Official HL2 site coming soon..

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i remember reading about this movie in pcgamer, it has screech from saved by the pissin bell in it -_- (was either summer 99 or 2000, cant remember exactly, il see if i can find the issue)
Shat_kat said:
i remember reading about this movie in pcgamer, it has screech from saved by the pissin bell in it -_- (was either summer 99 or 2000, cant remember exactly, il see if i can find the issue)

..wrong thread, by chance? lol
I take it this was meant to be in the HL movie thread?
Yeah, what was the source of this preview.jpg first?
"remember people, in the last news they said there will be nothing new about the game until E3 so dont get too excited."

yes. probably the official site will be online in some weeks but with no new info. the time around e3, they will update the page with new stuff, i think...

but nice to see that there is movement. :)
sharp said:
Yeah, what was the source of this preview.jpg first?

Yeah, seriously. How is this "official" ? some dude photoshops a picture, and munro posts it as a new story about how the official Half-Life2 website is going live??? Munro, can you please clarify?
I don't like it, they could have used some better screen shots. Although not all the screenshots are bad but some of them are old and ugly.

BTW those things next to the tower are either birds or flying headcrabs.

CreedoG: Valve probably emailed the picture to Munro lol
Ooh YEA thats awesome...I JUST HOPE HOPE HOPE:::: READ!!!!!! I HOPE THAT THIS IS NOT GOING TO TURN INTO CS:CZ SITE....that one has never been updated ever....just recently it has...before it was never updated ..i hope they keep a nice news on this one and forums and hope they have and where did u get this screenshot
There is already a nice news site and forums :) our trusty Your not leaving are you? :cheers:
EVIL said:
There is already a nice news site and forums :) our trusty Your not leaving are you? :cheers:
Yes, i am :(
sharp said:
Yeah, what was the source of this preview.jpg first?

It's a screenshot I produced of the site they were testing yesterday at sierra.
It's a fake!!!! (I'm just trying to destroy people's hopes -- don't mind me.)
Munro said:
It's a screenshot I produced of the site they were testing yesterday at sierra.

I'm sorry, but I still don't understand how you got this. You mean they gave you access to view it right? You didn't personally go to the offices or go on one of their computers to take a screenshot right?
Btw, pic watermarks should be see-thru imo, that thing's very obstrusive, and some people thought it was an actual image on the site.

Edit Addendum: No links page? Eh, maybe later then.
Javert said:
I'm sorry, but I still don't understand how you got this. You mean they gave you access to view it right? You didn't personally go to the offices or go on one of their computers to take a screenshot right?
Btw, pic watermarks should be see-thru imo, that thing's very obstrusive, and some people thought it was an actual image on the site.

Edit Addendum: No links page? Eh, maybe later then.

If you read Munro's first post, he says if you're smart you too can see it. I'm guessing he/someone he knows stumbled upon the URL (I guessed a bunch, but didn't find any, so I gave up), and showed him.
Couple of questions that you don't have to ask:

When will the website be released to the masses

Will you be able to download the SDK from the website (would you have to join steam to do this)

Will there be new screenshots released at the same time of the websites release

Will there be behind the scenes footage of valve software with commentory (brought to you by media player)

Has somebody eaten all the donuts
Couple of questions that you don't have to ask:

When will the website be released to the masses

Will you be able to download the SDK from the website (would you have to join steam to do this)

Will there be new screenshots released at the same time of the websites release

Will there be behind the scenes footage of valve software with commentory (brought to you by media player)

Has somebody eaten all the donuts

It would be a quite boring official website without any new media :sleep:
whats so bad about steam??? i HATED the old sucked...took 8 hours to refresh teh stupid list

Knew that HL2 skin in Windows Media Player would come of use sometime ;D

Actually I'm lying. Don't bother. I was kiding. : )
This is photoshopped yo

Okay I have a proof about this being kind of poorly photoshopped.
I'm not saying this is not a valve image but at least I know how it's been made.

There has been a brush set for photoshop at the saturnalia website (everybody who are into grunge graphics use these brushes as a shortcut before they start making brushes themselves) and one of those Photoshop brush sets are used in that image.

AGAIN: I'm not saying that it isn't official valve stuff. Read on.

Here is how you can tell they are using the same brush:


If you look at the 'scratches' in the red rectangles you can clearly see that it's identical. They did turn in 90 degrees CCW but I knew I've seen it before.

This could mean anything - but that including the fact that professional photoshop artists avoid taking these kind of shortcuts when they build important commercial sites (since these brushes are for non-commercial use) AND the fact that only old stuff were used...

I say it's a spoof - but that's just an assumption.
I only hope I help the real pros who can tell by providing some extra information.
The site was linking to so I managed to spot in in the server logs. I had a look and managed to get a screenshot of it to show you all.

Okay I have a proof about this being kind of poorly photoshopped. I'm not saying this is not a valve image but at least I know how it's been made.

Are you trying to say it's not made by valve because it's done in Photoshop? It probably was made in Photoshop seeing how it's one of the most popular image editing tools in existance :) I don't know what programs they used though and who they got to design it.

Couple of questions that you don't have to ask:

When will the website be released to the masses

Will you be able to download the SDK from the website (would you have to join steam to do this)

Will there be new screenshots released at the same time of the websites release

Will there be behind the scenes footage of valve software with commentory (brought to you by media player)

Has somebody eaten all the donuts

All I know is the SDK will be available through Steam. Regarding the other questions I really don't have a clue what will be up in the final version. There was some screenshots on the site but nothing new.
The fact that they use old stuff doesnt mean shit because that is everything valve ever released. if you look at the image from the civilian shooting on top of a car roof you will see that he holds a mp5, wich stated by valve is a weapon they wont put in hl2. and that image is only released a couple of month's ago. valve has only released screenshots from a very early build of hl2. wich you can see because they lack any normaland bumpmapping any reflective surfaces or material from hl1 that they used as a temporarely replacement untill the new weapon, bloodsplats, objects etc are made by the artist's

and i am sure you will have pro's using those brushes. maby he asked the creator of those brushes if he can use them for commercial stuff, who knows!
EVIL said:
if you look at the image from the civilian shooting on top of a car roof you will see that he holds a mp5, wich stated by valve is a weapon they wont put in hl2.

They really stated that the mp5 wont be in the game?
Munro said:
Are you trying to say it's not made by valve because it's done in Photoshop?

That's how his post came off to me. I hope he's not saying that because, no direct offense to the lad but, that's a really dumb thing to say :)
Yeah, everyone knows that Valve use MS Paint.
Cutey_Kaite said:
They really stated that the mp5 wont be in the game?
Yup, cant remember if it was in one of the e-mails from gabe or in one of the many hl2 articles. but I am sure they said that the mp5 wont be in hl2. It will be replaced with the mp7 I believe.
"I'm not saying this is not a valve image"

"AGAIN: I'm not saying that it isn't official valve stuff. Read on."

"This could mean anything"

These are all parts of my message
Why can't you just read before you flame?
I really tried to avoid this at all costs. I wrote 3 times that it DOESN'T MEAN THAT ITS NOT VALVE STUFF.

You really disappoint me
also, what I wrote has nothing to do with photoshop itself but with photoshop techniques, and this looks a little amateurish.
I wasn't talking about photoshop, I was talking about the brush.
We weren't flaming so please don't say we were :)
Kinda ironic given the whole not reading post speach ;)

Right, so basically you're saying you "suspect" this isn't a Valve site ( ie: spoof ) because the artist used brushes designed to give the look the artist was after?
I fully understand that munro would fall for this, as so would most of you.
Fall for what exactly?
Munro said:
Fall for what exactly?

that that is the official website. It isn't. Post the URL to the site, if you feel it is. And if Valve doesn't want people on it, they can lock up the folder.

It's not the real website.

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