*Official* STOP bashing vivendi thread


Jan 23, 2004
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It is NOT vivendi fault that HL2 is being sold early..and the people who bought it can't play it anyway until 12:01 NOV.16th!!! What is it that you people can't wait 2 1/2 days for HL2?? BE THANKFUL THIS GAME IS COMING OUT AT ALL, with all the crap that valve has been through.

2 1/2 days people!! go outside for a while, go play Halo 2 and try and beat on legendary, go upgrade your computer, (if you can't go and rob a bank.) WHATEVER!! It is not vivendi's fault....end of story.
no but vivendi was/is an asshole to valve.

plus they threatened to sit on the game for six months.

Audiophile said:
no but vivendi was/is an asshole to valve.

plus they threatened to sit on the game for six months.


BUT THEY DIDN'T!!! That's the important thing.. GET OVER IT!!!!!! IT'S COMING OUT IN 2 1/2 DAYS!!!!

And yes they were very mean to valve so...I don't like them for that.
I can tell you, I'd be a darn sight more pissed off if they had sat on it until the new year.

But as it's SO soon, then this will all be forgotten by next weekend.
Yes, I agree. It's like saying "I have drugs right now, but they are only going to be legal in 2 days! Damn you legislature for not making it 2 days earlier!"
Wraith said:
vivendi are pricks, as of now i have decided to stop bashing vivendi, and start boycotting

boycotting..so your not buying HL2?? even through steam..vivendi gets money. like I said 2 1/2 more days...
The only issue I have that vivendi is constantly pushing that is isnt being sold early... they have tried to slow retailed but failed...
dream431ca said:
boycotting..so your not buying HL2?? even through steam..vivendi gets money. like I said 2 1/2 more days...

I think through steam Valve actually gets the money...
shadow6899 said:
well maybe it's b/c valve was prepaired to unlock at but vivendi said no, and now we hafta wait when i could be riding into city 17 right now.... D:

Well..maybe you could LIVE WITH IT!! GEEZ...it's only 2 1/2 days and you people think the world is coming to an end because HL2 is not coming out early....
It IS there fault that we can't play it right now. But, I can wait. :)
dream431ca said:
boycotting..so your not buying HL2?? even through steam..vivendi gets money
Stop making things up, it's really annoying.
dream431ca said:
It is NOT vivendi fault that HL2 is being sold early...
No, but it's their fault for being assholes and not letting paying customers play the game.
Garric said:
I think through steam Valve actually gets the money...

did you read the gamespot article on HL2...through steam valve gets 35% of the money per game...if you buy it through the retail stores..valve gets 10% per game..so vivendi still gets the majority of the money..just not as much.
The contract says they can only release it on the 16th, live with it...Vivendi are only doing things by the book. They have not sat on this for 6 months, or were going to...that was just a possibility. The game IS coming out, and everything will be sorted.

They deserve some recognition of achievement for sticking with this release even with the problems. Valve have delayed this game enough to piss off VU and with the Online clause(steam) Vivendi should be a little angry. They are people as well...your moaning is pointless.
Mountain Man said:
No, but it's their fault for being assholes and not letting paying customers play the game.

Hectic Glenn said:
The contract says they can only release it on the 16th, live with it...Vivendi are only doing things by the book. They have not sat on this for 6 months, or were going to...that was just a possibility. The game IS coming out, and everything will be sorted.

They deserve some recognition of achievement for sticking with this release even with the problems. Valve have delayed this game enough to piss off VU and with the Online clause(steam) Vivendi should be a little angry. They are people as well...your moaning is pointless.

on gamespot, they interviewed gabe and he said that "vivendi threatened to hold that game for 6 months"
shadow6899 said:
dude, im excited to play it, if i could have it now, why wouldn't i. why dont you calm down and get over the fact that it COULD come out, but vivendi are bitches :/

But it's not...I'm just pissed off that people are making a big deal about this... 2 1/2 days....
Wraith said:
on gamespot, they interviewed gabe and he said that "vivendi threatened to hold that game for 6 months"

yes they did...BUT THEY DIDN'T BECAUSE IT'S COMING OUT IN 2 1/2 days....as you know I like capitals!! :thumbs:
Garric said:
I think through steam Valve actually gets the money...

Most of the money, thats why VU is acting like a bunch of tight wads.

See normaly its like this.

A) game company makes said game, publisher usually funds said game
B) Publisher releases game to stores, about 7 dollars goes to the devleoper for each sale. Guess where the rest goes?

But with valve its like this.
A) Valve makes half life 2, Pays for it themselves, publishers are more then likely killing each other at the "privlage" of publishing half life 2, (the fact it will make them millions factors in)]

B) valve being smart makes steam, VU at first thinks it will never work, so they don't care. later they see it will work and insternt a pickle up their as*

C) Valve via steam will instead of like the first B) above, will get most of the profits, while the publisher will get the messleay 7 dollars or whatever ammouant it is, they have a hissy fit (imagine a 4 year old in a store not allowed to get candy so their on the floor rolling around screaming)

THe end.
as evil as Sierra and Vivendi are, i have to agree that this really is redicious.
dream431ca said:
did you read the gamespot article on HL2...through steam valve gets 35% of the money per game...if you buy it through the retail stores..valve gets 10% per game..so vivendi still gets the majority of the money..just not as much.
35% to our beloved valve and less to evil vivendi > 10% to our beloved valve and more to evil vivendi

I'm not pissed at them because they aren't letting Valve unlock early. I'm pissed at them because they're assholes.
Sorry, not going to stop bashing them. Everything I've seen about Vivendi says they're buttheads and I'm proud to say I bought through steam rather then retail even though I wanted a box. Yes, I support Valve whole-heartedly.
Garric said:
I think through steam Valve actually gets the money...
Valve gets all the money from steam purchases, VU gets none of it. However theres a back plan somewhere in a contract that states something to the manner of, If VU games gets a huge loss due to the ammount of copies not purchased at retail stores and the majority being purchased through steam valve has to pay VU games for that reason. Something to that effect at least, im tired so i hope that is understandable.
Thadius Dean said:
as evil as Sierra and Vivendi are, i have to agree that this really is redicious.

Is it rediclous that that people have to blame vivendi for the retailers selling HL2 early??...YES!! It is the retailers fault that the game came out early and not vivendi. And sierra was not evil.
for half life 3, valve should do it only through steam, and gabe should fund the whole shebang out-of-pocket (wait i just remembered, dont they have a contract with vivendi for another game after hl2? :()
I will NOT stop bashing VUg.

All games get released early. Thats a fact. They are just dicks about it and refuse to let us play if we bought it already.
Wraith said:
for half life 3, valve should do it only through steam, and gabe should fund the whole shebang out-of-pocket (wait i just remembered, dont they have a contract with vivendi for another game after hl2? :()

If they do...well then it's not the end of the world. If they don't then I agree valve should fund their own production line as they have the money to do it.
Personally I agree with dream. I dislike Vivendi as much as the next HL2 fan but they didn't do anything besides be asses to VALVe. And we only heard that Vivendi is asses from VALVe which i am sure is blown out of proportion but thats only natural. All i am saying is that it is not so black and white. And it would be nice to cut down on the vivendi hate threads.
dream431ca said:
It is NOT vivendi fault that HL2 is being sold early..and the people who bought it can't play it anyway until 12:01 NOV.16th!!! What is it that you people can't wait 2 1/2 days for HL2?? BE THANKFUL THIS GAME IS COMING OUT AT ALL, with all the crap that valve has been through.

2 1/2 days people!! go outside for a while, go play Halo 2 and try and beat on legendary, go upgrade your computer, (if you can't go and rob a bank.) WHATEVER!! It is not vivendi's fault....end of story.
Hey we already have something to do! We BASH VUG :D Join us. It's funny. And we're making a big difference here too you know.
If you can't wait, you have serious problems

I want it too, but I can wait....

Go play San Andreas if at all possible...it's the funnest game I have played in an extremely long time.
Letting retailers sell it is out of VUG's hands, however - Violation of street date IS in VUGs hands and they are seemingly refusing to enforce it.
This is the Official STOP bashing vivendi, if you want to bash them, go elsewhere, we are more gentle folk here.
Kill Vivendi!!! All Of Them!!!
Exodin said:
Letting retailers sell it is out of VUG's hands, however - Violation of street date IS in VUGs hands and they are seemingly refusing to enforce it.

How can they inforce it...come to every retalier and threaten to shut down all the stores that sell the game early?? NO!! They can't...plus they can't play it anyway.
Attack the large chains, you don't need to pinpoint an individual store, the franchise would be held responsible.

Not being able to play doesn't solve the problem of people who are bringing it home, and then ultimately asking for a refund because the game can't be activated. Widespread occurances of this means a retail backlash that may result in Valve/VUG losing money all because retailers don't know how to read "Don't sell until November 16th"