Official site of North Korea

Geez, who cares, they're white socks. Cotton's comfortable, bro.
Oh. My. God. The Korean Internet Safety Command? Wow. That's so stupid and awesome at the same time. Do they have uniforms?

Er, I don't think so.

Also, KISCOM seems to have been absorbed by the CSC.
I like how:

- The forum page references jQuery from an imperialist Google server.
- The forum is completely one-way, it's not a forum, it's a (WordPress) blog with comments turned off, how hilariously fitting for a North Korean site.
- The site was built with Adobe Dreamweaver. Lawl.
- The forum slash blog has ads on it for medicine and handbags that they've tried to hide (incompetently) by giving it a height of 1px. The guy who made this was probably threatened with death if couldn't get rid of those ads.
- The domain expires in August 2011, it would be hilarious if you could hijack it.
Those pics were awesome. No wonder the North Koreans hate the imperialist ameriKKKans.
...... Those pictures are awesome

Anyone one else up for a trip to North Korea as a friend of the DPRK???

Everyone here should go and have the glory of getting kidnapped, I hear hes planning a big musical number
Tbh, I won't care if North Korea is a F***cking shithole (which it is) If i can go to North Korea, I will. Just for the curiosity factor.