Offering - 3d modeler & mapper


May 31, 2003
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Uh, hey.
I am pretty much learning 3d modeling now, but i am reasonalby good at mapping.
here are some models i have made so far. You will notice they aren't skinned, because i suck at doing that.
These are currently made for half-life 1, not 2.
I also made the sword half-life page (
I think their mod is pretty much dead, so im looking to join another one.
I might be uploading a few more models soon, i dont have any maps at the moment though, mainly because my comp crashed and i lost them :eek:

I have a few other models sitting around on my comp which i couldnt be bothered to upload at the moment. Ill get around to it soon.

So if anyone is interested, drop a message, or e-mail me at [email protected]
I have just found a few old screenshots.
This one here i am still working on, it is an extreme alpha, i think i have only worked on it for about 5/10 mins
here is another alpha map
(pic brightened up)

Here is a model of a crap trebuche i made

All of these are based more in a medievil time, i was making some maps for a mod.

Ill try to find any other maps i have sitting around my comp.
Ill upload some more soon.
Some more screenshots from another map, i have the updated version sitting on my comp, but i couldn't be bothered compiling it at the moment.
It was some alpha map for a different mod i was working on.
I also, designed the page (its very, very bad)

Small pic
Big pic

Small pic
Big Pic

Small pic
Big pic
Damn, i remember this map, i was so close to finishing it. I spent like 3-4 hours on it. Then i had a blue screen error :(
It looked really good also :\
It was a crappy cs map i made

I don't have any playable versions, they were deleted when i formatted my comp, i just have a couple of old screeenshots i had accidently backed up.


I have just found a more updated version of that map, i will upload the pic once this download finishes.
The links loop back to this thread. Nice mapping. Just curious, have you ever mapped for UT2003?
You have to copy and paste the links to view the images. They all work.
Ill make a showcase map now, i haven't mapped for ut2003, but i can learn.
Neutrino got the copy+paste thing, i forgot to mention that.
Ill try to make the map more of a futuristic town.
I might use some natural selection texturs, cause they kick ass :p
I look forward to your showcase map. I'm the co-leader of an HL2 mod, so I'll check back.
Anyone have any requests on what sort of map to make?
Im out of ideas at the moment, i got sick of making the futuristic town :p
actually, i might make some sort of other map.. with 2 bunkers maybe.
Ill try making that, if you have any requests, just post them here. :)
I would like to see a very dark looking metallic, futuristic map. One that is grungy and desolate. But, hey, that's just me. =)
Thats the sort of map i was thinking of :)
Just finished making a tank for it :p