Official Hadron Collider / New Resonance Cascade thread

not sure. but any way we will find out what happends in 9 days.
I think has heard enough about the Hadron Collider and how it's like the Resonance Cascade.
The Hadron collider experiment has been massive news for the past 2 years, I think everyone pretty much knows about it. I'm really interested to see how things go, although they have pushed back this test a couple times now, hopefully we'll see results in the next 9 days.
Oh well sorry for posting this thread. I never really look in this section nor have I seen any threads related to it, my apologizes.
They're not doing any colliding yet. They're only circulating a beam through it on the 10th. The first collisions will start 21st of october.
Would be a bummer if they spent all this time just to be stopped NOW.
Bush will call for a strike on the facility because it is a "weapon of potential mass destruction".
Didnt they turn this on like a week ago?
need moar dark matter

You are in need of my services?


Everyone out of the universe, quick!

The universe is doomed. Doomed!

So seriously, anyone from Europe here for which a visit to this thing could be done a day trip? I'd love to see some home videos/pictures of it.
What will you guys do in the minutes before the earth is shattered? If it does?
They're not doing any colliding yet. They're only circulating a beam through it on the 10th. The first collisions will start 21st of october.

So I have time to buy myself a crowbar and a flak jacket then :thumbs:

Everyone out of the universe, quick!

The universe is doomed. Doomed!

How the hell does nibbler eat himself?
I swear if a bullsquid misteriously appear on my side I will send a good complaint at them
End of the world.

SCIENTISTS are trying to stop the most powerful experiment ever ? saying the black holes it will create could destroy the world.

Dubbed by some the Doomsday test, it will be carried out next week in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), located 300ft underground near the French-Swiss border.

The machine is 17 miles long and cost ?4.4billion to create.

When its switch is pulled on September 10, this atom-smasher will become a virtual time machine, revealing what happened when the universe came into existence 14 billion years ago.

New particles of matter are expected to be discovered, new dimensions found beyond the four known, as scientists re-create conditions in the first BILLIONTHS of a second after the Big Bang.

Experts even predict that millions of tiny black holes will be produced ? baby brothers of the monsters gobbling up dust and stars at the heart of the galaxies.

That is why boffins are now trying to stop the project with a last-ditch challenge in the courts.

They fear the LHC experimenters are tinkering with the unknown and putting mankind ? and our whole planet ? at risk.

The group responsible for the experiment, the European Nuclear Research Centre (CERN), says that these mini black holes will vanish as quickly as they are created.

But the anti-CERN brigade accuse the scientists of playing God, warning that no one can guarantee that the black holes will not survive, rapidly growing in size to suck the Earth out of existence in an instant.

But CERN, which includes several UK scientists, say their work is vital to unlock the secrets of matter that forms everything known in the universe.

In the experiment, atomic particles will be fired in opposite directions along the 17-mile long underground ring ? the length of the Circle Line on the London Underground.

They will travel so fast that they make 11,245 trips around the tunnel every SECOND.

From the collisions, boffins expect to discover a fundamental bit of the atom, called the Higgs boson, that is expected to exist but which has never been seen.

Professor Otto Rossler, from the Eberhard Karls University of Tubingen in Germany, is one of the scientists mounting the legal challenge at the European Court of Human Rights against 20 countries which are funding the project.

He said: ?It is quite plausible that these little black holes will survive and will grow and eat the planet from the inside out.?

A CERN spokesman said: ?It will not be producing anything that does not already happen routinely in nature.?


The atom smasher ... the 17-mile-long machine that some fear will destroy our planet

You've missed the discussion by several months
*Merged two threads (already current thread on this darkedge)
and when they turn it on, nothing will happen. it'll just make weird crackling noices for about 10 seconds before finally letting out a small cloud of thick smoke.

generic scene of mass confusion spreading among the stereotypical scientists will ensue, but the main scientist remains calm, allthough he looks a bit shocked, and starts to browse through his notebook/make calculations (which will eventually lead to the solution, but not before the plot twist), while the mandatory army guy right next to him quickly picks up the red phone and calls the headquarters informing the president (who's a black guy) that there seems to be a problem.
Its been tested plenty of times, its not going to destroy the world...
nevermind the gordlon lookalike, those guys don't really look like they know what they're doing. just look at that geezer on the left.
The most intelligent often do.
I've no time, no time to use the bathroom, I'm in the middle of a calculaiton that could mean life or death on this world!

looks like the ****ing thing has some screws loose. Jesus Christ.

He said: ?It is quite plausible that these little black holes will survive and will grow and eat the planet from the inside out.?

this is exactly what I predicted in another one of these threads.
looks like the ****ing thing has some screws loose. Jesus Christ.

Yeah that worried me a lil' , i mean you have all these scientists in a room building a f**king hadron collider yet they later find a screw loose. I mean what if it had come out and flew into some ones eye? Its all fun and games till a hadron collider fires a bolt into your eye.
Or until it falls apart and someone swallows a hardon.

EDIT: Meant to say hadron.
Get That Man Away From The Machine!!!
you know guys i'm really disappointed at you...not one didn't change Hadron to Hardon. is this ****ing or something? ;)