Official Sony E3 conference thread

Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
MS kicked sony in the balls by announcing MGS franchise also on 360.

Let's speculate what sony have to say tomorrow.

We all know PSP Go and fugly ps3 slim is a given.
It's not an exclusive though.

yes it is,int he trailere there is only xbox logos and before it shown it was say that the next content will be only for xbox together whit the myspace shit

bill gates really pull out his big wallet
No it's not it was after the exclusive line up and IF it was they would have said the word exclusive at LEAST 8 times! Kojima only said it was being made on 360 now.
Let's not forget Trico, Team Ico has something to reveal tomorrow.

Possibly Shadow of Colossus sequel??????????
It's all aout Trico \o/

Oh, and God of War!
yes it is,int he trailere there is only xbox logos and before it shown it was say that the next content will be only for xbox together whit the myspace shit

bill gates really pull out his big wallet

It was revealed last week in Famitsu magazine for ps3.
Yeah I'll stick around and watch. God of War. Uncharted. Heavy Rain. Killzone 3?
But the question on everyone's lips is surely:

Will Ridge Racer return. You know how it goes.
Very excited. I hope the expected "megatons" are just that!! Still, Uncharted 2, God of War 3, Heavy Rain, MAG, Demon's Souls, FFVXIII (maybe), WKC, GT5, Trico, Rockstar exclusive that Phil Harrison mentioned months and months ago?, BBC guy's game?, new Sly Cooper?, rumored Epic/Sony PS3 exclusive?, etc etc etc.

I have forgotten more, but am totally pumped as I think the actual GAMES will be the most exciting of the conferences yet (though Nintendo had some AWESOME drops).
But the question on everyone's lips is surely:

Will Ridge Racer return. You know how it goes.

I'd actually like one of the conferences to take the piss, even slightly. Poke fun at themselves. It's all way to ''Hey you, LOOK WHAT WE HAVE!!''.

More self-deprication(sp?) plox.
Nothing can top the sony 2007 conference.



- Press leaks joked about, so I guess everything is going to turn out to be true?
- Starting off with the Playstation... 2: It done good. Still committed to the system. For some reason.
"100 new titles" (shows a bunch of currently available titles appear on screen) o_O etc.
- Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Looking nice graphically. Setting new hammy standards in British Accent impressionism.
- MAG. 256-player FPS shown last year. Live eavesdrop on an actual game in progress. Simulates a warzone, lots of command ability type stuff and multiple objectives. Art-Direction: Brown.
- PSP Go in 3... 2... 1...
- Biggest cheers for Lilac Coloured Hannah Montana PSP.
- Kaz Hirai: Riiiidge Rac-- PSP Go! Act Surprised! 50% Smaller, 40% Lighter. PC based PSP content transfer programme: Media Go.
Thankfully, the speaker seems more down-to-earth when compared to the other drones earlier.
Damn, UC2, WANT!

Now MAG, shame about the ugly HUD.
MAG looks similar to Battlefield and that fuels of war game. Lots of enemies on screen at once. I sense a lot of dying is going to go on.
And we're back.

AC2, basic mechanics the same. Guards wait in-line. Run up to character, press 'stab'. No stealth, no subtlety.
And we're back.

AC2, basic mechanics the same. Guards wait in-line. Run up to character, press 'stab'. No stealth, no subtlety.

Yeh, wash-rinse-repeat. The basics look a lot like the 1st game.

Also, the new R* game, Agent. Why announce it and show nothing, wtf?
GOD OF WAR PLOX!! You just know they'll show it last.

**** all this interactive gimmicky crap. 360 had it yesterday and now PS. Wii always had it.
Final fantasy 14 is another MMORPG.

Notice the word "ONLINE" at the end of trailer.

Another fail fantasy.
I was under the impression that they were looking to create a new Final Fantasy Online soon enough. It just never occured to me that they'd actually call it "Final Fantasy XIV"...
Would be VERY surprised to see it. They sometimes announce FF games at TGS anyway.P
Sure showed me.
This Mod Racers game looks cool. Mario Kart meets TrackMania / Stunts.