about 40-50 friends...maybe a bit more... of course I'm not veeeery close to all of them but those are all people I cosnider to be good friends....

I am not very good at estimates but I'm sure it stands at elast at that.
I don't have many close friends, a few middle-level friends, and hundreds of aquaintances. Being popular has the disadvantage of not securing close friends. Gets you lots of women though.

-Angry Lawyer
Everyone in my commune are friends...

Ok seriously I have 4-5 VERY close friends (people I see/ talk to every day). Then I have about 15-20 mid-level friends (People who I see and talk to at school all the time, but don't get to see outside of school because of where I live). But overall I can talk to pretty much anyone. Not about much imparticular (I despise small talk with a passion).

I'm not unnatractive, but not overly amazing (looks wise. I rock though). Also I'm just getting back into school since I was ill from 7 - 15 years old, and people are only just starting to go "Oh hey that's that dude. Yeah I remember him. He's alright".
Only problem is I'm not especially fond of a lot of people at once, since I don't like being around too many (I think I pick up on feelings too much and become overcrowded around a lot of people's emotions).

Uh anyway, people know I'm a geeky dude that hates going outside. They don't hate you for it if you make it a point not to avoid them or hate them on principal. I have some chav-like friends who are alright because... Well... I rock.
I would say I've got around 11 or 12 close friends that I see both in school, and waste my time with outside of school pretty much every single day. Then you get probably around 50 or so mates I hang around with in school (I don't really hang around with one particular group too often), and sometimes see them outside of school.

As for the rest of the year, I speak to everyone really, from the metalheads to the proper scally scum. That's probably around another 100 or so people, plus another 20 or so people I speak to in the years above and below.

Most my close mates don't even play PC games, or come to think of it games it general. If they knew I waste this much time on a message board talking to random people,'s not something I'm proud of put it that way ;) I don't mean the actual members, the majority of you rock - but moreso the fact I'm wasting hours a day at this place...
Not as many as I'd like :(
But seriously, plenty. I only have about 3-5 which I consider "special friends" and they are the friends I have known for longest, but the rest I still get along very well with :)
Angry Lawyer:
I don't have many close friends, a few middle-level friends, and hundreds of aquaintances. Being popular has the disadvantage of not securing close friends. Gets you lots of women though.

-Angry Lawyer

The stuff in bold is true for me too.

The stuff in italics is what I would never want to be because all you get is false friends. Well, here it would.

Underlined is QFS.
Beerdude26 said:
Angry Lawyer:
Being popular has the disadvantage of not securing close friends.
-Angry Lawyer

;( Poor guy

What is QFS?
Oh. I thought it was something like Quoted for Shens :P
oh. That makes sense *slaps forehead*

80% of my friends are male. However, my best friends are female.
Cool, isnt it? :D Yay for me not having all male-friends \o/
I have a handful of close friends. A bunch of people who I'm friendly with(who a few are unfortunatly of the 'wrong crowd' :rolleyes:) and a few people I'm quite firendly with.
Edit: now that I think about it I have a few more 'close friends' than I thought.
Oh, lol I counted my male frieinds, I forgot about female friends. (I don't know how...)

Counting the 15 male freinds + 7 females freinds
22 freinds!
a handful or two of close friends, three or so very best friends, and a hell of a lot of friends
Ten-ish. Many more people I call up and hang around with on a "what the hell are you doing tonight?" basis.
why the hell did you write "off topic question" in the title of a thread you posted in the "off topic" forum?
bliink said:
why the hell did you write "off topic question" in the title of a thread you posted in the "off topic" forum?
Why do newbs do any of the stuff they do