Official SiN Episodes Website Updated

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Fansite, is reporting that the official SiN Episodes website,, has been updated with lots of new stuff including media, a new developer's blog and more importantly a multiplayer survey so you can have your say in moulding the future of the SiN Episodes multiplayer experience.[br]There's lots of stuff to check out but you can get a full overview of the update by going to the fansite here or by going straight to the brand new official site here.
The more i see and hear about this game, the more excited i get!!
Are you having an identity crisis there, Chris?
Pi Mu Rho said:
Are you having an identity crisis there, Chris?
What do you mean? :O
etzel90 said:
The more i see and hear about this game, the more excited i get!!
Hope to see you register on the forums :)
You didn't register on my forums ;(
I see that now I never really looked at who posts the news at, so when I saw your signature.... Just somthing interesting.. Keep up the good work dude.
Thanks dude :)

I don't want to give the impression that I'm a sister site of or anything -- I'm not.

It's just a project I want to do on my own. Just like a few of the staff here made and how Munro's got his new fansite for Supreme Commander.

We're all still working here, but at the same time running our own sites which is really cool :)
I have no idea what SiN is. Please could someone sell it to me in 3 sentences (I lose interest very quickly). Also, could you avoid hype and tell the truth, I have a very low tolerance for bullshit.
I tried the survey, but I pressed enter by mistake and it was submitted half-complete. :( Not exactly a smart page design! ;)
PickledGecko said:
I have no idea what SiN is. Please could someone sell it to me in 3 sentences (I lose interest very quickly). Also, could you avoid hype and tell the truth, I have a very low tolerance for bullshit.

There's this amazing thing on the internet called a search engine.