Official Sony E3 conference thread

FFXI was actually awesome in a lot of ways, I loved the art style and how you could switch career paths at any time. If XIV amazing it might be a reason for me to get PS3, I'm a huge MMO whore.
Also, the new R* game, Agent. Why announce it and show nothing, wtf?
Yeah, I knew (hoped) they would mention it somehow, but that was way too quick. It has not even sunk in yet! Sounds awesome, but I would love to even just see some concept art lol!
WTF is up with this boring Mario Cart clone?

Skip to Trico or God of War already.

edit - HOLY SHIT! LAST GUARDIAN aka TRICO!!!! Finally!
Hmm kinda disappointed, They made out like there would be tonnes of enemy onscreen to fight. Feels like GOW HD. No environmental destruction, corpses disappearing etc. Nothing really new.
Not excited about skipping over Heavy Rain for the most part. They called this the most important game of 2009 last year! (Then it slipped to 2010, but still!!)

Well, yeah, to the extent that someone can 'win' E3, I would have to say Sony did. I did think they would as MS was lacking in terms of great exclusives games for the foreseeable future. Nintendo came pretty darn close with some of those awesome announcements, but no Starfox or Kid Icarus made me sad.

Either way another damn expensive Fall/Holiday Season. :(

Oh, and next-gen motion control FTL.
My wallet is going to hate me even more than last year D: D: D:
I thought it was a great conference. By the end the constant stream of amazing games just seemed cruel to my already overwhelmed mind. I watched all 3 and this one by far was the most entertaining and least irritating.
I was expecting more in the way of new games, but at least they fortified what was already known. Uncharted 2 looks to be one of the most intense games yet, GoW 3 will be the same badassery in HD, and Last Guardian looks even more fantastic. Combined with some of the upcoming PC and Wii games, I'm starting to feel overwhelmed with awesome games.
After watching their presentation I didn't come away very excited, just showed more of what I expected to see.
I was kinda let down by the Last Guardian gameplay. I was expecting it to be full SOTC sequel with similar gameplay. But this is more like Ico.

Not a bad thing, but could've been much much epic.
God that was a shitty conference. No slim announcement, didn't really see any major features coming to ps3. Sure some games everyone already knew about where shown, "and next, here's gravity!" "OMGBLOXBBQ"

I guess I have to buy the ps3 and then regret when they release the slim model :p
God that was a shitty conference. No slim announcement, didn't really see any major features coming to ps3. Sure some games everyone already knew about where shown, "and next, here's gravity!" "OMGBLOXBBQ"

I guess I have to buy the ps3 and then regret when they release the slim model :p

If history repeats itself, they will wait until sales have fully saturated the market and use a slim PS3 to rekindle sales very late in it's life. Getting more people to buy a second one is smarter than to sell people the slim one first.

I don't think a slim PS3 will hit the market for at least 3 years from now, but probably 4 or even 5 I'd guess.

But whatever. Sony might decide to try something different to spike sales early, considering the way things went this time.
sony must be out of their ****ing mind. I consider buying a PSP go only to find out:

1. Old PSP games may not work on it.
2. Its $250. What. The. FUK? I can get a 360 for less than that nowadays.

Are they even trying anymore???
Okay actually i'm a little peeved, I want a psp go but It's £230 in the uk according to game and gamestation. WTF?! :flame: And besides not all of the games I want on psp are on the store yet like the 2nd syphon filter psp game or the gta psp games.
sony must be out of their ****ing mind. I consider buying a PSP go only to find out:

1. Old PSP games may not work on it.
2. Its $250. What. The. FUK? I can get a 360 for less than that nowadays.

Are they even trying anymore???

I'm pretty sure the PSP go is competing more directly with the itouch, which is why the PSP-3000 will also remain available. I don't see why people are bitching so much. I do think it should be closer to $200, but it's not like they're forcing you to buy it to continue playing PSP games...
but it's not like they're forcing you to buy it to continue playing PSP games...
when sony first announced ps3 as 599 bucks, sony wasn't forcing anyone to buy their console. But then again, it does not mean it's wasn't a retarded marketing decision.

This is no different.
when sony first announced ps3 as 599 bucks, sony wasn't forcing anyone to buy their console. But then again, it does not mean it's wasn't a retarded marketing decision.

This is no different.

I doubt Sony expects the PSP go to fly off the shelves, but it's also a very different situation than the PS3. Sony actually makes a profit off PSP hardware, and by marking up the price of the PSP go (which probably costs about the same to manufacture as the PSP 3000), it suddenly becomes a very profitable device. Based on many of the comments I've read on various sites, there are plenty of people who are willing to drop the cash to buy this. If the sales aren't quite what Sony was expecting, they can then drop the price and still make a hefty profit. This way they can maximize profits by adjusting the price accordingly when demand begins to dwindle. Just because you don't want to buy it at it's current price point does not mean that it won't sell.
I doubt Sony expects the PSP go to fly off the shelves, but it's also a very different situation than the PS3. Sony actually makes a profit off PSP hardware,
Sony is not making a huge profit off psp. Sony is actually not gaining any profit as what they've imagined, and both the developers and sony are struggling to fight the pirates who are pirating bunch of psp games.

and by marking up the price of the PSP go (which probably costs about the same to manufacture as the PSP 3000), it suddenly becomes very profitable device.
How the hell is pricing psp go same as original price of psp become very profitable device? Sony is actually begging the consumers to pirate the games. This whole UMD-less plan will lead them to more endless wave of pirates downloading cracked version of psp games from internet.

Based on many of the comments I've read on various sites, there are plenty of people who are willing to drop the cash to buy this.
You call this a reliable source? Based on many of comments I've read on various sites, there are plenty of people who are not willing to buy psp go and keep their original psp or 3000 model. Some people actually think they've been cheated off by sony because they've recently bought psp3000 and a week or month later, sony announces another psp version. I don't blame them for getting pissed off at sony. Revealing another model of psp not even a year after releasing psp3000 is considered a stupid move.

If the sales aren't quite what Sony was expecting, they can then drop the price and still make a hefty profit.
IF they actually meet the sales expectation. But don't get your hopes up.

Just because you don't want to buy it at it's current price point does not mean that it won't sell.
I've never said psp go won't sell.
Sony is not making a huge profit off psp. Sony is actually not gaining any profit as what they've imagined, and both the developers and sony are struggling to fight the pirates who are pirating bunch of psp games.

I didn't say a huge profit off the psp in general, I said a profit off the psp hardware, which is not the case for the PS3.

How the hell is pricing psp go same as original price of psp become very profitable device?

I'm having a hard time deciphering this sentence, but it is very profitable because for every unit sold, they're making far more money than for every PSP-3000 sold, but they aren't endangering the PSP line as a whole because they're keeping the PSP-3000 around. Early adopters will buy this at release price, and as demand for it drops, they can cut the price accordingly and to maintain maximum profitability.

Sony is actually begging the consumers to pirate the games. This whole UMD-less plan will lead them to more endless wave of pirates downloading cracked version of psp games from internet.

Microsoft is also introducing a service that allows you to download full retail games directly to your Xbox 360. By your principle, wouldn't they be doing the same thing? I guess Steam promotes piracy too then.

You call this a reliable source? Based on many of comments I've read on various sites, there are plenty of people who are not willing to buy psp go and keep their original psp or 3000 model. Some people actually think they've been cheated off by sony because they've recently bought psp3000 and a week or month later, sony announces another psp version. I don't blame them for getting angry at sony. Revealing another model of psp not even a year after releasing psp3000 is considered a stupid move.

No, I don't believe I did call it a reliable source. It was simply an observation I made, which I am using to counter your claim that Sony made a bad marketing decision. Do you honestly think Sony is expecting everyone to buy a PSP go regardless of if they currently own PSP or not? If someone wants to buy it, they will, and Sony will profit far more off that sale than if that same person were to buy a PSP-3000. If another person feels that their current PSP is fine, Sony continues to profit via software sales.

Some people actually think they've been cheated off by sony because they've recently bought psp3000 and a week or month later, sony announces another psp version. I don't blame them for getting angry at sony. Revealing another model of psp not even a year after releasing psp3000 is considered a stupid move.

How is this any different from say Apple releasing updated ipods every year? They must be really lucky for making such a large amount of stupid moves, right? :upstare: You buy new hardware knowing full well that it will quickly be outdated. The same goes for cars, and many other products. For those that recently bought a PSP 3000 and still when a PSP go when it is released in October, there is nothing stopping them from selling theirs.

IF they actually meet the sales expectation. But don't get your hopes up.

I don't even own a PSP, so I have nothing to get my hopes up for.
There are plenty of people who aren't going to buy psp g0, including me. I own original psp and I don't see any reason what so ever why I need to dish out additional 250 bucks just to buy a hardware that does exactly the samething plus umd-less. If there are people who are going to buy this, good for them. But I just don't see that many people who are excited about this. Especially with that price tag.

I own about 5 psp titles and none of them will work on psp go. If sony provides a service that lets you able to download games that you've already bought, then I would thinking about buying it. But this is clearly not the case.

And I believe it costs about more than $1,000 dollars to produce psp go. As long as sony doesn't sell many copies as much as they produce them, it's gonna hurt their sales margin.
There are plenty of people who aren't going to buy psp g0, including me. I own original psp and I don't see any reason what so ever why I need to dish out additional 250 bucks just to buy a hardware that does exactly the samething plus umd-less. If there are people who are going to buy this, good for them. But I just don't see that many people who are excited about this. Especially with that price tag.

I own about 5 psp titles and none of them will work on psp go. If sony provides a service that lets you able to download games that you've already bought, then I would thinking about buying it. But this is clearly not the case.

It would be a different story if this were the PSP2, but it isn't. It doesn't harm Sony that many people may not buy a PSP go. In fact, SCEA's head of marketing even claimed that this is aimed at the early adopters.

And I believe it costs about more than a grand to make psp go. As long as sony doesn't sell many copies as much as they produce them, it's gonna hurt their sales margin.

More than a grand? I'm dying to know where you're getting this information from. Considering that over a year ago it cost Sony about $400 for each PS3, you're very misinformed.
Yeah, I was completely guessing about the production cost.:p

But still, I ain't getting psp go until they announce the price cut. If sony is aiming to sell psp go mainly at tech junkies, then good luck to them. Because they are gonna need it.
That is a no-brainer if they expect to keep ANYONE happy. :E

And I am actually looking forward to getting the Go. I already have an old PSP for the homebrew (ScummVM being my favorite app EVER) and a new PSP for the games (of which I only have 7 or 8, but I do want to get more). I love the form factor and the fact that you don't need to carry around those annoying UMDs anymore. I just REALLY hope someone cracks it because this would be the ultimate portable with some sweet homebrew on it. :thumbs:
Thank god they're working on a solution. It had better not be that kiosk in stores thing because it's impractical and considering stores like gamestop's stance against digital distribution with some games like dawn of war 2 what do you think they'll do with a psp go?
Yeah, that kiosk sounds like one of the worst ideas ever. Trade-in my hard copy for a digital one?? Are they serious?? No way I woul dever even think of doing that for one second. If you own the game, you should be able to play it on all their systems without buying it again. Period.
You wouldn't be buying again, it's a trade. And I'd trade in hard copy for digital in a second. Increased battery life and never having to swap discs is fantastic. No way am I gonna buy a PSP Go, but knowing all games are gonna be on the PSN pleases me greatly.